The pain of loss: why we are afraid of losing the old
Forming / / December 19, 2019
One day I got a very bad job. There have been unbearable conditions: constant hassle, the requirements to go on weekends and mad turnover. And often the workers ran out without even finishing the trial period. And I stayed there for a year: afraid that I can not find a job in their field and will lose its small but stable salary. I think this situation is familiar to many people.
It seems that to keep what is, is more important than to get something more. And it is not a feature of nature, and the principle that guides each person.
How we react to loss and gain
Scientists noticed that people agree to risk his own, unless in case of success will have disproportionately. This asymmetry first discoveredProspect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk psychologists Kahneman (Kahneman) and Tversky (Tversky). In their experiment, the students did not dare to risk 10 dollars, if in case of success would have received the same amount. And they agreed to make a bet only when the prize is doubled.
Kahneman and Tversky suggest it's all about emotions: negative reaction to the loss is much brighter than the positive - to win. And this applies not only to the subjective assessment, but also the brain reaction. reduce lossesThe Neural Basis of Loss Aversion in Decision-Making Under Risk Activity in the brain structures associated with dopamine - the prefrontal cortex and the striatum. The gain increases the activity of these structures, but much weaker.
Therefore, we do not agree to risk hurl. After all, to the joy of the win was made even with the pain of loss, it is necessary to get at least twice as much.
It's hard to say why a person need such a strong reaction to loss and defeat. There are several theories to explain this feature.
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Why such a reaction to the loss of
to gather
Scientists have noticed that the loss of influenceLoss aversion in the eye and in the heart: The autonomic nervous system's responses to losses the autonomic nervous system: after the defeat of a person heartbeat quickens, pupils dilate. The brain sends a signal to: "Pull yourself together! Now we can lose even more! "In the future, this mechanism helpsLosses as modulators of attention: review and analysis of the unique effects of losses over gains. increase attention and to avoid further losses. But in the time of the acquisition of such a response does not arise: why strain, if you and so in the black?
To get even more
Perhaps our response to loss and gain - it is a strategic move, even if we are not fully aware of it.
scientists have suggestedThe psychology of gains and losses: More complicated than previously thoughtThat people exaggerate their suffering from losses and underestimate the joy of the acquisition purpose.
If you tell me how you feel bad, you get sympathy and help. And if you'd react poorly to the acquisition, no one will envy you and maybe give something else.
Not to remain without pants
Basically rejection loss manifestsIs loss-aversion magnitude-dependent? Measuring prospective affective judgments regarding gains and losses in a situation where the risks are high. Man easily donate a small amount, but if rates rise, the loss aversion will take him by the throat and make cautious.
Perhaps, therefore, the effect more evidentThe Impact of Culture on Loss Aversion in societies with a strong emphasis on individuality.
For example, in Asian countries take more risky economic decisions and easier to accept losses than in the West.
Scientists suggest that Asians are easier to relate to losses due to the high socialization: even if you lose, the company will still support you and help you through it. If you are alone in the whole world, it is better to behave more cautiously, so as not to be in the pit.
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When the rejection loss can be a problem
In principle, in the rejection of the loss is nothing terrible. This is a good mechanism which helps us to not risk in vain. But sometimes he makes cautious in those situations where it is necessary to act: when you sit on a bad job when stuck in destructive relationshipWhere to invest in reliable projects, while not as robust soar to the heavens.
In addition, the rejection of the losses in full is used by marketers - for example, when you offer a free trial period. You are not willing to pay for a certain product, but to begin to consider it during its test period.
And to lose your - that's another story, for it can and pay.
Moreover, you are afraid to lose even what you do not. For example, when you make a spontaneous purchase of shares, afraid to miss a discount of 30% is actually losing the remaining 70%, because the thing is unnecessary.
How to cope with loss aversion
Move emotions into the background
Since the rejection of losses tied to the emotions, the first thing you need to mute them. Try to ignore the situation: imagineDeciding for Future Selves Reduces Loss AversionThat you decide for yourself in the future, or even another person. This will increase your objectivity.
Do not consider his thing until you have paid
Not to buy unnecessary, remind yourself that the thing does not become yours, because you have not given money for it. Use, of course, but remember that you do so in debt. You can also revise your budget: there exists in it a place for a new purchase, whether it will affect your current needs?
Remember, the last chance is rare
Marketers like to arrange a buzz about the "last chance" to buy something at a deep discount, but in reality this almost never happens. Closeouts and stock regularly repeated. Once I come unstuck a few sticky on other price tags on each product from the discount-center. three times the thing was sold at the same price "at a huge discount", and in other cases, the cost is more expensive.
This works in other spheres of life. I could To find a job with the same pay, but with better conditions and adequate superiors? Oh, and next year it proved. Can a person get out of the depressive relations and find something better? It is. And even if not, without any relationship he may be happier than now.
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