12 borrowed words, in which it is easy to make a mistake
Forming / / December 19, 2019
1. "Start-up" rather than "start-up"
Few of those who opened their business and successfully involved in business, it is important to write the word correctly to them. You can often see the "new start-up" or "the founder of start-up."
The term came into Russian from English, which is written without a hyphen. We act the same rule. Verne wrote this: "The graduates of the Moscow State University of Technology launched the best startup 2018. "
2. "Online" and not "on-line"
The confusion here is understandable. In some dictionaries, released over ten years ago, indicates spelling of "on-line". However, the language tends to simplify, and with increasing frequency of use of the word need to hyphen disappeared.
Today the right to write: "The time to be online" and "work online." If the "online" is the first part of a compound word, then after the hyphen is needed, "online conference" and "online business".
With the "Offline" is similar: a hyphen within a word is not assigned.
3. "Blogger", instead of "blogger"
As in the previous case, the spelling of the word simplified over time. And if earlier, when the Internet first came, it was very fashionable to be bloggers, today blogger - It's normal.
In the English language in front of the root suffix consonant letter is often doubled, and this trend is not Russian. Right to be so, "well-known blogger told how to start your own channel."
4. "Producer", instead of "producer"
Probably the error is due to the word "director" is spelled with two "c". But that's not in English or in Russian double the consonant in the word "producer" is not needed.
"The producer of the film was made by a famous actor" - the correct spelling.
5. "Cappuccino" and not a "cappuccino"
If the espresso lovers already know how to spell their adorable drink (Of course, without the letter "k"), the cappuccino fans still make a mistake.
In the Russian language, "cappuccino" comes from the Italian, where the word just two doubled consonants - cappuccino. Therefore, the error is understandable, but only one correct version: "A cup of cappuccino, please."
6. "Mosaic" and not a "mosaic"
Incorrect spelling pronunciation tells us: in the spoken language word often spoken through the "th."
Unlike many other borrowed words, in the case of the "mosaic" dictionaries offer the only true option. Correctly write and speak as follows: "On the floor in the lobby was a beautiful mosaic, so like an antique."
7. "Vinaigrette" and not "venigret"
The word is borrowed from the French language and comes from vinaigre, which means "vinegar". Therefore, the first vowel in the word "and", and not "e".
Word really difficult, therefore, to remember for sure, it is better to connect the Association.
8. "Immunity", and not "immunity"
This is a case where the two are better than one. And do not even ask, where is the logic here. After Russian "immunity" derives from the Latin immunitas, in which we are seeing double consonants. By analogy with other cases it should lose the word came into the Russian language. However, with the "immunity" the situation is reversed.
Verne wrote this: "I have a good immunitySo in the off-season, I usually do not get sick. "
9. "The Sting" and not a "scam"
Despite the fact that the word comes from the French in Russian in the beginning of the XIX century, it is still causing difficulties. Remember simple: as a check suitable "conman", where neither of which "e", and can be no question. So true is: "Together they cranked impressive scam."
10. "Bra", instead of "bra"
The word comes from the German büstenhalter, which is pronounced by a soft "L". The Russian word sounds similar, so the soft sign is needed.
As for conversation, that is, life hacking. If you just can not deal with the bra, Say "bra". Simple and always correct.
11. "Environment" rather than "conjuncture"
The word in which just two disputed points. Firstly, it is spelled with a solid mark. It employs the following rule: a word of foreign origin with the initial part of the concentration, which the source language is a prefix, and in the Russian language as a prefix is usually not allocated are solid separation sign.
Secondly, the letter "H" is still needed. The word derives from the Latin conjunctura, where there are "n". In Russian embodiment it is stored.
12. "Appeal" rather than "appellyatsiya"
The word, which simultaneously works and does not work trend, characteristic of Russian loanwords - the reduction of double consonants.
Despite the fact that in Latin appellatio we see a doubling of consonants in two cases for relevant Russian only one of them - the two letters "l". Properly write this: "Ivan appealed and is now waiting for a decision."
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