Why are we so much afraid of the unknown, and what to do
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Imagine that you have decided to change profession. The situation is very common, given that 60% of Russians do not workThat the survey showed Rosstat about the attitude of Russians to work by specialty. Some people have chosen the profession of parents, someone else did not know at 17 what he wanted to do, and here is the result: one written in the diploma, and the soul stretches quite another.
And, apparently, the solution is obvious: you just need to get more education and to change profession. But behind this idea stretches a string of questions, one alarming another: "What if it's too late? Where to go to learn? How much will I earn and what will happen next? "
As a result, we have for years did not hesitate to change jobs, move, break the hateful attitude.
Not because we are lazy or weak, but because they are afraid to cross the line beyond which there is nothing but uncertainty. Fear it, at first glance, it is quite logical: it is a defense mechanism. However, at some point it starts to work against us, standing in the way of our dreams and goals. We understand why this is happening.
The answer is hidden in our brains
Fear of the unknown - not stupidity, not fiction and not a whim. People suffering from increased anxiety and fear of the unknown (in English is a term Intolerance of uncertainty - «intolerance of uncertainty") did an MRI, EEG and EMG - electromyography, a study of electricity muscle activity. After analyzing the results of research, scientists haveIntolerance of uncertainty: Neural and psychophysiological correlates of the perception of uncertainty as threatening to the conclusion that both the body and brain of these people behave as if they face a real danger.
In addition, according to MRI in patients with "intolerance of uncertainty" increasedThe uncertain brain: A co-ordinate based meta-analysis of the neural signatures supporting uncertainty during different contexts certain brain structures - the insula and the amygdala. These departments are increased and those who suffer from depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and generalized anxiety.
In addition, "obscurity intolerance" can be a symptom or, alternatively, a kind of precursor to these states.
While it is not clear which comes first, but perhaps the fear of the unknown, as well as mental disorders due to the structure of the brain.
The fear we have inherited
Habit of giving in to the unknown we learn in the family, like so many other behavioral patterns. Their reactions, words, emotions parents form a picture of the world's children model their behavior and attitude towards life. studies showParental Modeling, Reinforcement, and Information Transfer: Risk Factors in the Development of Child Anxiety?That anxiety and giperopekayuschih parents whose children are also subject to anxiety. And it is closely linked with the fear of the unknown, including at the level of neurophysiology - perhaps responsible for themIntolerance of uncertainty: Neural and psychophysiological correlates of the perception of uncertainty as threatening the same parts of the brain.
That's quite a common situation: parents, despite the small salary, worked all his life in one place, more than anything else for fear of losing him. Children of such parents learn that for the work you need to hold on and lose it - it's a disaster. And then they carry the same constant anxiety, the same fear of change and the unknown, the fear to try a new business.
To blame the error of thinking
About cognitive distortions first talkedJudgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases back in the 1970s, Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman. This variation in perception, thinking and behavior that are associated with emotions, stereotypes and prejudices, with incorrect information and analysis of the structure of the human brain. most dangerous in cognitive distortions is that they are not easy to trace - until well they imitate the normal thought process. Fear of uncertainty are closely associated with several such "bugs."
the effect of ambiguity
We predpochtom rather modest, but well-known result in advance than venture to get more without warranty of any kind. And to blame it is the effect of ambiguity.
In one experiment,Risk, Ambiguity, and the Savage Axioms before the participants put two buckets with colorful balls. The first was 50 red and black balls 50, and the second color ratio remained a mystery. It was necessary to choose the bucket and make a bet on the color.
If a person is sensed, he received $ 100, and if I am mistaken - did not receive anything and nothing to lose. Participants often choose the first bucket, where the probability of winning, and risk of loss have been known. Although the probability of winning in the selection of the second bucket could well be higher - for example, if all the balls in it were the same color.
This effect works not only in experiments but also in real life.
Rather, we choose to work with a small but stable salaryThan the one in which pay only a percentage of sales or profits. Although in the second case, the income may be substantially higher. And more likely to go home long, but the familiar road than venture to try a new way - perhaps shorter and more convenient. By the way, in a situation where an unknown road seems harder and longer familiar, there is a separate nameAn Empirical Study of Travel Time Variability and Travel Choice Behavior - the effect of a familiar route (well travelled road effect).
The deviation in the direction of the status quo
This cognitive trap is somewhat similar to the effect of ambiguity. Man wants everything remained as it is, that is to maintain the status quo (status quo - the initial state). Even if the current situation it is not very comfortable with.
During the experiment,Status quo bias in decision making Participants are invited to choose a health insurance instruments for investment, or - the most telling example - a candidate for the policy. It was found that people are more willing perevyberut one who has been in office than take the risk to give a chance to the new candidate.
Here, too, is to blame the lack of information - as is the case with the effect of ambiguity. But not only him.
Still there is a fear of change, fear of taking responsibility and "rejectionProspect theory: an analysis of decision under risk loss ": it is easier to accept the fact that we do not get a thousand rubles, than the fact that we will lose money. The same bird in the hand instead of two in the bush.
ownership effect and the appeal to tradition
Among the cognitive biases that make us fear the unknown, there is still "possession effect». Because of him that we already have, we value more than what they could get. And 'the appeal to traditionArgumentation and debating"- this is the case, when we think that the usual and well-known approaches are better than new.
For example, we think that during a cold (especially if a child is sick) need to wrap myself in three blankets, close all the windows, lots to eat and breathe over a saucepan of hot water - because it was done by our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmother. Meanwhile, doctors give a completely different recommendationsClinical guidelines Acute respiratory infection (ARI) in children.
But fear can be adapted
To begin, we have to admit that you are afraid, and that it is not your fault. Fear - it is not a weakness or passivity, but an integral part of our personality. According to some hypothesesFear of the unknown: One fear to rule them all?, Fear of the unknown - this "basic fear", which underlies all other fears and anxiety, neurasthenia and other similar conditions.
So get rid of it will not work even in the strongest will power. But it is possible to adapt to it.
For example, to make the unknown become known. In other words, to gather information. Say you want to write a book, but then the dream is not going. It's pretty scary! You probably hurts a lot of questions. How to work out the characters, how to plan, how to keep motivated, where to look for support? What happens when you finish the manuscript: if you have a chance to get into publishing, how much you pay and what to do to the book sold well?
Try to find answers to these questions - and read books articles about writing, enroll in a writing course, mingle with more experienced writers. The selected case will cease to seem huge, impregnable, shrouded in mist mountain peak. And the fear recede.
This scheme - to collect as much information as you can and draw up a detailed step by step plan - works not only in the works, but also in any other situation that frightens us.
I would like to go from the office to freelanceBut afraid to remain without money? You can review the proposals on the exchanges, to talk with more experienced freelancers and to educate ourselves.
Scares moving to another city? And what if the chat in the urban groups, to find out the pros and cons of living in a new place and advance to find a job, clinic and gym? And at the same time and new acquaintances: when someone, like you, wants to move, but can not decide.
Thus, with the help of knowledge, tools and algorithms, you can eliminate the error of thinking - and become a little bolder.
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