7 interesting facts about the Moon
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Knowledge is power. A layfhakeru knowledge is needed twice. In this series of articles we collect for you fascinating and sometimes surprising facts about the world around us. We hope that they will show you not only interesting but also practically useful.
Space full of amazing facts and mysterious puzzles. However, it is not necessary to look for them in the depths of distant galaxies. One of the most interesting space objects is located right next to us. This moon.
Origin of the Moon
Scientists already well know the cause of the various planets, stars, black holes, and even entire galaxies. But as to the origin of the space object close to us, in spite of its well-studied, there are still doubts. Some believe that the Moon and the Earth formed at the same time of the gas and dust cloud, while others say that the moon - it's just flying past an object which was captured by the Earth. Recently, however, the most widespread third theory. It is alleged that several billion years ago protoplanet Earth (Gaia) faced protoplanet Theia. As a result of this collision debris were thrown into orbit, and later because of them formed our satellite.
Dark side of the Moon
It is well familiar with the argument that the moon always faces the Earth one party. This occurs because a rotation period of the moon around its axis coincides precisely with the period of its rotation around the Earth. Such amazing accuracy, of course, can not be the result of mere coincidence, and it gave rise some pseudo-science put forward the idea that our Moon is an artificial object origin. Although in fact it is due to the mutual attraction of two objects.
moon and sun
Everyone has heard about solar eclipses, and many even have seen them. They occur when the Moon moving around the Earth is between the Earth and the Sun, and fully or partially obscures it. This is due to yet another amazing coincidence. The fact that the Moon is 400 times closer to us than the sun, and at the same time, its diameter is smaller than the diameter of the Sun approximately 400 times. Therefore, for an observer on Earth the size of the Moon and the Sun appear to be almost identical, and the moon can shut him the sun.
The atmosphere of the moon in 10 trillion times less dense compared to the earth and consists mainly of hydrogen, helium, neon and argon. Due to the extremely rarefied atmosphere on the moon there is no twilight, and night and day takes place almost instantaneously. For this reason, the shadow on the moon is much darker than the shadow of the earth. It is absolutely contrasting world without any semitones. During the American lunar missions as soon as the astronauts went into the shade, for example, from the lander, they could no longer work because they do not even have seen his hands and feet.
lunar burial
Eugene Shoemaker (Eugene Shoemaker) - an American scientist, a planetary scientist, the founder of a new scientific direction - astrogeology. All his life he dreamed to visit space, but due to health problems and could not do it. In his testament, he became the first man, whose remains were buried on the moon. Ashes Eugene Shoemaker was taken to the moon aboard the Lunar Prospector system.
Moon owner is Dennis Hope of Nevada
In the mid 70-ies of the last century, when it seemed that the practical development of the Moon will begin very soon, in the United Nations attended to her legal status. The result was concluded an agreement according to which no State can not arrogate to itself the exclusive ownership of any space objects and the territory to them.
However, American Dennis Hope (Dennis Hope) said that the subject of this contract comes exclusively on organizations and states, but not on individuals. Therefore, it unilaterally declared itself the owner of the moon and organized lunar embassy in the world, on behalf of all States which sent diplomatic notes to the justification of their rights. You may laugh at this eccentric, but in selling plots of lunar he quickly became a millionaire.
Avatars on the Moon
The famous science fiction film "Avatar" was released in 2009. And in February 2010, NASA submitted a new draft of the Moon. He suggests that the research and construction will be carried out on the Moon forces avatars of robots. In this case, no need to create special housing units and support systems that can greatly simplify and accelerate the task. To control robotic avatars NASA experts suggest using high-tech suits telepresence combined with a virtual reality system. Let's see what the project will be born at NASA scientists after seeing the film "Martian."
Other interesting facts about the world you can learn here.