Why do we carry on lime discounts and how to fix it
Forming / / December 19, 2019
We instinctively cling to the first information
Imagine this situation. Do you want to buy a car and start to negotiate with the seller about the price. The first sum, he would call, set the tone for all negotiations. In comparison, slightly reduced price seems reasonable, even if initially it was too high. This happens because we see the benefits of the proposal only in comparison with others.
The same mechanism is valid on sales.
If the last item worth 1000 rubles, and today - 500, we think it's a great investment.
Although in fact it does not say anything about its real value. Just seen by the first digit specifies the expectations.
And it keeps us from thinking objectively
binding effect, or the effect of an anchor - a shift in the perception of the amounts. It happens when we try to calculate the estimated or estimate some number. In this case, we cling to the figure, which is heard first, and form an opinion on the basis of it. It becomes the anchor that keeps us drawn away from the starting point. An example of such a binding - the first price offered at buying a car.
Once the magnitude of the anchor is indicated, all the future estimates and assumptions are adjusted under it. Psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman have demonstratedJudgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases This experiment with multiplication. They asked one group of participants to suggest what will be the product of the numbers from eight to one: 8 × 7 × 5 × 6 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 and the other - the same numbers in reverse order of 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 × 6 × 7 × 8. Participants in the second group named a much smaller number, because they have seen at the beginning of the sequence unit, two and three. They became the anchor.
But this effect is not limited to an abstract example. On it is well known marketers and shopkeepers.
It is proved that these anchors influenceAn Anchoring and Adjustment Model of Purchase Quantity Decisions the number of purchased items grocery stores. As part of the experiment at the end of racks hung advertisements. On one was written: "Bars: buy 18 pieces and store in the freezer." On the other - "Bars: buy and store in the freezer." Seeing the number of 18, people bought more bars. In another case, on the shelf with the banks finished soup wrote: "Not more than 12 cans in one hand." And people will again buy more.
anchor effect influencesPlaying Dice With Criminal Sentences: The Influence of Irrelevant Anchors on Experts' Judicial Decision Making even the decisions of experienced judges. The researchers conducted an experiment in which participants were asked to reach a verdict on a fictitious criminal case. One as a punishment offered to nine months suspended imprisonment, others - three months.
Judges who have seen an increasing number of, for a more severe sentence. In the second experiment, after studying the materials of servants of Themis requested to throw the dice. Those who have had the greater number, assigned a longer sentence.
With this mistake of thinking you can fight
Unfortunately, the anchor effect is very difficult to avoid, even knowing about it. In one studyThe Effect of Accuracy Motivation on Anchoring and Adjustment: Do People Adjust From Provided Anchors? participants offered money if they will make more accurate judgments, but it did not help.
Try not to forget that the initial figure affects expectations.
Especially when you agree on wages, Contemplating the purchase or make a deal. Be wary of people who use this effect to their advantage. Check whether the discount is really as good as it seems at first glance.
Please note that the decisions also affectMoody experts - How mood and expertise influence judgmental anchoring mood. We are more likely to cling to the anchor when we are sad. So think twice before you make purchases in a disturbed condition.
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