As shopping lists to help us lose weight
Health / / December 19, 2019
A preliminary compilation of lists of shopping before going to the store is seen by many as the only means of saving time and money. Indeed, experience shows that shopping with a shopping list drawn up in advance reduces the time spent on the merchandising of more than 20%, and reasonable compiled a list of products in which there is nothing superfluous, definitely save some amount of money that will result in a decent free funds for a longer period of time.
However, all these superficial delights we lose far more important aspect - health. Not so long ago our fellow developers of the popular shopping list shared with us a very interesting commentary, in which the user has written an unexpected thing.
Thanks to your app I lost 4 kg for 1 month.
Perhaps this one-time event, not associated with the use of a shopping list, but then we came across an interesting article from a reputable Western Journal Nutrition & Diabetes.
The publication contains data from studies conducted by the Center for Health Economics
Monash University. They deal with a person weight loss strategy based on behavioral economics.Rather than force a person to do something or not to do, it is possible to adapt the methods of lifestyle correction to the natural human habits and behavior patterns.
Head of Research, Dr. Nicole Ay, says that the use of human behavioral traits can push it to the choice of a correct and healthy lifestyle, as well as decision-making, consistent with its long-term goals.
Practice has shown that a strategy based on behavioral economics are much more effective than the classical methods (for example, the provision of information on a particular subject). This allows a person in a natural way and with minimal internal resistance to come to a more healthy lifestyle.
It is remarkable that some of these strategies require little or no financial costs.
Superior power mode control using a shopping list - only one option. Behavioral economics and its policies have a great potential for improvement, and other aspects of human life, including the improvement of motor activity.
Many consumers are well aware of the dangers of overeating and physical inactivity. However, impulse purchases, and poor self-control not to allow them to follow the goals.
Pre-compiled a shopping list helps to ensure that a person buys only what is planned. In such a scenario to resist the temptation to buy some junk food much easier.
If we add to this competently composed diet, according to which products are bought, the effect of using a shopping list on the weight loss becomes apparent.
Like this. It should look at already had time to become familiar simple application a little more widely, and it is already turning into a small personal assistant nutritionist. Use shopping lists, eat well, and do not forget about sports.
Matter of choice shopping list - especially individual case and Layfhaker has long found itself for the most user-friendly application of this category. We do not just write about it on our website, and invite you to read the full review iOS and Android versions shopping list "Buy a loaf!".
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