13 of the rules of conduct in the gym, which people often violate
Health / / December 19, 2019
The gyms usually do not give out the rules of conduct and not expelled for minor oversights. But this does not mean that does not exist within developed over the years the rules and their professional etiquette. All of them can be expressed with a few simple axioms: respect others, to clean up after themselves and generally behave like a decent person. Well, the more you learn the transcript below.
1. If you are sick, stay home
In the case of lung ailments or colds, you can decide to play the hero, boundlessly loyal to the cause of physical training and sports, and still go to the gym. But let's not forget that you are doing in the hall are not alone, and all others can not be too pleased to see your snot and be at risk of infection. Therefore it is better on a day to stay at home and spend, if you feel the strength, home training.
2. Engage in the gym a reasonable time
During the biggest load in the gym on cardio can create all of the suffering workout. If you are still able to start training on the treadmill or bike, you do not need to wind lazily kilometers in retaliation for their expectation. Set a high speed and load - intensive training will bring you even more value and allow exercise and other interested persons.
3. Do not flirt
Let's be honest - many, many people go to the gym not only for training, but also to take a look at the beautiful figure of the opposite sex. Tight-fitting sportswear, sweat and heavy breathing that creates some playful attitude that makes us think not about training.
4. Dress appropriately
In the selection of equipment for training in the first place, pay attention to safety and comfort, not fashion and glamor. Too tight and short tops and shorts can hamper your movements and attract extra views. A too loose clothing can get in the simulator or cling to sports equipment.
5. Do not overdo it with deodorant
Many sports fans are too afraid to hit all the smell of his sweat and instead arrange a chemical attack using the most advanced cosmetics. Heavy perfume and deodorant, particularly if the hall were several of these mods can not only spoil the rest of the workout, but even cause allergic reactions.
6. Keep your advice to yourself
No one likes to listen to advice from strangers, especially beginners, who do may feel insecure in a new atmosphere. Even if you are a very experienced athlete and watch clumsy or incorrect actions of others involved, try to bite my tongue and ignore. Of course, this does not apply to situations when you see the danger to health actions beginner or you specifically asked for help.
7. Leave your bag in a locker room, not in the hall among the simulators
Best thing to do is not to take anything extra training and leave all valuables at home. In this case, the feasibility of using lockers, even if they do not have reliable locks, no doubt. But there are situations when you hit the gym after work and you can be with them important documents, money or laptop. In this case, leave my bag in a prominent place on the border of the training zone, where it will not disturb anyone, but in any case not to carry her down the hall.
8. Do not engage directly in front of the counter with the inventory
If you come to the bar with dumbbells or kettlebells, choose the desired weight, you should not start the exercise right there. Take a few steps to the side to allow all others who want to come to the sports equipment without having to huddle stenochku and dodge your movements.
9. Do not talk on a cell phone
Loud phone conversations in public places has long been considered a sign of bad taste, especially as it concerns the gym. Here people come to work on themselves, and this applies not only shapes the body, but also a state of mind. Do not distract them with their empty talk and not get distracted yourself. Best of all, if you do this hour will be available for calls.
10. Came to the hall - engaged
Often, it can be seen that some of the trainees spend more time resting between sets than doing. Especially it gets, if one takes all this time simulator. It is better to make short intervals between sets, but if you need a longer rest than 10-15 seconds, then empty the simulator. Such an approach will give you more benefit and others will give the opportunity to stay.
11. Return the weight to place
You can be in good physical shape and operate with such weights that cause admiring glances from all visitors trenazherka. However, do not forget to clean up its record number of pancakes back to the top of the bar, or the next person will have to do it instead of you. The same applies to dumbbells and weights, which you have taken from the rack. Bringing the trainers to their original state is an integral part of your training and direct responsibility.
12. Do not create traffic jams
We all suffer from traffic congestion in our cities, so let's not create traffic jams, and even in the gym. Try not to spend much time in the narrow aisles between the shells, making it difficult to move to other participants. If you need to relax - step aside and relax.
13. Towel and shower
If you are performing exercises on the bench, do not forget to wipe it with a towel before and after itself. To engage on the ground, wet from the previous athlete's sweat is not only very nice, but can be dangerous in terms of fungal diseases. Well, the shower after a workout by itself.
Have you anything to add?
And you have met in your gym, people do not comply with these rules? What you personally most annoying? Do you have your own rules of sports etiquette, which were not included in this list? Let us know by leaving a comment below.