How to quit smoking around the office one day?
Health / / December 19, 2019
He loves to talk my dad, lighting another cigarette, "Who is smoking tobacco - one own enemy!" And these words sound not only irony, but also a desire to really quit smoking. Because the smell nasty already sick for many years, and cough makes itself felt. However, the experience of smoking is very serious. When he tries to throw the body reacts violently: I want to smoke is unbearable, it seems that even the teeth ache, and all the pain symptoms are removed cigarette. This is a serious, physical nicotine dependence when a smoker when canceling excruciates withdrawal syndrome that is expressed in a bad state of health and acute nicotine desired drag.
Nicotine patches and other such "helpers" raises strong doubts as to the fact of dependence on nicotine, they do not fight. Psychological techniques like hypnosis - even a dangerous thing, as the interference in the mental system of the person may end up totally unpredictable. Acupuncture and other methods of alternative medicine are rejected due to distrust of the "Chinese doctors" who came most likely from the former CIS.
So what to do? How to maintain your willpower and your body some external methods?
The other day I heard about «I Quit Smoking» method, which is already a long time (over 10 years) used in Europe and America, but Russia got only now (first official opening of the center was held in September 2012 of the year). The method consists in the application of cardioversion: using certified IQS equipment specialist company carried out the electrical stimulation of the reflex zones of the lobes the patient's ear. After the procedure nicotine cravings disappear and, most importantly, a former smoker is not tormented by withdrawal symptoms, because of which many can not stand a few weeks without a cigarette.
And now I explain why I called the article is as follows: "How to quit smoking? All based in one day, "The fact that the time of the procedure - 1 hour. So you can arrange for your company kind of "Health Day": all enroll in the Center "I Quit Smoking». The next day will begin in the new, ozdorovlonnom team. Speaking of such action is necessary to reflect the company's managers. Observe how much time they spend in the smoking room of your employees, and figure out how much money you pay for what a valuable employee clogs their lungs. Add to that the fatigue of the smoker and future health problems, which also will not pass in vain for the company.
In addition to the speed of the procedure has still some obvious advantages:
- It is painless. The patient does not feel the effects of electrical pulses, it makes no injections.
- In a patient does not have any psychological pressure.
- The company is engaged only in the service and nothing more. And if the company is doing one thing and not scattered, it does it well.
- The company guarantees the result. 500,000 patients worldwide have already quit smoking. You are given a guarantee of 6 months. If during this time you are back lit (the percentage of such patients is very small), then the company will return your money.
Speaking of money, the cost of the procedure is not small, but quite adequate. And if you calculate how much you spend on cigarettes, it is the sum and all will seem ridiculous. In addition, for it you are buying themselves free breath, the ability to re-experience in their entirety aromas and flavors, you buy the morning without intrusive coughing and the ability not to feel over this terrible smell from their clothes and hands.
Learn more about the method «I Quit Smoking» is possible on official website.
We hope that our post will help those who always wants to get rid of a bad habit, but desperate to find a suitable method.