25 tips to keep in shape when there is no time or desire
Health / / December 19, 2019
Edition of The Guardian gathered useful recommendations athletic trainers and readers. Use them to move more every day.
1. Understand what it is you
Decide what you play sports. On this depends not abandoned if you workout in the future. Do not rely on short-term motivation and a sense of guilt because of the fact that someone else looks better.
Ethnicity as motivation only works while you are young. Then it is no longer enough. Do not put a vague term goals ( "I want to get in shape", "I want to lose weight"). They do not help.
You will start to find time to exercise, but if you feel them tangible benefits in their daily lives. Focus on the immediate positive sensations of physical activity: reducing stress, increasing energy.
2. start slowly
Going to get in shape, many are taking up all at once: change the diet, start to exercise, quit smoking. Naturally, for a couple of weeks motivation drops, fatigue appears. Be patient.
Try short intensive trainingIf you find it difficult to force myself to engage in a long time. Make them once or at most twice a week. Mix and match them with jogging, swimming or brisk walking, and two or three days a week, leave on vacation. Stick to this regime at least the first month.
3. Do not expect that will love training
Do not force yourself to do what you do not like. But does not inspire myself that surely must love training. Some people have fun in the process, and someone like individual elements.
For example, the feeling that the body becomes stronger, or the joy of mastering the sport. Remember that you liked as a child (rollers, bike) and try to incorporate it into your regimen.
4. Be kind to yourself
Low physical activity is not necessarily indicative of the absence of motivation. Fatigue, depression, stress at work or caring for a sick family member can interfere in sports.
In that case, forget the five workouts a week. Plan realistically, given their status and responsibilities.
At the end of the week think about what suits you and what does not. For example, you can take a walk at lunchtime and after work you already do not have the strength. In accordance with this build your activity schedule.
5. Do not rely on willpower
If the performance of a business you need willpower, then you do not so much want him to do. Think about what you want to train and you want to get from it. What good training will bring you today? How do you feel during and after the movement? These questions will help when motivation drops.
6. Combine exercise with another purpose
This will increase the sense of satisfaction from done and increase the responsibility for the omission. For example:
- commutes to work by bicycle or on foot;
- sign up in the sports section to find new acquaintances;
- Run with the other;
- go or running, to spend more time in nature;
- climb up and down the stairs instead of the elevator;
- do not write the message to a colleague, and the approach and discuss the issue personally.
7. Prepare in advance
Fees for training or jogging can be tiring, especially when you are just starting to do. It is necessary to lay down their sportswear and shoes, grab a bottle of water, to decide which way to flee or what exercises will perform.
Try not to do so before leaving the house, and in advance. Gradually, it will enter into the habit and will be given easily.
8. Plan and Prioritize
Many people say that they do not have time for sports. Of course, if you combine the two jobs or to care for a small child, it is true. But think about whether your situation is.
Maybe it's in the wrong planning. Normally, we always put the priority on business, forgetting that health is very important. Give up this approach.
Firstly, plan where and when to exercise. Decide that you will do it and try to follow the plan. Second, create a plan in case if something goes wrong. Imagine that you can stop and think how in this case, to motivate yourself again.
9. If there is insufficient time work out at least a little
Occupation is not required to take an hour. Correctly composed 15-minute workout can also be very effective. So, when you have little time, do not give up employment completely.
10. If the approach is not working, change it
Do not scold yourself and do not drive themselves into the framework. If a system of exercises does not help, it does not mean that you will never lose weight. Try another. The disappointment in yourself and feeling guilty you do not exactly help.
11. With age, add strength training and balance exercises
About thirty, we begin to lose muscle mass, so it is important to include in your weight training regime. They can be with their own weight, or inventory, for example, with an elastic band.
Do not forget about the aerobic exercises and balance exercises. The latter are particularly important because with age, the sense of balance is worsening.
12. Gradually increase the intensity
Evaluate experience stress on a scale of one to ten. When you notice that the numbers decrease, that is, training is given to you easily, prolong occupation or try new exercises.
Catching up on a regular basis, you need to see this progress in speed, endurance and strength after about two weeks.
13. study at home
Even if you have little space at home, you can do circular training a load alternation to the upper and lower body (PHA). At the same time worked out all the muscles, strengthens the cardiovascular system and accelerates metabolism.
Do sit-ups, push-ups with knees, lunges, reverse push-ups from the chair and pelvis. For this exercise you need only 15-20 minutes and a minimum of equipment.
14. Turn everyday activities into a workout
Work at home and in the garden, too, can count for physical activity, but only if in the process you are really annoying. If you are hot, you quickens your breath and you find it difficult to maintain a conversation.
Walking the dog, too, can be turned into a workout: Run a little with the pet or choose the route of the hilly terrain.
15. Listen to your body during illness
It is believed that the pain above the neck (headaches, colds) can be moderately trained, if at the same time you feel fine. If there is pain from the neck down, or you find it difficult to breathe, give yourself a rest.
The main thing - to observe prudence. Do not perform high-intensity exercise and do not exercise four times a week. Drive slowly and listen to your feelings.
16. After an injury to restore not only physically, but also psychologically
How quickly you return to training, depending on the type of injury. In any case, consult with your doctor and follow the measure. remember, that psychological recovery sometimes it takes more complicated than physical. Even when we do what is necessary on the way there are still obstacles.
17. After pregnancy, start with the simplest
Return to training after childbirth - a complicated process. Especially after caesarean section. Be patient. Relax and take care of yourself. Listen to your body and the doctor's advice. When you feel that you become more energy gradually increase physical activity.
Start with the simplest - walking and carrying a child in a backpack-carrying. If after the birth you have problems with your back and abdominal muscles, you may need physiotherapy.
18. Track your progress, but do not dwell on the results
Tracking purposes it is useful, but they need to be flexible. If you've had a stressful day, there is little to do in training is quite natural. This does not mean that you are lazy and will not achieve anything. Just Treat carefully to his state of health.
19. Do not give up training because of the weather
Winter - not a reason to hibernate. Prepare in shape and do not think about snow or slush. Do not let himself be persuaded voice that whispers, that in such weather it is better to lie under a blanket. Coming jogging or training, you will regret that so long delayed.
20. observe moderation
Do not overdo it. The fact that you can run for an hour does not mean having to do it. "Two or three runs a week for 20-30 minutes significantly improved my form and it is easier to include in the schedule," - says The Guardian reader Alex Tomlin (Alex Tomlin).
21. Reward yourself
"I keep a car in a large stack marmeladok to motivate yourself - says Neil Richardson (Neil Richardson). - And allow yourself to eat more before exercise. "
22. find support
"In the days when I do not have the motivation, I listen to podcasts about fitness - said Niall O'Brien (Niall O'Brien). - By the time I get home, I'm ready to make the right decision. And even happy to work out. "
This support helps to make the first step and the rest is given easier.
23. Use visual motivation
"The last two years I mark on the calendar the days when the practice by a golden asterisk - says Siobhan King (Siobhan King). - That's good motivation when I'm too lazy. I run, I go home on the simulator and doing exercises for skiers. This has strengthened my muscle bark and now it's easier to carry on a child's hands. "
24. Remove the alarm clock away from you
"If you need to practice to get up early in the morning, leave the alarm clock away from the bed and lay next to him in shape, - advises Sally Crowe (Sally Crowe). - Once you get up to turn it off, and you can work out! "
25. Do not miss more than four days in a row
"I have one simple rule, which is suitable for any kind of sport - not to miss more than four consecutive days, - says Joanne Chelmerz (Joanne Chalmers). - If I know what lies ahead I have a few intense days, I will go out for a jog before. Except for illnesses, injuries and unforeseen family circumstances I will observe this rule for a decade. "
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