Why exercise is more important than work
Health / / December 19, 2019
Among entrepreneurs often widely believed that business should always come first, outweighing family, friends and especially sports. But this approach is wrong.
Not greed compels entrepreneurs to forget about everything except work. "What is really important is the opportunity to create something new, do what he likes and change the world", - said Josh Staymli, director of marketing company MWI and author of "Director of marketing at work».
That is why it is often easy to dismiss the case from the rest. But this is wrong. Health and sports should be more important than any job.
Of course, entrepreneurship involves permanent employment, stress and great responsibility. On the day you can be 100 important cases, 50 of which are urgent, but make them all is impossible. As at this time still play sports?
If I need to choose between a jog and a meeting with a client, I postponed the meeting with the client. I know that my business it will survive, even if in the end we lose a client. But as soon as I start to postpone the training, I begin to miss them. And then I'll be close to that, to stop all sports.
Josh Staymli
If you constantly push exercise, you throw your health
When you stop to play sports, your health deteriorates. Health problems affect productivity. You will feel depressed. You disappear motivation to do anything for their business.
Advances in one area of life contributes to the success in all other areas
Sports - is an area of life that is easiest to control. Their success is easy to track. We either do sports or not. If you do, it inspires us and helps to achieve the objectives and work.
If we value the health and training more than a job, we can, and start work less, But we will feel better, become more confident, and our life will be complete. As a result of increase and productivity at work.