What is collagen and why you need your skin
Health / / December 19, 2019
Collagen can drink, smeared on the skin prick and injection. We explain in which cases it should be done.
What is collagen?
Collagen - a protein, with the key: it is the most commonMolecular Cell Biology. 4th edition protein in the human body. This is the basis of connective tissue that connects the body together. collagen The name comes from the Greek word kolla - glue. Tendon, cartilage, blood vessels, the young bone tissue, muscle, skin - their structure largely corresponds to this particular protein. For example, in the skin collagen content is 70% - it provides it with smoothness, firmness and elasticity.
If collagen and so there is in the body, why should I think about it?
Collagen molecules are in most cases held next, forming a so-called fibrils - long and thin fiber protein. They, like springs, hold body tissues together, at the same time providing them with a strong relationship and not allowing too closer to each other.
But collagen fibers - something unstable. They can be broken under the influence of different factors:
- UVMechanisms of Photoaging and Cutaneous Photocarcinogenesis, and Photoprotective Strategies with Phytochemicals;
- temperature difference;
- stress;
- hormonal fluctuations;
- a diet high in sugar and fast carbohydratesNutrition and aging skin: sugar and glycation;
- smokingSmoking affects collagen synthesis and extracellular matrix turnover in human skin.
In his youth, it's not scary. Firstly, less harmful factors: for example, children and young people tend to experience lower levels of stress. Secondly, the body produces enough collagen to fill in time to damaged areas of the fibrils.
With age, the production of protein gradually decreases. The fibrils are destroyed, and the body does not have time to fill in the damaged areas of new collagen molecules. Over time, this results in unpleasant consequences for all organs and tissues - are growing problems with bone, muscles, blood vessels.
First the skin is suffering because it was she who takes the maximum external factors. Destroyed collagen fibers can no longer maintain the epidermis smooth and elastic. Appear on the skin sagging tiny plots - wrinkles.
As the destruction of fibrils wrinkles become deeper and more clearly, and the skin tissue begins to sag under gravity.
Another case when you should consider additional support collagen fibers - the presence of scar tissue. Sometimes, when the cuts, deep scratches and acne tightened connective tissue, the body lacks the collagen to correctly restore the skin. As a result, formed the so-called atrophic scars - like depressed scars in the epidermis-basin. Here's what it looks like in the case of post-acne:
If you restore the levels of collagen in the skin, atrophic scars can be smoothed by making almost imperceptible.
Is it possible to retain or restore collagen in the skin?
In general, yes. collagen divideCollagen: What is it and what are its uses? to endogenous and exogenous:
- endogenous - of course, the one that is produced by the body;
- exogenous - the one that enters the body from outside.
When endogenous collagen is not enough, the amount of protein can be increased at the expense of foreign income. Typically, an exogenous collagen is introduced into the body in three ways:
- as supplements to the diet (the so-called drinking collagen);
- in the form of cosmetics that are applied directly to skin areas most affected by the destruction of the fibrils;
- via injection.
Where are the synthetic collagen?
There are three main types of synthetic collagen.
1. Nautical
This protein is derived from the skin and cartilage of sea fish. According to the structure, it is most similar to natural human collagen.
2. Animal
This option made from skin and cartilage of cattle. It is the most affordable form of synthetic collagen.
3. hydrolysed
It is produced not from the whole molecules of collagen, and on the basis of their fragments - of certain amino acids. Due to the crushing of the particle of the hydrolyzed collagen is smaller than that of a ship or of an animal, and therefore penetrate deeper into the skin.
The raw material here can be used not only the cartilage of animals or fish, but also the plants - such as wheat protein, which contains kollagenopodobnye fragments.
How does drinking collagen?
The main task of drinking collagen - help synthesize their own, endogenous. For the production of collagen our body uses three main componentsCollagen - What Is It and What Is It Good For?:
- the amino acids glycine and proline (they play a key role in the composition of the collagen molecules);
- vitamin C;
- copper.
In the digestive system drinking decomposes collagen to said amino acids and vitamin C in the presence of copper and can serve fibrils recovery. Including increaseOral Collagen Supplementation: A Systematic Review of Dermatological Applications flexibility and the level of humid aging skin.
At the reception of collagen in the form of supplements there is a drawback. Obtain the necessary protein, your body decides where to spend it. There is no guarantee that the collagen fibers will go to restore it in the skin. You can drink Supplements, however, appearance of the skin improves - you have to be ready.
How does the collagen in creams and other cosmetics?
Collagen molecules are too large to penetrateSkin rejuvenation using cosmetic products containing growth factors, cytokines, and matrikines: a review of the literature the dermis. So, are not able to restore the damaged areas of the fibrils.
However, creams and serums with collagen still improve skin condition. It is associated with increased humidity levels: cosmetic product forms film on the skin surface that does not allow moisture to evaporate. As a result, the epidermis looks smooth and engorged.
To enhance the "Film" effect, cosmetics with collagen are often added to hyaluronic acid: these components work better in pairs.
How do collagen injections?
Injection - a more advanced and efficient way to deliver the desired protein in the dermis. Animal collagen produced from bovine cartilage and skin, became the first filler for subcutaneous injection approvedEfficacy and Safety of Porcine Collagen Filler for Nasolabial Fold Correction in Asians: A Prospective Multicenter, 12 Months Follow-up Study US Office of FDA The Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Proceeding directly to the dermis, collagen performs several functions:
- restores damaged protein fibers;
- It stimulates the skin's own, endogenous collagen;
- It attracts moisture - it improves the skin moisturized. Incidentally, this effect can be enhanced by introducing the filler combined with collagen and hyaluronic acid.
In the US, collagen injections officially used since 1981. Of course, since there are new tools - such as the domestic market is a gel "Collost". according to a studyClinical evaluation kollagenoterapii effectiveness of correction and prevention of involutive skin changesPublished in the Russian Journal of Clinical Dermatology and Venereology, its injection make the skin more smooth and elastic, reduce wrinkles, promote the synthesis of collagen in the dermis, and substantially aligned with the skin relief atrophic scars.
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And the injections - is it safe?
Because collagen - a natural for the human biomaterial, its injection in most cases do not giveComplications of collagen fillers side effects. However, provided that the individual possible hypersensitivity reactions. Therefore, if you decide to restore the skin using a collagen injection, be sure to consult a specialist - a dermatologist or a professional cosmetologist with medical education. The doctor will analyze the condition of your body and make recommendations to help reduce the risk of side effects.