Stress. Its effects are more than real. They can be both physical and psychological. A nervous tic and hair loss to diabetes and major depression.
Stress is an infinite field for all sorts of studies. Not surprisingly, the misconceptions about it, and of myths about its consequences have been, are and will be. In this article, you will expose the 6 biggest myths to the contrary stress.
1. Stress - is always bad
Oddly enough, but there is not only a form of negative stress (distress), but also positive (Eustress). It's time to define the concepts:
Stress (from the English. stress - pressure, pressure, pressure; oppression; load; voltage) - the general reaction of the organism to the impact that violates its homeostasis (internal balance) and the corresponding condition of the nervous system of the body (or the whole body) [adapted from Wikipedia].
Thus, stress - it is not always fatal to you. That bad - so it's a bad management of the response. Under stress, by and large, this is normal. As for the critical and dangerous situations, it can even be your sort of salvation.
2. Stress - a good motivator
Everyone knows the phrase "pay taxes and live in peace!" Whether the taxes you pay or account for the Internet - you do it in time, because you live under stress? Or because you have a certain life goals and desires? Stress is not a motivating factor.
3. Stress causes ulcers and gastritis
There is no doubt from the stress you can get all sorts of bad sores. But ulcers do not apply to them. At one time it was thought that ulcers and gastritis develops as a result of a sharp increase in gastric acidity in the background of a large wave and any stressful situation. In 1983, scientists have finally found out that the cause of these diseases is caused by bacteria - gelikobakterThat drains and infects the stomach lining.
4. No signs of stress - there is no reason for concern
You can not watch at any specific signs of stress. However, this does not mean that it is not, and you do not feel on itself its detrimental effects. This situation can be fraught with great danger, because you do not even realize that you have to manage your stress and do something to eliminate it.
5. Stress is treated with alcohol
Many are struggling with stress by using alcohol. Indeed, strong drinks reduce the emission of stress hormone cortisol. But if cortisol release in small doses is harmless. Then the more we produce, the less our body a chance to be able to relax in a normal state. This, in turn, leads to chronic stress and alcoholism.
6. Less work - less stress
Just do not tell your boss about it :) It seems to be logical: if you reduce the number of working hours and increase the number of long holidays, the stress caused by work can be reduced to nothing. As it turned out, no! The amount of work remains the same: if you are sure that follow it completely and on time? If in the case of a smaller number of hours your confidence can be shaken, that by working more, you surely follow everything as it should be, "and from".
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