How to stay positive in a negative situation?
Productivity Health / / December 19, 2019
Life - is a constant succession of joys and failures. How to behave when you are well, everyone knows, but what to do when you feel bad? Negative situations can ruffle even the most hardened optimists.
Here are a few tips on how to stay positive no matter what.
Learn from them
Most of negative situations - it's an experience. Of course, we do not think about it at the time. But if you dare to go through the pain and discomfort, no matter what, you will get a unique opportunity to learn something and get a coveted experience. Try to get the most out of this situation and try to prevent its recurrence.
find support
No need to try to cope alone in the home. After receiving support from their close friends or family, you not only select from the current situation, but also to strengthen your relationship with these people.
Concentrate on what you can fix (and release what you can not)
We can not control everything. And all. But what we can do is focus on what can be corrected. If you are in a negative situation, the attempt to control what you can not control, will make you worse.
For example, if you need to fly to a meeting, and the plane was delayed, it makes no sense to worry about whether a flight has been sent or will be canceled altogether. It's out of your control, why does it make sense to worry about it? Contact with their contacts at this meeting and explain the situation or try to book another flight to get there as soon as possible.
Practice compassion for yourself
Every negative situation - it's a chance to practice a very useful skill - compassion for oneself. It compassion that we show to itself, is directly proportional to the quality of our lives.
Do not confuse this with the failure to take responsibility for their actions or possible to give yourself a favor. Rather, it is acceptance of the fact that you are also a human and can make mistakes, too.
Remember, this too shall pass
As I mentioned above, the life - is a series of joys and failures. This means that failure will come the turn and joy. Our goal in all of this - to try to learn from the failure of the maximum possible, or to understand how strong you are.
In the end, remember that negative situations always lead to discomfort and even pain. But on how you will go through these situations will depend on how much you can get from them.
- Learn from the negative situations
- Find people who will support you
- Restore only what you can fix
- Do not reproach yourself
- Remember that everything goes
By following the five tips that we'll feel much better in any situation on the roller coaster of life.