Life hacking: what if the classes in trenazhorke not bring the desired result
Health / / December 19, 2019
You put in a gym to complete, but ceased to notice the progress. What to do? Try the technique of "constant tension", which will tell the guest article Dmitry Zaveruha.
Dmitry Zaveruha
Interested in self-development, sports, fitness, proper nutrition.
Many people who visit the gym, sooner or later faced with stagnation in their results. This can happen for many reasons, one of which - the monotonous training. In this case, this concept does not mean the same training program, which is unchanged for months on end and is performed in a certain order with the same number of sets and repetitions. Speech on the technique of execution and a slight change in her.
Ever since school gym class almost everyone remembers such a thing as a "starting position". This provision, which takes the person immediately before the exercise. If this bench dumbbell press, the initial position - lying on a bench with dumbbells in his hands. If it climbs dumbbells for biceps standing - the standing position with dumbbells in his hands.
To understand the essence of the original position, move on to the most training. The principle of training "constant tension" is as follows: after the first repetition should not return to the starting position until the last repetition of the current approach. In other words, each repetition is not done until the end in the opposite direction of its movement.
Consider for example the biceps ups rod. Raising the bar, you squeeze the biceps.
What follows is an important point: doing the opposite action, do not let not lower the bar completely muscles get the full stretch, leave them in suspense.
Do you understand what's going on, right? gravity vector does not coincide with the vector of lift force, so the muscles are always stretched and provided with constant blood flow, and this is one of the most important growth factors musculature.
Note that the technique of "constant tension" is better to use with small or average operating weights and reps 10-12.
Someone may point out that it is usual Pumping. Yes, you can call it that way. But if the exercise is not with the idea of Pumping, and with the idea of muscle growth and diversity of their training, it will bring the desired result. After all, we know that the brain is of great importance in the classroom in the gym.