What to expect from 'The Avengers 4 ": plot twists and fan theory
Cinema / / December 19, 2019
Continuation of "The Avengers" will be released April 25, 2019. In the meantime, fans kinoblogery and while away the time to speculate and collecting information from official and unofficial sources. What is happening in kinovselennoy Marvel will develop and how the fate of heroes in the following picture? In case you still have not had time to see "War infinity": will continue to be one big spoiler.
Who died and who survived in the "endless war"
The previous part of the epic confrontation between superheroes and mad titan Thanos ended up being a supervillain finally assembled part of a powerful artifact, infinity gloves. And do not hesitate to take advantage of it - clicking fingers, he destroyed half of the living beings in the universe, believing that in this way restores the world balance. Donated and superhero, every second of which disintegrated to dust.
It seems that after such large-scale and tragic events still will not be the same. However, Marvel would not be a, if not find a way to roll back all back with minimum losses and give the Avengers opportunity to once again save the world. It has already announced the new movie about the Black Panther and Spider-Man, as well as series of Bucky Barnes and Loki.
That's who disappeared along with half of the inhabitants of the universe: Bucky Barnes, Wanda (Scarlet Witch), Sokol, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Osa, Nick Fury and Maria Hill, and all the Guardians of the Galaxy, except for the Rockets. Also, before you click epic Thanos killed Heimdall, Loki, Vizhena and his adopted daughter Gamora.
The survivors were Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, Champion (James Rhodes), vakandiytsy Okoye and M'Baku, Rocket, Nebula, Ant-Man.
What will be the plot of the film
How to save disintegrated Thanos victims
We can say for sure that the surviving heroes unite to save his friends and allies, locked inside the Stone Soul. The question is how they will return from the dead.
In the comics,The Infinity Gauntlet, July - December 1991 superheroes had to seek assistance from the Cosmic Entity - Galactus, Eternity and Living Tribunal, who felt that Thanos unworthy-found strength (to the same opinion, and came as a result of titanium itself). He also turned against Mephisto and the subject titanium sighs - Lady Death. As a result, it managed to get a glove Nebula indefinitely, waiting for the moment when Thanos will astral form and the artifact will remain unattended. Raspolovinennaya universe has been returned to its normal state.
By the way, most recently at Marvel published a book «Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War. Thanos: Titan Consumed »(author Barry League), which talks about finding Thanos Infinity Gems. It mentions that the artifact Tselestialy watch and even more powerful and mysterious creatures. Recall Tselestialy - a space sverhsozdaniya huge force. Tselestialom was, in particular, the ego - the father of the Star Lord, who tried to swallow the Earth and was defeated in the second "Guardians of the Galaxy."
Movies do not repeat the events of the comic book in full, but still it is possible that the aid surviving superheroes come any powerful entity.
It is possible that a key role in the rescue of the victims temporarily play Captain Marvel - this very gifted heroine is able to manage different types of energy. More about it it is known that it will be precisely in the continuation of "The Avengers." However, for this character still need to somehow enter into the film. Pave the way for this is to her solo picture, Which also will be released next spring.
Perhaps the story go the way of time travel. This is supported, for example, footage from the shootingOn which there is Loki. However, this may simply be a flashback: the same picture can be seen Thor with long hair, though he said goodbye with his hair in the movie "Thor: Ragnarok". At the same time, Tony Stark has M.O.R.G. program (In English - B.A.R.F.), designed to recreate the past and to work injuries. Maybe he refined the technology that Iron Man will be able to have a real impact on the past events.
Another variant of salvation of all living things associated with traveling through time and space, comes to Scott Lang - Ant-Man. According to the head of Marvel Studios Kevin Faig, new characters, "The Avengers" will be waiting for adventures in quantum measurement. At the end of his solo film Ant appeared in the quantum world, down to the size of subatomic particles, and stuck there. In this dimension, there is no time, as in a normal universe. And maybe get a rewind event back in some way using quantum laws.
Do Gamora return, Loki and Vision
The return of those who have suffered from the "click of Infinity", doubting almost not necessary. With heroes who died a "normal" way, but were not disintegrated by the artifact will, less and less clear. Perhaps some of them really died for all. Although everyone has a chance to appear again among the living.
In favor of the resurrection Gamora that Thanos dropped off a cliff, he says that there is still a third "Guardians of the Galaxy", which is difficult to imagine without the greenskin warriors. On the other hand, the fate of the third "Guardians" remains uncertain after James Gunn left the director's chair. So Guardians in general and in particular Gamora may be stuck somewhere between the worlds, while in the company decide on the fate of their solo.
Crowd favorite Loki still waiting own series. However, his experiences may well unfold in the past. According to one fan theories on RedditLoki raise Hela. (Which itself was lost in the movie "Thor: Ragnarok", but it seems it does not bother anyone. After all, she is a goddess of death.) Another user Reddit noticed that before his death, Loki keeps the gun in his left hand. So the god of lies and deceit comes only when the use of illusion. So, Loki in his last stage - is not real, and cunning ace somehow turned to escape death.
Vision and all android, so to speak of death in relation to it is not quite true. He died because Thanos Mind Stone snatched from his forehead. Consequently, the character can "fix" by simply inserting the stone back.
What will happen to Thanos
If Thanos is still alive at the end of the "War of infinity", the Avengers have to join him in the final battle. However, what really happened to the titanium - an open question.
The idea of the titanium was to randomly destroy half of living beings. But whether the rules apply to all, and could disintegrate at the same time whether Thanos himself that everything was fair? Then it turns out that titanium has disappeared, and the hut in which we see him for the last time, is inside the Stone Soul.
Another option - Thanos alive, but his power undermined. In "War infinity" Thor obzavolsya weapon, capable of killing Thanos (Shtormbreykerom, which Russian localization was named "Thunder Ax") and stuck it Thanos in the chest. That did not stop the fact still snap your fingers. Thereafter titanium briefly appears in a strange place, where he meets a little Gamora. If this is not just a vision, it appears that Thanos died a short while, but returned to the real world by gloves and transported to the hut on an unknown planet.
In part, this corresponds to the events of the comic bookThe Infinity Gauntlet, July - December 1991Where defeated by Thanos went on a distant planet to keep it quiet life of an ordinary farmer, and think about their actions. The only difference is that at the end of "War infinity" Thanos defeated. Nevertheless, he looks sick - not the glove, not the ax caused him very harmful. Perhaps his health is undermined to such an extent that it is slowly dying.
Who will be the new main villain
Given that the fourth part of "The Avengers" Thanos still die or go away to rest, the film need a new supervillain. Or, at least, his announcement.
By assumption kinoblogera Jeremy Conrad, who regularly shares insider information and does on its website successful predictions, the new villain of the Marvel Universe will be the destroyer of planets Annigilus, as the basis for the plot lies comics «Annihilation» ( «Annihilation"). Conrad refers in this case to a reliable source, an unnamed insider. In his opinion, the fourth film and will be called - "The Avengers: Annihilation."
Annigilus - it has enormous forces insidious insect humanoid with features that wears armor, by space technology race tiannan. In the comics, he is ruled by the Negative Zone, a parallel world with a negatively charged matter, and is committed to the conquest and destruction of other worlds. Perhaps in the new "Avengers" Annigilus and his fleet appeared from another dimension due to the fact that the Infinity Gauntlet to break the world energy balance.
By comparison, the villain Thanos is not without a kind of nobility: it acts as part of its system of values, based on the fact that it considers the common good and harmony. While the main purpose of Annigilusa - destroy life in the Universe and remain the only creature. Therefore, in certain circumstances, Thanos has a chance to join the Avengers against the common enemy. By the way, Glove infinity unlikely to work against Annigilusa, because he comes from another dimension.
But all this is just speculation. Official information about the new villain has yet been received. According to Kevin Faig, the name of the new part will contain spoiler - will understand what to expect in the film. So while it is held in secret.
Will the movie cameo by Stan Lee
All fans kinokomiks know why it is not necessary to go out of the theater when the credits begin. However, the "Avengers 4» wroteThat there is no sense to include the scene after the credits, so as not to spoil the impression of the final, which is scheduled to very powerful. If this picture is really sum up the results for all the film series, filmed at this point, the ending should cause strong emotions.
Today confirmed that Stan Lee, who recently passed away, had to withdraw in the film in a cameo role. This film directors brothers Rousseau spoke a few months ago in an interview with Radio BBC. According to some Journalists, the best solution would be to put "random appearance of" Stan Lee just at the scene after the credits - to pay tribute and leave the audience feeling light sadness.
movie trailer gives fans of Marvel material for new theories and hypotheses about the events and details of the film, and even reveal the main plot. Given that the promotional video of "War infinity" released in November last year, the news can be expected soon.
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