Your records and where they have zavedut in real life
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
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Our regular reader Ruslan Serazetdinov sent us words of gratitude for the "Run Layfhaker Run" and share your story. It has already been published in his personal blog, but we give it in full here - so much we liked it!
Yesterday I set a personal record. At a distance of 1 km average speed kept at 10 with something kilometers per hour. For me, this event - and not just because I crossed some strange bar with a lot of numbers. By itself, running in the last couple of months has allowed me to experience (not just "understand" - namely, to pass through itself) some important points about our lives.
In early October, I suddenly started to run. Suddenly for himself, for others, for the family. Somehow suddenly put the first available running shoes, which lay at home, tracksuit and drove in Uritsky Park. There I ran... is a ridiculous distance, choked to hell, overpowering their feet to the inexpressible gravity, I came home all wet. A couple of days later went back to the park. Again he ran. And so, judging by the performance RunKeeper program, it has been about 2 months.
Now I am calm I run about 4-5 km jogging track at a time (I do not like this word, but do not "Lynx", in the end) But yesterday, once again, I crossed the psychological benchmark in speed 10 km / h. And that's what I realized during those couple of months - not only and not so much about race, but about life in general.
1. We always have a reserve of strength. Whether physical, spiritual, moral, intellectual. The stock is always there. It suffices to tug in about 20% before the scheduled finish (time Deadline or other lines of demarcation). And no matter how aching muscles (heart, soul, mind) we can always say to yourself, "Damn it, pull yourself together! Left nothing at all, pull devil! "And pull baker. We have this margin.
2. Look for your pacemakera. The race is such a thing - pacemaker. I was not looking for literary translation, roughly know pacemaker - a "doer of rhythm." Such carrier velocity at a distance. Before the competition the organizers are looking for even such pacemakers, which can keep the rhythm. For example, ten run for 30 minutes. Or a marathon (42 km) 2 hours. And so on. And here is a doer of rhythm to be in front of your eyes. If it is not, you have to find it. Come up with. Visualize. Look at the picture (in my case, probably - Rupert Murdoch, or even a media tycoon), and persecute him.
Perhaps for someone so "doer rhythm" will be you. So, my 6-year-old daughter, looking at me, started to do exercises. Sometimes in the evenings and dumbbells taken :)
3. Persistence and repetition - a 80% success rate. Yes, everyone has this idea stuck in his teeth, and other parts of the body, but the way it is. Sometimes you run, you run, and you think "well, bl ***, which is already the fourth kilometer ???» №;; »№;» №;% № »;: ???:%» № № »» Already! think - no, I'm not slowing-down, no-no, and do not persuade me. And then the voice of the smartphone program declares «Distance - 4 kilometers». And you know - yes, if we ran 4, and then pull the top five! And you run on.
The same is true in career, business and life. Slightly proshevelit feet. Make a couple of calls. Write another letter. Go to the right person. Do not give up until the finish. Play to the end. Until then, until the judge says "stop, good already, time to go home, and you all run around here"))))
4. Availability of equipment (starting capital, links, or anything else out there) - is not important. I run in razdolbany crosses, in the usual tracksuit, which is quite a while lying on the mezzanine. The only thing that I really need - a path in the park. Oh, and RunKeeper program to track speed, time and distance - and it's free)))
A similar incident happened with me and my wife at the start EvroKindera (now sold). We began with 9 (nine) rubles. With this money we bought a lot of goods, invited to visit the neighbors, relatives and friends and, thanks to the efforts of his wife, sold out at a profit of 100% in its first week. After two months of such trafficking, interspersed with putting up ads on poles the area, as well as blogging Internet, we opened the "first child and second drain luxe shop", which at the same time proved to be the first such in Russia.
5. The main thing I knew two months before his personal record - is that a man laid down a huge amount of effort and energy. If we are responsible for our lives, we are sending these forces are quite positive on the right things - business, career, construction quality of personal life. If, however, we prefer passive pastime - that we have to the Internet, TV, beer and other delights of the consumer image nedozhizni. To each his own.
But the forces are at all.
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