Why do you need to do bench press standing + 5 tips on how to improve it
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Why should you do bench press standing barbell
Many athletes and bodybuilders are doing just bench press bar lying, as it is a basic exercise that allows you to lift more weight solid than standing in the bench. However, do not exercise is expunged from the program. Here are a few reasons why you should dilute zhimom rod standing base:
- Evenly circulates shoulders. During a bench press barbell standing worked all beams deltoids, while in the bench press the main burden falls on the front. This does not mean you have to replace the bench press zhimom standing. These exercises complement each other and help faster pump up the pectoral muscles and shoulders.
- It uses many muscle groups. Bench press standing barbell provides the load on the triceps, deltoids, pectorals, trapezius and serratus anterior muscle. Also, due to the lack of support is well loaded muscle barkThat keep the body in balance during the lift.
- More muscle load. In the study,Effects of Body Position and Loading Modality on Muscle Activity and Strength in Shoulder Presses. Scientists compared the load on the muscles during weight bench and free weights while standing and sitting. It turned out that during the bench press standing barbell rear delts are loaded on 25%, and triceps - 20% more than during the bench press barbell sitting. Also standing barbell bench press more effectively for pumping biceps and triceps than standing dumbbell bench press. Exercise with a barbell biceps loaded on 16% more, and triceps - 39% more than in the bench press with dumbbells standing.
It seems to have enough reasons to sometimes include in its program of this exercise. Let's talk about how to improve the bench standing and increase the weight in this exercise.
How to improve the standing barbell bench press
1. Do not use too wide grip
When you take a wide grip barbell, you reduce the range of motion, which should facilitate the exercise. However, wide grip takes your hands from the area with the best conditions for the manifestation of power. In this region, your shoulders are positioned at the perfect angle, so that when you are working on the bench press barbell with maximum force.
Wide grip will not allow you to keep your elbows in front of the chest and use the latissimus dorsi, which significantly reduces the power rates.
To find the perfect grip, grip the barbell at a distance slightly wider than shoulder width, and the forearms and elbows are located close to the serratus anterior muscle. Try hard to keep your elbows during the movement.
2. Keep your muscles tense
You must not be strained during the bench press, and even before it starts. Press the foot to the floor, tighten your calf muscles, quadriceps, buttocks, abdominal muscles, and the latissimus dorsi.
Muscle tension during the entire exercise will make your bench more powerful.
You can check how it works on the example of a simple handshake. First, squeeze the hand of a friend, only straining hand muscles. Then try to strain every muscle in the body, referred to above, and squeeze his hand again. At this time, one can hardly keep from screaming.
3. Do not lift your head
If you are already familiar with the rise of the bar over his head, and especially with such options as a bench and shvungi jog, you probably used to raise his head and look at the ceiling, not to touch the barbell the chin.
Raising his chin up, you protect the jaw from the blow, but the bar leaves a little forward, deviating from the ideal trajectory.
Instead of looking up, try to take your head back so there was a double chin. So Rod will pass directly in front of your face, and its trajectory is optimal.
4. Shift the emphasis on the quadriceps
When it comes to benching standing shvunga or push, the main strength comes from the quadriceps. If you try to perform a movement at the expense of the buttocks, the hips have to take back. As a result, the bar will go ahead and will deviate from the optimum trajectory.
If you follow the movement at the expense of the quadriceps, the body will direct, and the bar will be held on the ideal line - exactly in the center.
5. Work on weak points
To increase the weight bench standing, you need to put a good technique to pump the target muscle group (front and middle of the delta and triceps), as well as strengthen the muscles-antagonists and synergists.
Your program should be movement in the shoulders rotate outward to enhance the rear beam deltoid muscles. For example, you can use the layout of dumbbells in the slope.
Also need to work on oblique abdominal muscles. Include in your training exercises such as side panels, and the farmer's walk with a weight in one hand.
If you have tips and observations about benching standing, share experiences in the comments.