How to protect the athlete's joints
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Damage to the joints - is one of the most common injuries in athletes. Beginners suffer because of improper technique exercises, amateurs and professionals - because of high load. Special preparations hondroprotektory should help. We will understand what it is.
Why hurt the joints of athletes? Heavy loads, especially non-uniform (when you sit all day at work, and then too actively engaged in the room or on the treadmill), Creating a lot of pressure on the cartilage tissue. And with a shortage of certain substances defective cartilage becomes much faster. Plus with high mechanical stress on the joint require high quality of joint fluid that acts as a lubricant during the joint movement.
Sam cartilage is composed of chondrocytes, chondroblasts (it) cells and intercellular substance. That everything works, the cells need to be updated. And it needs to in the body enough building material for cells. It was his and deliver hondroprotektory.
Chondroprotectors - are drugs that have a positive effect on the cartilage tissue. In particular, protecting it from damage due to high loads.
In Chondroprotectors contains natural ingredients that are included in the articular cartilage. They increase the ability of the cartilage to resist external influences and activated anabolic processes.
What are hondroprotektory
Basic substances, called hondroprotektorami:
- chondroitin sulfate responsible for cartilage strength, the formation of hyaluronic acid and even inflammatory processes in tissue. Its use retards the aging of the tissues of the joints. This material is synthesized in the body, and it is obtained from animal tissues.
- glucosamine sulphate has a similar effect, it improves the quality of the joint lubrication and stimulates the metabolic processes in the cartilage. His, by the way, can be obtained from vegetable raw materials.
- hyaluronic acid - a substance that is necessary for the quality of the synovial fluid.
Often there are drugs that include more than one active ingredient, referred to as combined.
Accept or reject
Hondroprotektory usually prescribed as a supportive therapy in diseases of the joints. This means that if you have something hurts, something some doctors hondroprotektorami never limited. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of pain, but at the same time maintain the cartilage.
From what you bundles absorb supplements and drugs, the new tissue will not grow. You can only help what is.
Therefore it is logical to think about the prevention of injury before the pain will be felt.
Another issue that chondroprotectors efficiency - Open Thread. Studies that prove that these drugs did not help, a little less than studies that say about their effectiveness. In fairness, it is usually in the research is about helping people with serious diseases of the joints, rather than the athletes who want to keep their knees.
Doctors prescribe hondroprotektory and note that in practice the improvement is. In particular, they recommends and the European Antirheumatic League (EULAR), based on data from placebo-controlled studies.
How to use
If you do decide that without the support can not do, then you need to decide on the form of application and dosage.
- Injection. Leave them for the complicated cases and for a doctor's appointment.
- Tablets and powders. A possible option, as hondroprotektory sold without prescription. But one pill will not save - these drugs are used in the courses according to the instructions. But the doses need to agree still with the doctor. Despite the fact that chondroprotectors few contraindications and side effects are rare, to put on his experiments are not necessary.
- Nutritional supplements. Some nutritional supplements for athletes already contained in the composition hondroprotektory. The question dosage: how much nutrients you get and how - depends on the composition in each case. In addition, such additives often do not pass the necessary checks, it is necessary according to the manufacturer's word.
- Ointment. Chondroprotectors poorly penetrate the skin, so it is the least effective way to deliver nutrients to the joints.
The effect of the drug is in various forms begins in 2-8 weeks and persists for several months.
And if without medication?
Dates for cartilage elements extracted from cartilage itself or clam shells (mainly). To do this "naturally", eat the very hryaschiki products with gelatin, jellied or nourishing broth. But as a rule, fat and calorie content of meals displays them beyond a healthy diet.
From vegetable products can lean on avocado and soybeans, but the amount of necessary substances in them is small.
Remember that a sport without a balanced diet - it's only half of the contribution to the health. And if you keep in shape from the simple go at least to the amateur competition, even without consulting a doctor can not do.