Dead Rod: surgical technique and stretching exercises for the muscles needed
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
The dead rod, in contrast to the classical and the Romanian, knees hardly bent, and the body leans forward strongly. Due to this, the main load comes on the back of the thigh.
This basic exercise is great for those who want to work the hamstrings and buttocks.
Which muscles are working
When you bend your knees slightly and removal of the pelvis backward, stretch the gluteal muscles and hamstrings. When the tear off the bar from the floor, the target muscle groups are reduced.
Next, hamstrings and gluteus maximus produce trunk extension.
Also during exercise tense quadriceps, extensor muscles of the back and trapezius muscles. They act as a muscle-stabilizers, straining, but without changing the position of the body.
Test whether you can perform the dead craving right?
To skillfully perform dead cravings, you need a good stretch hamstring muscles (hamstring) and high mobility of the hip joint.
To determine your level of stretch and the ability to perform a dead pull correctly, perform the following test.
Lean forward with a straight back and touch the floor with fingers. Do not bend your knees or round the back - movement only occurs in the hip joint.
If you can not touch the floor with your fingers, then you have short hamstrings or insufficiently agile hip. It will not allow you to maintain the correct position of the spine during the dead thrust.
Only flat spine (neutral position) possesses maximum rigidity and is capable of transmitting the efforts of the limbs. Bending the spine in any department, you are breaking the straight line, and rigidity is lost. As a result, the spine is loaded itself that provided large scales has a negative impact on his health.
If you perform the test without any problems, you can proceed to the development of proper technique.
Technique dead traction
Starting position
Feet shoulder width apart, hands positioned slightly wider than shoulder width. Not to be mistaken with wide hands, guided by incisions on the neck.
Grif rod should almost touch the shins. In this case, the foot will be located under the heading where a third of the foot will be at the neck.
You're a little bend at the knees, elbows and hips back doing leaned forward. Back straight, from the coccyx to the neck - one line. The sight is directed forward.
At the initial stage of the movement when you bend with your back straight to the bar, stretched glutes and hamstrings - basic working muscles in this exercise.
If you have short hamstrings, the following will occur: when tilted biceps drags along the lower back, so you will not be able to keep your back straight.
Performing traction
During the lifting bar is located very close to the body: neck rod practically slides along the tibia (not touch necessarily, although possible, especially in the early stages, to adjust to proper technique) and then rises above on the thighs.
When you come off the bar off the ground, your center of gravity is aligned with the center of gravity of the bar. When you bend, the center of gravity shifts forward with the sacrum.
If you keep the bar close to shins, the center of gravity of the bar coincides with your displaced center of gravity, and you keep your balance. If you stood far away from the bar, the centers of gravity do not coincide, and the rod will pull you forward, increasing the load on the lower back.
Grif are conducting legs. At the moment of separation of the rod from the ground (or platform) need to stretch the buttocks and thigh muscles. It must be done deliberately, without waiting for the tension arises by itself.
Voltage gluteal muscles needed to stabilize the hip joint. Muscle tension causes the head of the femur to rotate outwards, where it occupies the most advantageous position for transmitting force.
Thus, you stabilize the joint and provides a neutral spine position, due to which the load is transferred to the buttocks and back of the thigh.
From this position, you are fully rectified and then start moving down to the starting position. It is important to perform the lowering of the boom as smoothly as rise, and keep the neck very close to the thighs and shins.
important points
- When performing back exercises must always be straight: deflection at the lower back or thoracic (slouching) leads to a load on the spine and especially in the lumbar region.
- Improperly performed exercises
- If you can not keep your knees and under load if they are bent inward, it means you have too much weight.
- During lifting barbells you exhale, lowering in time - breathe.
- If you want to complicate the exercise and even longer stretch hamstring, try to pull the dead from the pit. Stand on a pancake (or more pancakes) in front of the bar and try to fulfill cravings with him.
If you include in your program a dead pull, after training you need to do the following stretching exercises.
Stretching Hamstring
There are several options for stretching hamstring. Let us consider two of them: with elastic band and with the help of the bar from the bar.
1. Sit down on the floor, straighten your knees and pulling your socks with your back straight. It is convenient to do this exercise with a rubber band, but you can do without it: simply drag arms to socks without bending his knees.
2. Another good option - stretching from the foot on the platform, for example on the fretboard from the bar. Puts his foot on the neck, straighten both knees and back. If there is no load, try to tilt the straight body to the leg.
Stretching the gluteal muscles
During stretching hamstring and gluteal muscles are stretched. But you can make additional exercises to enhance the effect.
Here are two versions of the gluteal muscles stretch: lying and sitting. Try to pull up the lower leg as close as possible to yourself, keep it parallel to the floor.
That's all. If you have your own hints and tips about equipment performance traction dead, please share in the comments.