Is it worth spending money on organic food
Health / / December 19, 2019
Bioproducts - is not an invention of progress. All new - is well forgotten old. That such products were fed to people 40-50-ies of the last (already?) Century.
Then the world's population began to grow by leaps and bounds. And it had to be something to feed. Then came to the rescue of humanity science.
Pesticides, GMO products, numerous preservatives substitutes Sahara and other achievements of the chemical industry not only allow to obtain high yields, but also made it possible to eat inedible.
Also, the shelf life of products has increased significantly thanks to modern methods of processing and packaging of food.
Another issue that the quality of that food has changed considerably. Frankly, it has worsened. After a no-brainer that if the tomato is not growing month and week (for example), then he can not take out of the ground all the necessary minerals and vitamins. So, it is not so useful as it could be. After the immature tomato disrupted, it is also a sprayed, so it does not rotted on the way to the store. As a result, the counter gets a product with questionable nutritional value. Even if the taste of it normal.
About taste. I will never forget how, after several years in Moscow I came to visit my grandmother in Bryansk. The grandmother, as usual, had their own tomatoes and cucumbers. They taste was simply amazing! So I said, delighted grandmother:
Wow! I had forgotten that a simple cucumber and tomato can be so delicious!
But back to our tomatoes on the counter. If we take biopomidory ordinary, then, to be honest, biopomidory not compare in taste to the grandmother. Because they, too, tear green. But! They at least do not sprayed. Plus they grow longer, because organic products are not fed so many growth accelerators. Therefore, the nutritional value of the tomato is higher and more organic products are often (but not always) delicious.
Milk products
The best way to understand the difference biomilk and oil from the ordinary: just try and both at once, one after the other. Who buy organic butter, she knows that it is time to turn yellow, and originally has a yellow color. But with conventional oil even the top grade this does not happen.
It would seem strange. After all, exactly the same structure, no additives no, cream and milk yeast. And the taste is different.
The thing is that the cows that eat grass and cows, which are almost all his life in the stable and feed corn, produce different milk. It turns out that even the cows this applies: you are what you eat.
As a result, the chemical composition of biomilk and, accordingly, its derivatives other. Thus, in biomilk contains twice as much omega-3 fatty acids and less than a quarter of omega-6. Let me remind you that we need both kinds, but the current lack of food containing omega-3 and an overabundance of omega-6. And we must strive for balance. Therefore, the more omega-3, the better. Therefore biomilk useful.
In addition, biomilk contain more vitamin E, which in turn, increases the shelf life of the product.
There is one difference - the taste. Biomolochnye foods tastier. If the vegetables, this difference may not be significant, in milk products is large.
I started buying bioyaytsa kindness even 10 years ago. I have long had this attitude: "Why do people soar brains any environment. All the same, everything grows in one place. And even if in a different, why pay more for the same thing? Fool the people... "
That's why I did not buy organic products for a long time. But exceptions were eggs: I felt sorry for the chickens, which do not see a white light. Therefore, I support the environmental purse poultry, where the chicken live as in Christ's bosom: the walk on the outside and graze the grass.
Once I bought a normal egg and a little... they were not thrown out. Taste and appearance they were in Soviet childhood - no. And yolk bluish color. Immediately reminded of an episode from my childhood: 80 years, I have great-grandmother in the village. She's all as it should - with farm animals. And it fried my eggs. I refused to eat because "eggs you have strange - Orange". Great-grandmother also looked very strange to me: "And what do they still have?". "Yellow-white-blue" - I said ...
In the purchase of eggs, everything is simple. This is the case when the difference is not only felt in the taste, but also directly affects the appearance. And composition, as you know, is also very different. As in the history of the milk.
For righteousness' sake it should be noted that sly manufacturers have learned to give hens' right 'food to the yolk from the egg was the right orange. But the taste and chemical composition still remain different, in spite of all their tricks. Sometimes it is necessary to be guided by the price.
Meat / Poultry
In this regard, most confused. And no wonder. It is difficult to understand how useful biomyaso usual. Of course, the usual meat much better than the sausage. And just eliminating the sausage from the diet, you will strengthen your health. But with regard to the quality of the meat, then there may have different arguments.
The fact that the usual cattle live in very poor conditions. I have to be honest: until recently, I felt sorry for money for biomyaso. But one neprekrasny evening I stumbled upon the transfer of modern production of pork in Denmark. Denmark, by the way, is a leading article in this issue: it is equal to Denmark pigs all over the world. Not in the sense of good conditions for animals, but in the sense of minimum cost and maximum productivity. Although the transfer has been said that the Danish conditions of pigs is also one of the best (it makes even more appalled: what then is happening in other countries?).
So. I started to cry already in the eighth minute. It was just heartbreaking sight: castration of piglets without anesthesia, with their high mortality rate, the lack of space in pens, with a bunch of antibiotics and other "charms" of the pig life ...
Further, in the transmission of actively discussed the issue of the use of antibiotics. If the pen is one sick pig, then pour in OBSchIYkorm antibiotics. Because it's more convenient. At the same time there is a disease prevention in the remaining animals in the pen.
As a result, after antibiotic treatment of pigs over the generations, and without them the body becomes very vulnerable to bacteria and viruses, so antibiotics are powerless (viruses and bacteria mutate). This leads to another problem - is in humans. Eating the meat of such animals, we can catch these antibiotic-resistant bacteria. There have been several cases around the world, when a person's elementary could not cure anything, because it did not operate any antibiotics.
Just think: with the meat of animals to us in the body gets everything, what to feed them, and antibiotics as well.
Yes, Bioproduction also use antibiotics. But they are used on the testimony of only those animals that are sick, and do not give all in a row for prevention. And the living conditions of animals, of course, at times better.
The same applies to the breeding of chickens and cows. All about the same, only with a little nuance.
I do not want to scare you. And I do not encourage you to become vegetarians. Just the choice of meat I would recommend to follow the principle of "less is more". For example, 1-2 times a week. Especially the meat in modern conditions has become cheaper broccoli (eg Russia). Therefore, it might be worth to overpay a little and there quietly?
If they have not asked for yourself, here is a brief summary.
If you earn a decent and you can afford it, buy organic products as much as possible. It will save your health in the future. In addition, these products are much tastier. Plus, their nutritional value is often (but not always) higher, which means that you will gorge on smaller portions. Additional bonus: you support the poor animals.
And in the future will still cheaper. If the count value is not purchased in the future, drugs and medical bills, to which you do not go, because the probability of strong health increases in proportion to the quality of food.
If spending on food constitute a significant article in your budgeted expenses, Try to pamper yourself such products at least occasionally. For example:
- Buy yourself a good pack of butter for sandwiches and pastries to buy cheaper oil.
- With the eggs is the same: for pastries and pancakes - regular, and for omelets or fried eggs - homemade.
- Milk: not so much worth it to not treat yourself to a good bioproducts. You do not drink it in liters (hopefully)!
- Pork: After the above transfer, I personally stopped eating the usual pork. Prices for environmental bite, so I just slashed its number in the family diet. Now I buy only organic, but very rarely (due to price). Frankly, I'd rather sing of fish or seafood with vegetable dishes. However, a visit is not fussy and do not inquire where the meat was taken.
- With chicken simpler biokuritsu can be found frozen, so the price is not much different from the price of an ordinary chicken.
- Beef: good beef still grown in better conditions than pork. And the bad... why do you need it?
- Vegetables and fruits: if there are no funds for organic products, buy seasonal produce. It is best if it is from your area. Or from the next. Such products are less sprayed, as to carry them far.
And finally, the good news. The more you personally and other people will buy organic food, the cheaper they will become over time. For example, 10 years ago in Denmark clean apples were worth four (!) Times more expensive than usual. And now the price is almost the same. And the rest of the products is the same story. And all because people were simply "vote purse" and as a result increased the number of biological production and, consequently, reduced price.
So remember: you choose, consumers. Yes, 10 years - a considerable period, but after years of flying so fast ...
Good health to you!