Back to basics: 24 forgotten exercise that should be tried by every man
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
The concept of "the strong man» (strongman) became fashionable in the early XX century, but the development of physical culture began in the 1800s as a response to the industrial revolution. There was a lot of office work, and people began to worry about his health. Athletes were symbols of courage and proof that citizens can be just as strong, fast and agile, as once their ancestors were. Strongmen were people from different walks of life, different professions: the former military, professional athletes, boxers, wrestlers and just strong guys - factory workers, who saw in sports shows opportunity to capitalize on their muscles less exhausting difficulty.
Simple male viewers after watching such shows want to learn how to perform at least some of those tricks and put themselves in more or less its proper physical shape. So we began to appear books with different techniques and exercises for the "mere mortals", that is, anyone who is not a professional strong man, and just wanted to at least a little closer to your ideal. It is this desire led to the fact that such courses have become extremely popular in the first half of the XX century.
Some of the proposed exercises are recognizable now (squats, bench press and deadlift), some is quite unique and for some reason were not included in the contemporary methods.
Wrist and forearm
Exercise № 1
The book should be based solely on the fingers, the hand must not rely on the table. The thumb is not involved in the exercise. It is necessary to pick up the book as high as possible by means of the index finger, as shown in the picture. Once you pick up the book to the limit, return to starting position and turn the work is the next finger, repeating to him the same exercise. So to work out all fingers on both hands.
If the little finger, you will experience some difficulties, can facilitate the exercise a little and allow the distal end of the book touch the table.
Try to alternate your fingers as fast as you can. Thus, the exercise will be like playing the piano. Then you can choose a book pouvesistee.
Exercise to strengthen the fingers stimulates and involves complex work the muscles of the forearm, increasing both its power and volume of the wrist.
Exercise № 2
This exercise is similar to the previous one, although it will carry a little more difficult than the first version. You just need to change the position of your hands on the opposite, that is palm down at the table. You just pick up a book with your fingers one by one as soon as possible, pretending to play the piano. Especially difficult is the little finger. The thumb is connected to the latter.
Exercise develops the muscles of the thumb and little finger.
Exercise № 3
This is a very old exercise to develop strength of the wrist. At this time, in the broom to be used as additional equipment. Your main task - to hold the broom for the end of the handle. If you do not have enough power in your hands, you can keep the broom closer to the base. Once the hand is stronger, you will move closer to the end of the handle. And when, and it is not enough, you can try to put on a broom some weight and maintain so parallel to the floor. Broom should be aligned with your forearm. Abut the leg elbow or shoulder can not. The longer and thicker than a broom handle, the more difficult to perform this exercise.
Do you think this is hard? Now imagine a blacksmith who holds in one hand a sledgehammer weighing from 3 to 5.5 kg!
Exercise № 4
It's all very simple. If there are no drums, we can take special sendbeg or something else. The main feature is that you should keep this object only with your fingers. Stand erect, legs straight, back and straight. Lean over the barrel, grab it with your fingers and try to pick up off the floor as high as possible. Back and legs at the same time remain straight. Then put the barrel back on the floor, straighten your fingers and a bit of mash and repeat several times.
Exercise № 5
Now try to move the barrel weighing 45 kg for a short distance back and forth several times. Of course, instead of barrels can use a dumbbell or kettlebell.
Exercise № 6
Take a small stick and long tie cord thereto by weight - about 2 kg. Put next to two chairs and stand up to them in full growth. Pick up a stick with a weight attached, hold it at waist level and begin to wind the cord so as to lift the weight. Once you've wrapped the whole cable again unwind and lift. Repeat the exercise until you get bored.
Biceps and triceps
An exercise № 7
Stand erect, feet together, left hand grabs the right, his left hand rests on top of the right palm. From this position, expand the right hand palm up and start bending it at the elbow, raising the right shoulder. During lifting of the right hand presses his left hand to the right, to create resistance.
As soon as the right arm at the elbow fully sognotsya, it begins to descend slowly to the starting position. The left arm starts to pull the right, creating resistance and on the way back. Then repeat the same with the other hand. The total number of repetitions - 6 for each hand.
Exercise № 8
Grasp the right wrist wrist of his left hand behind his back, left arm bent across the waist. Push your right hand and try to snatch it from the capture of the left hand. Then repeat the same with the other hand.
Exercise № 9
Great exercise for the hands, especially for the forearm. Be as shown in the figure, take a weight of 4.5 kg and Abut her right shoulder. Raise your left arm and bend it at the elbow and grasp it for the weight so that the forearm of his left hand was on the head. Straighten your elbows and lift the dumbbell over your head, and then again return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 30 times (15 per arm). Further it is possible to gradually increase the weight by weight.
Exercise № 10
This exercise is very advanced athletes can do a handstand, but it can be done pushing his feet against the wall. From the position handstands start slowly bend your elbows so long as they do not touch the floor. To return to the original position, slightly Push forward and with this momentum, try to climb up again.
Exercise № 11
Stand erect, feet firmly on the floor. Pick up a little weight and lift it to the level of his chest (Figure 1). Then rotate it at a slight angle, as shown in Figure 2. Return bodibar (or bar with a small weight) to the starting position - arms at chest level. Then turn it on again, but this time, the angle should be larger. Go back to the starting position. In the fifth approach bodibar should be perpendicular to the floor, as shown in Figure 3.
Exercise № 12
Get your hands behind your back, shoulders forward, chin resting on his chest. Taps shoulders back, trying to keep the scapula, head tilted back, chin up stretches. Then return to the original position. Perform 18-20 repetitions.
Exercise № 13
And this we press the barrel against his chest. Take the barrel, put on your chest and lift it up from the chest. Then return to the original position.
Exercise № 14
Take the barrel with one hand, and to include in the job back, lift it straight ahead, immediately substituting under her knee. Then the same hand, you raise the barrel, grabbed her and rolled on the forearm to the elbow, and then it should roll right shoulder, as shown in the figure. When the barrel is on the shoulder, pull the arm to the side. Then return the barrel back to the ground, having it in the same way: down the shoulder to the elbow, and then from the elbow of the forearm. Using a brush, barrel rests in the knee with one hand and put it on the floor.
Exercise № 15
Tie a rope to the weight, take it in your hand, arm pull to the side, palm facing forward. From this position, try to lift the weight without bending the arm at the elbow.
Exercise № 16
Take the weight with both hands and stretch your arms to the sides. The angle between the arms and the body must be 90 degrees (if this is impossible, it is better to keep them slightly lower but not higher). Hands and wrists are strained. straighten the body. Then put your hands up so that the weight on the shoulders turned, and then return to starting position.
Exercise № 17
Stand erect, feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Dumbbell lying on the floor between his legs. Bend over, grab a dumbbell, a jerk on the exhale lift them above his head at arm's length and then lower down. You will have a pendulum movement.
Exercise № 18
Pick up a barbell, hands placed on the ends of the bar. Feet firmly pressed to the floor, legs apart to a width of about 30 cm. Expand the bar so that it is perpendicular to the floor, the right hand is on the lower end of the neck (Figure 2). Then, very carefully rewound the barbell behind your head (Figure 3), while it still has to be perpendicular to the floor. Deep sit down and place the bar on the shoulders (Figure 4).
Then straightened, feet parallel to each other. Again crouch as low as possible and straighten. After the end of the exercise from the bottom position gently rest against one end of the rod to the floor and tilt it so that it is perpendicular to the floor again. Derive it from behind his head and straightened up, gently lowering the bar.
Typically, this option is performed in the event that you have a very large weight. If the weight of a standard, you just put the barbell on his shoulders and perform squats.
Exercise № 19
Sit on the floor, legs bent at the knees, arms crossed and her hands rest against the inner part of the opposite knee.
Start with full force to put pressure on his knees, trying to spread her legs. Legs same strain and try to move them, opposing hands. The goal - to push the knees as wide as possible by hand, at the same time resisting the legs.
Exercise № 20
Stand erect, his hands behind his head rewound and locked in the castle, putting them on the head. Head tilted forward and try to reach the breast chin. Then return the head to its original position while at the same time push his hands on his head, resisting the movement of the head. Perform 5 reps, then you can gradually increase the amount.
Exercise № 21
Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees and rest on the floor at a distance of one foot from the pelvis. Head rest against the floor and start to raise and lower the pelvis as in a standard exercise "bridge".
Muscles bark and whole body
Exercise № 22
Lift up the dumbbell, as shown in Figure 1. Spread your feet shoulder-width of about 40 cm, knees straight. During the exercise, you need to look at the dumbbell. Tilt your body forward so that the left hand touching the right foot (still not taking his eyes off the dumbbells), and return to starting position. Change hands - now in the slope while the right hand is touching the left foot.
Exercise № 23
Be in the position of the side straps, the emphasis on direct arm. Legs not rest against the floor, and in the stand. Housing, pelvis and hips are in a straight line. Lower the body down so that the lower thigh almost touching the floor, and with a slight spring back, return to the top position.
Exercise № 24
Stand erect, feet shoulder width apart. Place a dumbbell between your feet, bend over and take it one-handed in the middle. Push your arm, leg, and back stroke, lift the dumbbell over your head and then return to starting position, to change hands. Take care to perform leg exercises during the time they were soft at the knees and a little spring, and the operating arm was straightened.