A dog - man's best friend. A runner?
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Thanks to the project "Run Layfhaker Run" we have learned a lot about the benefits of running and many readers, I am sure, have already joined or are about to join the ranks of runners. However, apart from health, good mood and positive, running can sometimes bring and trouble. About sports injuries, trapping many novice runners told us Alexey Taranenko, and I would like to address another problem of runners, and regardless of age and physical fitness. Talk about dogs.
I think a lot of shifty people faced with a situation where you run yourself quietly, not bothering anyone, nice headphones Music in the blood hormones of happiness roam, and suddenly rushes over you after a quadruped caudate and begins to clang teeth near feet. Even if it does not reach the bites, the fact that such an attack knocks the rhythm, causing a stressful condition and spoil the mood for the whole day. How to avoid such conflicts?
1. Try to run the same safe route. Beware of close approach to protected objects (construction sites, parking lots), where a pack of mongrels are fed up watchmen on you to try to prove its usefulness.
2. When approaching a dog, try to observe as far as possible, without disturbing its "security zone". Do not make any sudden movements. Try to keep it in sight until being removed.
3. In no case do not be afraid! Allocated at bay subtle vibes are felt immediately and dogs at a great distance. They operate on the dog's psyche as the strongest "ozverin" and may even cause the animal calm try to attack you.
4. If you are persecuted by a dog, in any case, do not run away. Stopped abruptly, turn around to face the dog, and... And here it is necessary to act according to circumstances. Some advised to freeze like a pillar, and to speak kind words, others - to try to scare the dog a sharp cry and counter attack. From my own experience I know that street dogs reliably operates imitation stone podymaniya followed kidkov. Only sparkling paw. :)
5. In no case do not try to enter into a debate with the hosts. Remember that a dog lover - a man for whom even a bad word against his favorite, is reason enough to break through your head. No arguments about the obligation of the leash and muzzle do not reach their consciousness, so not to waste time and nerves. (Separate ray hatred - a heap of shit on park paths).
But the most terrible animal in the world are pugs, Pekingese and strange creation on shaky legs, the names of the breed which I do not know. Guided sweet grandmothers, they inspire fear not only for runners, but also to all passers-by attacking all that falls within their grasp. Against them no advice will help with any tactic powerless.
And how do you deal with the four-legged friends? What are the secrets of communicating with dogs do you have?