3 goals in the sport, which is necessary to refuse from
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
1. Get hung up on the number of kilograms you want to lose
Goals based only on how to lose weight usually lead to disappointment. Our weight fluctuates depending on the amount of fluid you drink, how long ago we went to the toilet. In addition, the scales do not distinguish between fat mass and total body weight, so rely on them is not necessary.
Seek to a particular weight is possible, but in addition, observe the percentages of fat and non-fat masses. If you exercise regularly and eat well, you will lose weight and build muscle at the same time, so that the balance will not give you accurate information.
What to do: Set a goal to improve their health
Select the goal to improve not only their appearance, but also health. For example, do exercises that develop strength, flexibility and endurance. Can add to the usual training yoga, try to prepare for a marathon or just extend the daily walk.
If you like, how you feel, follow this habit, you will be easier to achieve the goal. As a result, you will look good and feel better.
2. Bring themselves to exhaustion
During marathons, races with obstacles, triathlon participants reach the limit of physical and psychological capabilities. Therefore, they should participate in those who prepared for months, if not years. If you just started to play sports, choose something simpler. You can set a goal to someday participate in this competition.
But if you sign up for the competition, not really representing what is necessary physical training, you can get seriously injured. For example, in race an abrupt change in the intensity of training and too long distances lead to 60-70% of all injuriesTraining Eerrors And Running Related Injuries..
What to do: better physical shape gradually
If you want to participate in the marathon, give yourself to prepare for at least a year. And in the near future, set interim goals, for example to run 5 kilometers. So you will gradually increase the load and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.
3. Strive to look like a model
Looking at the incredibly beautiful (maybe even fake) photos of models, all feel inferior. But the feeling will not be long to motivate you.
In addition, all the body is designed differently. Perhaps yours will not respond to the same diet or workout as your favorite blogger. Trying to look like a model in Instagram, you're just setting yourself up for frustration and guiltChanging the Quality of Motivation Over Time In Health and Fitness Settings..
What to do: Find a sport that gives you pleasure
If during exercise you enjoy, you will want to be engaged in the futureCan the Affective Response to Exercise Predict Future Motives and Physical Activity Behavior?. So try to find this kind of activity that you are interested in, or join a sports club with friends to exercise was fun.
When you do regularly and feel happy, you will naturally improve your physical shape and will look more fit.
Remember, the right objectives must be:
- Specific, measurable, realistic and time-limited.
- Challenging but achievable.
- Focused on the immediate future (months, not years).
- Aimed at self-development, rather than something to excel.
- We should be accompanied by an assessment of the results.
Even goals that seem achievable, sometimes turn into a failure. There is nothing to worry about. The main thing - do not use this as an excuse to throw your workout.
Sometimes fail even useful to know what does not suit you, what strategies do not work. Do not be too hard to imagine. If you have not reached your goal, correct it and try again.
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