20-minute cardio training for those who do not like jogging
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
People are born runners. Nature has tried to make sure that our ancestors were able to chase prey long and not die of starvation. Of course, now we do not need to run after the mammoths, but millions of years of evolution just is not canceled. Also running is a great way to stimulate the work of our cardiovascular system and helps to get rid of extra pounds, earned back-breaking sedentary lifestyle. But what if you do not like running? You can replace it like this 20-minute cardio. ;)
In order to take a healthy weight, we need not only strong muscles, but also a strong heart, muscles need large amounts of oxygen. But, unfortunately, from the chest zhimom sotochku heart does not pump over. This can be done only with the help of cardio.
Run like not all: many run simply because it is necessary. Some even can not bring themselves go jogging more than a week (and then comes a lull before the New Year and new resolutions annum).
However, cardio is not the same as running. There are a huge number of different options, and today we offer you one of them.
So, to spur your heart, it is not necessary to wind circles as if preparing for a marathon. You will approach a remarkable training with speaking name - "Death at 10 meters."
What should be done
- Find a comfortable piece of space 10 meters long in your gym, the office or on the street - which is still, most importantly, that he was no obstacle and its length is exactly 10 meters.
- Make a mark on the floor, showing start and finish. If there is nothing to measure the distance, just take 10 giant steps - not promahnotes.
- Set a timer for 1 minute and run the 10 meters. It runs, but do not pass, as the rest of minutes will be allotted to rest.
- Restart the timer for a moment and run two 10-meter distance. Relax.
- Then increase the number of 10-meter segments that need to be run through per minute, up to three, and so on.
You must continue to increase the number of runs 10-meter intervals with each passing minute. That is, it is desirable to cram in as much as 1 minute segments as possible. Once you have gone beyond the moment, your cardio finished.
While running, you do not need to touch the floor, as is done in the shuttle race. You just have to see to it that reached the mark, and unfold.
This exercise seems simple only when you read about it. Well, in the first 10 minutes will also be easy, but then... So we can assume that the first 10 minutes - warm-up, and the remaining 10 minutes - hell of a job. From about eight minutes you will have less and less time to rest, and in the tenth minute, these gaps will rapidly turn into nothing.
Many problems start in the 13th or 14th minute workout when simply run turns into a sprint, and after physical fatigue have thoughts like "Why do I do all this necessary?" "Maybe it's better to stay?" "For what I have now is put up" and etc.
The desire to give up there somewhere in the 16th minute for beginners and 18 minutes from the more experienced athletes. And this reference point is really important, because it is in those moments when we are the hardest, the system of the body involved in the work at full capacity.
Here the main thing - to hold out until the endSince the 18 th and 19 th minute share only 60 seconds. And the 19-th and 20-th too. And even if you could not run the next 10 meters per minute, do not worry. This means that in the next period of you will try to bring the result to an integer value. After all, that's what separates the boys from the men. ;)