12 asanas with pain in the neck and shoulders
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
General recommendations
- Watch for breathing. Breaths should accompany the movement so that you are able to feel each vertebra. This will help to re-educate the muscles and nerves to get rid of the abnormal movements, leading to stoop and scoliosis.
- Use the asanas as a tool. Do not strive at all costs to take the limit position of the asanas. Posture should serve you, not vice versa. Try to feel your body and become aware of the work of muscles.
- Do not let the pain.
1. Pose cross-legged
Sit cross-legged and straight-backed. Inspiratory pull up the spine. As you exhale, try to press the navel to the spine. Take 12 breaths, gradually lengthening breaths.
2. Asymmetrical zipper option poses
Get on your knees, straighten your back, lift your left hand. The right hand rests on the sacrum. On the exhale, lower the arm, leading her back to the sacrum, buttocks put on the foot and head - the left side of the floor. On the inhale, return to the starting position, raise your right hand only. Repeat to the other side, and then another, once in each direction.
3. cobra Pose
Lie on your stomach, head turned to the right. Put your hands on the sacrum, palms up. On the inhale, lift the chest due to the back muscles. At the same time bring your left through the side of his hand to his forehead. On the exhale, lower the chest, hand, return to the sacrum, and the head turn to the left. Take 2 times in each direction.
4. Pose Cat / Cow
Get on all fours. Inspiratory arch your back down on exhalation - vygnite up. Move the body back: place the buttocks on the feet, chest - on the hips, elbows and forehead - on the floor. Inhale and as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.
5. Pulling back surface of the body
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on his buttocks. On the exhale, slide your hands down, lowering the chest to the hips. Tilt head forward, chin lift. On the inhale, lift the chest and a little - chin. Palm wherein Abut knees, pinch blade. As you exhale, bend, sliding his hands to the soles of his feet and pulling his chin to his chest. Relax and breath return to starting position. Repeat 4 times.
6. Pose an elongated triangle
Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width put. Expand the left leg to the foot form a right angle. On the inhale your arms parallel to the floor. On the exhale, tilt the body to the left, without changing hand positions. Place your left hand on your left foot, his head down, expand. Inspiratory drag your right hand to the left, turn your head upward. On the exhale, return to starting position. Repeat 4 times. Then expand your feet and do exercise 4 times in the other direction.
7. lightning Pose
Get on your knees, straighten your back, raise your hands. On the exhale, tighten your abdomen, lower your arms to the sacrum palms up, put your chest on the thighs, buttocks - on foot, and the forehead - to the floor. On the inhale, return to the starting position, raised his hands to the sides. Repeat 6-8 times.
8. Twisting in the pose of the cross-legged
Sit cross-legged and straight-backed. Place your left hand on your right knee, and his right hand - on the floor behind him. On the exhale, slowly rotate the torso and head to the right. Hold the position while inhaling. On the next exhale, expand the left head without changing the position of the shoulders. On the inhale pull up the spine, exhale, turn your shoulders and torso to the right. With each exhalation, slightly tilt your head to the left shoulder to the right side of the neck to stretch more. Take 8 breaths. Then repeat the asana to the other side.
9. The slope at the feet of sitting
Sit with legs stretched forward, back straight, hands on hips. As you exhale, bend forward slightly bending lap. A head lower so that between the chin and the neck angle was 45 degrees. Inspiratory pinch blade, opening the chest and lift chin. As you exhale, bend forward, head down. On the inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times.
10. Bridge
Lie on your back, arms outstretched at your sides, palms down. Bend your legs and put a shoulder-width next to the buttocks. On the inhale, lift the pelvis, not throwing back his head. Chin pointing to his chest and neck gently stretched. As you exhale slowly, vertebra by vertebra, pelvis, lower to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
11. Pose liberation wind
Lie on your back with your knees bent and put his hands on them. On the exhale, gently tighten the thighs to his chest, pressing your lower back into the mat. On the inhale, return to the starting position. Do not throw back his head and do not strain your shoulders. Repeat 8 times.
12. Savasana
Lie on your back, arms outstretched at your sides, palms up, feet slightly apart. Relax. Breathe calmly and deeply. Stay in the asana for 3-5 minutes.