11 exercises from yoga to warm at your desk
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
1. Cat and cow posture on a chair
The useful
This exercise stretches the muscles of the back and neck, provides massage internal organs, synchronize breathing and body position.
how to perform
Press the foot to the floor, put his hands on his knees. On the inhale, lower your shoulders and bend the back arc, reduce blade, extend the neck. The chest is opened, look upwards. On the exhale, print the shoulders forward and round your back, pull your belly, a head lower down, bringing your chin to your chest. Do this exercise five times.
2. Pulling with arms raised
The useful
Stretches the whole body, it straightens the spine, creating space between the vertebrae, which has a positive effect on nutrition of intervertebral discs. This posture improves posture and prepares the back to further stretching and twisting of the spine.
how to perform
Stand with your arms hanging loosely at your sides, feet firmly pressed to the floor. With a deep breath, raise your arms above your head and join hands. Concentrate on stretching the elbows and shoulders.
Permitting stretching the shoulders, gently arch your back in the thoracic region. To protect the lower back from bending, tighten the buttocks. Hold this position for two or three breaths and return to starting position.
3. Pose a pigeon on the table
The useful
This pose is good for the hips disclosure. It improves blood circulation in the pelvis and stretches buttock muscles.
how to perform
Stand in front of a table, countertop should be placed below the thighs. Lift one leg and place the lower leg on the table. The knee looks away, lower leg is parallel to the edge of the table. Hands lean on the table, putting them on either side of the legs. Gently leaning forward, stretching the leg. Breathe evenly and deeply. Do five to eight breaths, and repeat with the other leg.
4. The slope of the straight-backed
The useful
Straightens the spine, it stretches the hamstrings and glutes.
how to perform
Step away from the table so as not to hurt his head countertop. With breath raise your hands, palms connect (stretching pose with arms raised). On exhalation, scroll down, hold back straight. Put your hands on the lower leg, pull your shoulders back. Hold this pose for five to eight breaths, trying to lower the body below, without bending at the same time back.
5. The slope with his hands on the floor
How useful
This exercise - a more sophisticated version of the previous posture, which allows a little better stretch the hamstrings.
how to perform
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms hanging loosely at your sides. Bend over and touch the floor with his hands. If you can, place the palms on the floor, it does not bend the knees. Breathe deeply, relax your neck and let your head hang freely.
If the palm rest freely on the floor, you can complicate the exercise. Try to alternate between flat and round the back in the process of respiration. On the inhale, try to straighten your back, exhale again be rounded her.
Do this exercise five times. If your hands until you reach to the floor, just hold the pose for five to eight breaths.
6. The lateral tilt
The useful
This pose strengthens muscle barkWhich help to maintain the correct posture. Part of the load transferred to the knees and ankles.
how to perform
Stand straight, feet together, arms over his head connect. With the breath pull the whole body down to the fingertips. On exhalation tilt the body to the left and then to the inhalation return to starting position.
Repeat the movement in the other direction. Follow the three tilt in each direction.
This movement is especially useful if you are working for a stand-up desk. In just a few hours back muscles are tired and tilts sideways help relieve tension and to continue to work.
7. twisting eagle
The useful
Stretches the wrists and shoulders.
how to perform
Sit up straight. Put your right foot on the floor, place your left foot on the right knee and the left foot rewound by the right shin. Pull both hands in front of him, holding them at shoulder level. Left elbow lay in the crook of his right hand, twist the forearm and join hands.
Try to lower your shoulders and lift your elbows intertwined hands. Hold for five breaths, then change legs and arms and repeat.
8. twisting sitting
The useful
Remove the voltage from the abdominal muscles, promotes good digestion, Improves nutrition of intervertebral discs.
how to perform
Sit up straight, feet flat on the floor, toes pointing forward. You sit on the sitting bones, the pelvis is in a neutral position, the spine is pulled up. Slowly and carefully turn the right body, the left hand resting on his knee, the right - on the arm or on the back of the chair.
Breathe calmly, stay in this position for five to eight breaths. Return to starting position and repeat to the other side.
9. Stretching arms standing
The useful
Stretches muscles of the shoulders, which become stiff and tired from a long work on the computer.
how to perform
Step away from the desk to the two-step, lean forward with your back straight and place your hands on the table. Try to bend down as low as possible, it is good to stretch the shoulders. Spend in this position eight breaths. You can be static or slightly swaying, deepening the stretch.
10. Pose chair
The useful
This pose strengthens the muscles of the hips, which lose their tone from the constant sitting.
how to perform
Stand straight, feet together, arms hanging loosely at the sides of the body. With inhalation raise the arms straight up, palms facing each other. With an exhalation move your weight on your heels and sit down, as if you want to sit on a chair. Get down to the thighs parallel to the floor or slightly higher. The angle at the knee - 45-90 degrees.
Keep your back straight, shoulders slumped. Hold the position for eight breaths.
11. Stretching the hips standing
The useful
This pose stretches the quadriceps - muscles that are hard on the constant seat. Also, this stretching can ease the tension in the lower back.
how to perform
Stand in front of your desktop, press the foot to the floor. Bend the knee of the right leg, lift the lower leg and right hand, grasp the toe or ankle. If you are afraid to fall, keep the left hand on the table or wall.
Tighten up the pelvis, abdomen retract. Stretching should be felt in the front of the thigh. Hold the pose for five to eight breaths, and repeat with the other leg.
This complex will take you no more than 10 minutes. Do it once or twice a day, then you protect yourself from tainted posture, back pain and muscle imbalance.