How to create the right environment in order to achieve all the goals
Productivity Health / / December 19, 2019
It seems that everything is simple: to lose weight, you need to move more and eat less; to increase your speed, you need to deal with interval running. Although there is some truth, this is not the main thing. The basis of success - the correct setting.
What is the environment
These are all aspects of your life that affect your ability to achieve your goals and maintain good results. The concept of the environment is based on four key components: movement, nutrition, recovery and your beliefs.
Rate yourself according to each of these four components, you determine whether you are in the "survival" mode or "prosperity".
If we are in a mode of "survival", our body does not care what we want to look better and run faster. Unfortunately, most of us quite often in this state: we eat on the go, we do not get enough sleep, relying on coffee and energy drinks, to somehow to function during the day, do not give yourself time to relax, we criticize themselves and generally think about their health only at the last turn. Is it possible to succeed in such a state? Probably, yes, but at what cost?
When we are in the "prosperity", we wake up easily and feel refreshed. We are pleased to have breakfast and a leisurely drink coffee. We are full of energy. We live actively, and our good form depends not only on trips to the gym, but on the whole way of life in general.
So when we take care of your body - to move a lot, eat right, get enough sleep and positive thinking - we create the environment that helps us to be more efficient.
This is confirmed by the study. For example, it was found that lack of sleep prevents weight lossInsufficient sleep undermines dietary efforts to reduce adiposity. and even lead to the fact that we are starting to eat badlySleep deprivation linked to junk food cravings. . And if the body does not receive required, one should not expect miracles from him.
To understand, you survive and thrive, think about your surroundings. Please rate each of the items listed below on a scale from 1 to 5 (where 1 - is survival, and 5 points - Prosperity).
- You lead an active lifestyle? (Perhaps you exercise every day, but the rest of the time inactive, then it is not considered an active lifestyle.)
- You move without pain and discomfort?
- As you build your training? Whether you are using an integrated approach? (It includes a special massage roller exercises for mobility of joints, warm up and cool down.)
- Do you eat fresh, natural products?
- Do you eat a balanced way? (Diet which limit or, conversely, increase the consumption of protein, fat or carbohydrate tire body.)
- You eat slowly and quietly? (Studies have confirmed that eating in a hurry leads to the fact that we consume more calories and more likely to feel a sense of hungerSlower eating speed lowers energy intake in normal-weight but not overweight / obese subjects. .)
- Do you sleep well? (Good dream means that you can easily fall asleep, do not wake up at night and easy to get up in the morning.)
- Do you sleep 7-8 hours? (If you are constantly sleep less than seven hours, the body goes into survival modeEffects of insufficient sleep on circadian rhythmicity and expression amplitude of the human blood transcriptome. .)
- Gives you afford the time to relax?
- How you think about yourself: positive or negative?
- What is your type of thinking: Fixed or growing? (People with a fixed mindset thought, "I always eat what I want, in sports, and was in good shape, so it will be so now." And people with the developing thinking will say: "I am open to everything new and willing to try a different approach").
- Does your behavior with your values?
Add up all the points and divide the total by 20 (the maximum possible result). The resulting number (in percent) reflects how well organized your environment. For example, if in the end you get a number 10, it means that you employ only 50% of its capacity (10 ÷ 20 = 50%). It's not bad, it just means that you have much to develop.
Try for each item that you rate below four points, jot down a few ideas that will help you somehow improve this area of life.
Here are some guidelines you note.
- Train is not too intense, but not too relaxed.
- Each week, plan some outdoor activities.
- To move it easier and more comfortable, do not forget about the massage using special massage roller and about exercises for the joints.
- beforehand prepare a few simple recipes to save time.
- Eat foods that produce in your area.
- Eat unprocessed foods: the body more easily absorb nutrients from them.
- Every day allot an hour to rest.
- Do self-massage using massage rollers at bedtime, it helps the body to relax.
- Go to bed at the same time.
- Try to change one thing in your surroundings during the month.
- Write down your core values every day (or at least once a week) re-read this list to remind yourself which direction you want to move.
- Keep others in their endeavors, and it feeds its own success.