Take care of the eyes or their favorite 40 facts
Health Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
We have - do not appreciate, lost - we cry. Nothing is more important for us, fans and the Internet, as the eyes. We all do them - look, read, play, relax. And they work! Constantly. We offer you 40 facts about the eyes that will make you closer to your... eyes. I love your eyes, and keep them.
1. Brown eyes really blue under a brown pigment. There is even a laser procedure that allows you to turn brown eyes blue forever.
2. The pupils of the eyes dilate to 45%, when we look at the one whom we love.
3. The cornea is the eye of man so much like a shark cornea that the latter is used as a substitute for the operations in the eyes.
4. You can not sneeze with your eyes open.
5. Our eyes can distinguish 500 shades of gray.
6. Each eye contains 107 million cells, and they are sensitive to light.
7. Every 12th males - colorblind.
8. The human eye is able to perceive only three spectral region: red, blue and green. Other colors are a combination of these colors.
9. The diameter of our eyes is about 2.5 cm, and they weigh about 8 grams.
10. Of all our body muscles are the muscles that control the eyes, the most active.
11. Your eyes will always be the same size as that of birth, and his ears and nose do not cease to grow.
12. Only 1/6 of the eyeball is visible.
13. In an average lifetime, we see about 24 million different images.
14. Your fingerprints are 40 unique characteristics, while the iris - 256. It is for this reason retina scans used for security purposes.
15. People say, "do not have time to blink an eye," as responsible for a muscle - the fastest in the body. A blink lasts about 100-150 milliseconds, and you can blink five times per second.
16. Eyes convey a wealth of information in the brain every hour. Capacity of this channel is comparable to TV Internet providers large city.
17. Our eyes are focused about 50 things per second.
18. The images are sent to our brain, actually flipped.
19. Eyes are loaded brain work more than any other parts of the body.
20. Each eyelash lives about five months.
21. Maya believed strabismus attractive and tried to make sure that their children were cross-eyed.
22. About 10 000 years ago, all people had brown eyes until a man who lived in the Black Sea region, does not appear a genetic mutation that led to the appearance of blue eyes.
23. If flash photography you have only one eye is red, it is likely that you have an eye tumor (if both eyes facing the same direction in the camera). Fortunately, the cure rate is 95%.
24. Schizophrenia can be determined with an accuracy of 98.3% with a conventional test for eye movement.
25. People and dogs - the only ones who are looking for visual clues in the eyes of others, and the dog do it, just talking to people.
26. Approximately 2% of women have a rare genetic mutation, due to which they have been additional retinal cone. This allows them to see 100 million colors.
27. Johnny Depp blind in his left eye and nearsighted in the right.
28. Recorded case of conjoined twins from Canada, whose total thalamus. Because of this they were able to hear each other's thoughts and see through the eyes of each other.
29. The human eye can make smooth (not intermittent) movement only when watching a moving object.
30. The story of the Cyclops has appeared thanks to the peoples of the Mediterranean islands that discovered the remains of extinct dwarf elephants. Elephant skull was twice the human skull, and the central nasal cavity is often mistaken for the eye socket.
31. The astronauts can not cry in space due to gravity. Tears gather in small balls and start to pinch the eye.
32. Pirates used a blindfold to quickly adapt the vision to the environment above the deck and below. Thus, the one eye they have to get used to the bright light, and the other - to dim.
33. There are too "complex" to the human eye color, they are called impossible colors.
34. We see certain colors, so it is the only range of light that passes through the water - an area where there were our eyes. There was no evolutionary reasons on earth to see a wider range.
35. Eyes began to evolve about 550 million years ago. The simplest eyes were particles photoreceptor proteins in unicellular animals.
36. Sometimes people suffering from aphakia - absence of the crystalline lens, to report what they see ultraviolet light spectrum.
37. Bees have hair in his eyes. They help determine the wind direction and speed of flight.
38. Mission astronauts "Apollo" talked about what they saw flashes and streaks of light, when a blind eye. Later it turned out that it was caused by cosmic radiation, the irradiated retina them outside the Earth's magnetosphere.
39. We "see" the brain, not the eyes. Blur and poor image - an eye disease that is similar to the sensor receiving the image distortion. Then its distortion and the "dead zone" will impose the brain.
40. Approximately 65-85% of white cats with blue eyes - deaf.