12 things that can prevent you to get posterity
Health / / December 19, 2019
In most people's lives there comes a point when a person realizes that he wants to acquire offspring. But even if you have no apparent health problems, next to you the right man and the right time, anything can go wrong, as you had planned. There are a lot of things, because of which the people find it difficult to acquire offspring. Here are some of them.
Fast food or any other junk food
If you eat any muck that it is unclear for what reasons is called a meal, then your body may not have enough monounsaturated fats, zinc, vitamin D, and vitamin B6. In the end, your body stops producing normal reproductive hormones: progesterone, insulin and testosterone.
So if you are planning to in the near future to have a baby, eat only useful meal and never forget the need wholesome breakfast.
blood cholesterol levels
High levels of cholesterol in the blood is not only harmful to your heart, it can also prevent you from conceiving a child. This finding was recently published in the specialized journal.
The researchers found that women with high levels of cholesterol in the blood was much harder to get pregnant. And if high cholesterol is observed in both partners, is to conceive a child of such a pair would be even more difficult.
So, if you and your partner want to imagine the third member of the family, both of you need to check the level of cholesterol in the blood.
A study published in the journal this year Human ReproductionIt proves that a lot of stress increases the risk of infertility.
The researchers found that women in the saliva which was the highest level of the enzyme alpha-amylase, the chances of pregnancy were 29% lower than in healthy women. The high level of alpha-amylase is one of the stress indicators.
Smoking greatly increases the risk of lung cancer. If this is not enough for you to quit smoking, then you should know: according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), in 13% of cases the cause of infertility is just smoking.
In addition, many other studies have shown that even passive smoking has a negative impact on women's ability to conceive.
If you are planning to have a baby, keep in mind that you need to quit smoking the year before. And warn all my relatives and friends that smoke when you are not worth it.
Your weight
Mary Jane Minkin, a professor at the Yale School of Medicine, says that being overweight - is a huge obstacle that will prevent you from getting pregnant.
The American Society of Reproductive Medicine considers that in 12% of cases the cause of infertility is just extra weight.
But remember that any extreme never leads to anything good: underweight is also an obstacle that may prevent a woman getting pregnant.
Also harmful and too rapid weight loss.
There are certain drugs such as some antidepressants and mood stabilizers (mood stabilizers), which can negatively affect your fertility.
So if you are planning to have a baby, consult your gynecologist, especially if you are taking any medication. Together with your doctor you will be able to choose the medication that will not cause harm.
Your age
Oh, these biological clocks, some panic, they sometimes suggest us. Many women are in no hurry to have children, to have a much higher priority than career, or something else like that. Saying to himself, "not yet time", remember that child-bearing age does not last forever.
The approximate scope of childbearing age: from 20 to 35 years. After 32 years, the ability of women to conceive is declining slowly. After 40 pregnant is much harder.
Nevertheless, difficult does not mean impossible. However, if after six months of your efforts were not successful, then you should contact your gynecologist.
First things first: age-old tale of that, while you are breast-feeding a child, you can not get pregnant - it is a myth. However, breastfeeding a certain way interferes with conception.
During breastfeeding a woman's ability to conceive significantly reduced. In this period, the body nursing mother intensively generates hormones (which include prolactin) which inhibit fertility.
According to studies, lubricants are toxic to sperm. They do not allow sperm to quickly get in the cervical mucus, so they die in the acidic environment of the vagina, without having to reach the uterus.
Deficiency of folic acid
When you want to get pregnant, you need to take folic acid. She is involved in the growth and division of cells, plays an important role in the formation of blood cells.
Women planning pregnancy, folate must begin receiving in advance at the required daily dose (0.4 mg per day). But before using consult your doctor.
Folic acid is found in the following foods: dark green leafy vegetables (spinach, lettuce, asparagus), carrots, beans, liver.
Phthalates provoke hormonal changes and cause problems with the reproductive system. They are the most dangerous for pregnant women: they have a very negative impact on the development of the fetus.
Harm phthalates can be compared with the harm from cigarette smoking and obesity.
chronic diseases
Diseases such as endometriosis and diabetes, may have a material adverse effect on your ability to conceive.
In general, any chronic conditions (whether a man or a woman) are a serious obstacle to the child's conception.
Based on the