Why you should eat more fish ...
Health / / December 19, 2019
Familiar to the opinion that we are used to listen with knowledge of the matter said that all trends are duplicitous nature. If it is now fashionable to watch a movie about zombies, is about to begin povalny boom, no, not for meat. Vegetarianism. Eat meat - it's for the living dead and vegetables and fish - for those who are going to live happily ever after.
Vegetarianism can in good conscience call the new religion. Waiver of eating meat was first proclaimed by the British vegetarian community in 1842. Did you know that yoga is considered the cause of the corruption of the meat of the characters most modern people - it makes our thoughts are low, and behavior - aggressive?
Remember to beginner vegetarians fish, seafood and cheeses - a mandatory part of the diet. Not the body, accustomed to animal proteins, rebel, and no benefit from this person does not get it. The most common argument chicken and duck lovers - is that the only meat the body gets necessary for life are the same 22 amino acids that are not synthesized independently and digested with protein food. It turns out: all of the same amino acids with the same success can be found in fish and seafood. Plus, they are more easily absorbed by the body (the average fish protein a person acquires 98% and meat - 89%) at the same time and restock the vitamins and trace elements.
The fish is easier to prepare a dietary way. Few carnivores prepare their meat with blood, often preferring fried bitochek with carcinogens. Red fish can be cooked for a few minutes, and some varieties can be eaten raw in general.
Japanese fish-eaters, though, and were forced to sit on a diet moreproduktovyh because of poverty, are now proudly wear the title of the oldest old. Incidentally, Asian women have fewer wrinkles, and men do not have the problem of early baldness.
Try to make a measurement of its effectiveness and efficiency after a week without meat - you will be surprised.
And if you want to dig deeper into the subject of fish, then join the group of fish eaters in facebook.