Stickk - how not to go to deal with them
Health Web Services / / December 19, 2019
Max - a first-class lawyer and faithful friend, a caring family man. He never let colleagues, friends, relatives. Not broken is not a request, not ripped off any order. In short, a great guy, "a man in his prime."
With Carlson they really had one thing in common. At 34 Max weighed 120 kg. Hundreds of times he would sit on a diet, was recorded in the gym, trying to start running. And it's not that he was a weak-willed, as commitments related to his work or family, he carried out faithfully. But when it came to himself, Max was looking for loopholes in the contract with its own "I". And I found.
The commitment
In 2005, the US economist Thomas Schelling won the Nobel Prize for "... his work on conflict ...". Scientists claim that in order to achieve the objectives should be given pre-commitments.
Inside the man there are two principles: rational and emotional. And they are in the continuous contracting.
As rational beings we set goals, we expect their actions. But plans easily collapse if our emotional, greedy for temptations subsistence prevail. That is why it needs to be contained.
One of the best remedies for this behavioral economists call the pre-commitments. Long-term psychological and economic studies have shown that people reach their goals, if at stake their money or reputation.
Max was preparing documents for the reorganization of a large company. Their term of delivery due to expire in two days, and he knew that, if you do not keep within, then leave without a premium themselves and the legal department. Maxim had to take work home, to sit at night. He even lost per kilogram. But after 48 hours of required documents lying on the table chef.
Many of us to achieve these goals need clear as in the contract, obligation, non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of which entails penalties.
Stickk: subject of the contract - your life
Economics professor Dean Karlan of Yale University developed a theory based on two axioms:
1. People do not always do what they want.
2. Money makes them do it.
Indeed, if we, for example, conclude contract for services, we are trying to meet a deadline. And not because otherwise we are waiting for the penalty together with the litigation. That is the way our brain: the word should be kept, promises to fulfill.
Karlan is why, together with two friends (also by scientists at Yale University) have created «Stickk».
This project aims to help Max and like him, to change his life.
How it works?
To achieve the goal, which requires self-control and willpower, you have to sign a contract. This public commitment is disturbing you lose money or prestige in the eyes of loved ones (often - both).
The conclusion of the contract takes place in 4 stages:
1. The choice of targets. At this point, you need to choose what you want to achieve, as well as the time frame in which you would like to do it. The most popular targets, such as the desire to lose weight Max, already on the list; "Non-standard" you can add your own.
Some one-time goal - to reach the main before the deadline. Other "current": every week you should become a step closer to the final result.
For example, if Max says that he wants to lose 40 kilos in 9 months, then the form will calculate how many grams he should lose weight every 7 days.
2. Place your bets. This is not mandatory, but highly effective option. You are encouraged to put money on the fact whether you have reached the stated goal. As you point out, where will this money, if you will fail (Stickk not assign your money).
Let's say Max has put $ 20 on the fact that its weight each week is 200 grams less. To do this, he said, which is, by itself, guarantee the security of their credit card details. If he did it to the end of the seven-day period, the money stays with him. If not - are debited from the account. As a result, after 9 months if he failed the whole contract, his hard-earned 720 dollars will go to help the homeless hamsters Fund (well, Max loves hamsters).
3. Judge. You must select a person who will monitor your progress and confirm the veracity of your statements. Mission responsible, so it should be someone you trust and whose respect is more expensive. This step can be skipped as well, but on the same self-discipline, without social control, does not go far.
Max designated as "judges" his wife.
4. Support. You can create a kind of a support group of other Stickk users. They will encourage you in a personal journal, to comment on your progress.
Max chose to "hide" their target and close the magazine. The benefit of this lead to the privacy settings account.
That's it - the contract is concluded! - an excellent mechanism to deal with procrastination, laziness, lack of will. (Called, as you wish.) But that it did work, and the system of prior promises proved to be the case, beware of deals with itself. After all, continue to deceive yourself by clicking "Done", it is easier than to follow the terms of the contract.