Probably every person who thinks about losing weight, sooner or later begins to clear up the picture that just does not work. Not only just abandon buterbrodikov bedtime or cookies in the office in order to change themselves. And in my head at this time there are pictures of terrible and grueling workouts, which seems to be help but bring misery and unhappiness for the delicate psyche. It's time to dispel these myths.
Training, though are not the main part of the slimming process (as we already know from this articleMost importantly - it is powered), but, nevertheless, have a huge impact on the figure. Among other things, various training will have different effects on the body. Can be divided into 2 types of training:
- aerobic
- anaerobic
Aerobic exercise (cardio) - a type of low or medium-intensive loads that strengthen the cardiovascular system. These include running, swimming, various ellipse-type trainers, steppers, stationary bikes and other things. It is these workouts have a maximum effect in dropping weight and maintaining forms. You have to do cardio for weight loss, you want it or not. Of course, through diet in the spirit of "Kefir 5 days, and then the water 5 days" or "Gender Apelsinka in the morning and 1 vegetable evening, "too, can lose weight, but then you have to stay after these diets will also appear as the most vegetable. Therefore, if you want to eat properly, have to sweat.
Anaerobic exercise - a kind of high load, which increases the strength and size of your muscles. These include: bodybuilding, powerlifting, and others. And for us, the people who just want to get in shape, all that can be combined in other words - a gym. These types of loads also helps to lose weight, but everything else has changed and their body proportions for the better, due to the increase in muscle mass.
An experience
What to choose? For your weight loss program, I chose combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise. He trained 6 days a week, 3 lessons in the gym and 3 jogging in the morning, why in the morning, tell you below. But, it is suitable for those who have a lot of free time. For those who do not have enough time, we can restrict 3 lessons per week. Aerobic or anaerobic? It is necessary to start from the condition of the body.
If the amount of extra weight you want to lose more than 10 kg, then you will approach cardio as calorie expenditure will be more, and the weight loss will be proportional to them.
If the amount of excess weight less than 10 kg, you can choose training in the gym. Thus you can achieve an increase in strength and give your body a nice relief. In addition, many rooms have cardio with a lot of different simulators, so you can kill two birds with one stone.
If you have the opportunity, do cardio in the morning and on an empty stomach, as if cardio energy is taken from two sources - first of carbohydrates eaten in a day, after of the subcutaneous fat. Why not the other way around? All due to the fact that the float processed carbohydrates to the body is much easier than to start to break down body fat. And after the dream, the organism no carbohydrate reserve and working out in the morning can increase the effectiveness of your workout.
For myself, of all varieties of different types of cardio, I chose to run for several reasons: firstly, because of the fact that running the most undemanding sport, you just get up in the morning, go out and forward, and secondly, in my opinion, running - is the most effective sport for weight loss. Of course, this is a moot point, and fans of other sports raise me to laugh, but running really helps. What else do you need?
Running can also be different, I settled on two types of races: the interval running and jogging. Interval running - it is run at different intervals or segments. First you run hard, then when forces already there, go to the slow pace of recovery. And again on the new. And so a few times. Immediately we can say that for more effective fat loss is interval running, plus to this, interval running at the same cost of calories will take less time than a regular jogging. But, in addition to high intensity, interval running is much more difficult and exhausting, so you should start with the usual running smoothly in a month or two to go to the interval.
The gym
Training in the gym is also a very effective way to lose weight. But, for the gym need a program, and for weight loss in the gym need a more specialized program. Then we can recommend two ways: either find a coach (the best way), or begin to explore all the features of the gym and try to create or to look for a program of their own. The second method is more difficult but in the end will bring you more benefits. You better know your body better versed in what you need, so the program for yourself, if you have the proper knowledge, you can pick up more accurate than the coach in the gym. Here are some universal tips for activities in the hall for weight loss:
- a large number of repetitions in exercises
- short rest time (30 sec - 1 min)
- do supersets for more intensity
- constantly maintain rapid breathing and pulse
Pursuing such a manner and adhering to proper nutrition, you will see the result in the first month, but after that there will be also an incentive to continue. According to his senses - the hardest are the first two weeks, then it becomes a habit and already want to go to practice, I want to run and want to eat right. So, most importantly - find the strength to start and continue to want to have your body!