How to begin to engage in sports, if you do not like him
Health / / December 19, 2019
This post is unlikely to be interested fanatics, spending days and nights in the gym and on the treadmill. Professional athletes, for which the exercise - this is the meaning and way of life, it also can not read. But all the ordinary people who experience normal human feelings - laziness, boredom, fatigue, - the text can be extremely useful. I know I did this.
Around physical culture and sports in recent years has risen so much excitement, what to say to someone that you do not like sway and run, thus incurring the sidelong glances and suspicion of inferiority.
What? You do not like to run? Are you sick? Or simply do not understand?
No, I'm not sick. And I understand the benefit of exercise. But I just do not like them. I do not like sweating in a stuffy gym, I do not understand how you can spend so much precious hours, winding endless circles around the stadium, and I do not try to hit all surrounding their perfection forms.
Nevertheless, I give exercise at least an hour a day. Everyday. And in the winter and summer. For many years. Why am I doing this?
Of course, in order to be healthier. Almost all research simply shout about the beneficial effects of regular (I emphasize that word!) Loads on the overall condition of the body. And it's about as pronounced an instant impact on the physical, psychological and emotional state, as well as long-term consequences.
In other words, a sport for me - it is not very tasty, but a necessary one tablet to be taken every day. Her undeniable and undisputed benefits helps me to overcome my laziness and boredom. In addition, there are a few simple secrets to help you sweeten this bitter pill, and eventually, who knows, even begin to enjoy (I almost).
1. Do workouts as short as possible. Three workouts a week for half an hour - it's cool. But the long and extremely tiring. But short daily 7-, 12- or 15-minutnye workout look much more attractive and realistic. Yes, and enter into your work schedule can be virtually stress-free.
2. Choose your activity to your liking. Try to pick out a lesson that even with all of your dislike for the sport is no cause for rejection. Do not believe the advertising that promises magical results from the application of different systems of fashion. It is better to be happy cycling or swim than cursing everything in the world, bent iron in a rocking chair. Any physical activity are beneficial and those that you have done a good mood, do it twice.
3. Take care of the brain. Many knowledge workers do not like the sport only for the reason that they think it's boring. Their brains are accustomed to constantly receive and process new information, seek solutions to problems, to work. During a workout, the muscles work more, but the mind is not accustomed to such attitudes, get bored, and you get your requests as soon as possible to finish it all. Try to take it to the workout pleasant music and interesting podcast or movie - if not a hindrance.
4. Do not place immediately ambitious goals. Someone may say that the poster with the image of Schwarzenegger motivates them to strive for the same achievements. But more often a complete mismatch between the poster and the picture in the mirror acts contrary kills last hope and the desire to do it. Therefore, put in front of you is quite clear and reasonable goals that you can achieve exactly the foreseeable future. This give you confidence and may even wake sports passion.
5. Be more active in their daily lives. Who said that certainly need to lock yourself in the gym for physical development? If you do not like it, then try to use all the surrounding space as a universal playground. Stop using elevators and escalators, start go for walks in the evening and during lunch break, in the end, to change from car to bicycle, why not?
After completing all of these items, you will sooner or later be able to easily and seamlessly enter the sport in his life. And stop hating him.
Good luck!