Modern man organizes your day, not paying attention to their natural biorhythms. But the violation of the "internal clock" of the body leads to a deterioration of health, and even the development of various diseases: depression, diabetes, obesity. As much as it may seem complicated at first glance - to try to reconcile their life schedule with natural biorhythms still worth it, since it is guaranteed to bring huge benefits to your health.
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Peak brain activity, concentration and wakefulness person falls on the late morning. This is due to a gradual increase in body temperature: it begins to rise just before awakening and lasts until noon. Accelerate this process helps warm shower.
From about 12 to 16 pm focus decreases. In addition, it is time for lunch, after which always want to sleep! Drowsiness overcomes man somewhere at 14:00. It's time to take a nap.
Surprisingly, poslerabochee fatigue can increase the creative forces. For some, to solve the problems of the open thinking succeeds better in the evening. At that time, the efficiency of performing analytical tasks throughout the day does not change. Fatigue allows the brain is easier to take alternative, sometimes unexpected solutions.
The best time to work and communicate on the Web
Studies have shown that early morning departure (eg, hours of 6 am) e-mails are likely to be read by the addressee. It's like a newspaper that is viewed in the early afternoon.
Twitter Reading 8 - 9 o'clock in the morning allows you to start the day on a cheerful note. At this time the vast majority of posts are filled with optimism, positive emotions and energy.
Work in social networks is better in the afternoon. The researchers note that the largest number of retvittov committed approximately 15:00 to 18:00. At this time easier for people to share someone else's post, you create your own.
The most "kid" time - 8:00 pm. Most people returning home or already complete dinner. When the working day behind, relax and share their emotions. So there comes a time to "zhmakat hearts."
Between 10 and 11 pm Twitter converted into one large emotional flow. At night, people are more relaxed and able to empathize. They generate emotionally saturated messages, both positive and depressive.
Work vs Rest
In building its schedule of work and rest, to listen to their "internal clock" in order to improve quality of life.
The best time for physical activity - from 15:00 to 18:00. Muscle activity from 14 to 18 hours on 6% better than the other clock. Also the productivity of the lungs in 5 pm 17% higher than in the afternoon.
After lunch there is good coordination and joints and muscles become more flexible, which reduces the risk of injury. This time period is ideal for tennis, hockey, golf, badminton or frisbee.
Eat to your health!
Do you want to keep in shape - Limit the consumption of food in the most active clock. But the violation of the biological clock leads to weight gain.
scientists have conducted studyPut experimental mice on high-calorie diet. The first group could eat at any time of the day. The animals of the second group are only allowed for 8 hours while they were awake. Mice that were fed only by being active, were thinner by 40% (!) And had lower cholesterol and blood sugar.
Despite the fact that studies on this matter are continuing, we can say with confidence:
- We are not only what we eat, but also when.
Moral of the story
Summing up the above, we find here is a universal schedule of work and rest:
What do you think: is it possible to make your day more productive, if you configure the synchronization of biorhythms with the daily plan?