Why, even the elderly should enroll in a gym
Health / / December 19, 2019
No need to be a prophet to see that the old men in the post-Soviet countries as something not particularly favor the sport. No, football, boxing, and they certainly look regularly and selflessly, but even an ordinary outing in the streets to though bone mash becomes a rare enough phenomenon that is often passed off as more and active life. See also somewhere in the morning running, or a pull-up on the bar an old man - something from the category of fiction.
It is believed that when you are "knocked" 40, it is time to give the body a rest and spending power only when needed. They say, "in the body there is a resource", "and suddenly the war, and we are tired?", "It is time to lay low." Oh lie that his immobility life after 40 have time to acquire a classic "bouquet" sores, without which sometimes difficult (nothing), and even at all ashamed to talk with all sorts of counter-elderly people who like specially engaged in a daily hour of his death approached, kollektsioniruya all conceivable ailments and diseases.
Even doing the usual jogging or yoga - a noble occupation for all age groups, a person is not doing enough for your body.
Of course, if an elderly person and a lot of walking on foot flexing of tennis, we almost certainly not an example we can put it - is so rare phenomenon. Never mind that at the same time, in the same China, almost under every home going 60-80 summer grandparents dressed in colorful silk costumes and engaged in Taiji. Never mind that at the same time, in the same Israel, gyms and swimming lanes crammed with old people and old women, against which even come to the gym at seven in the morning causes a feeling of shame (because they are already there from 5-6 in the morning, if Not earlier).
But we, in the post-Soviet Union, the elderly have taken a very comfortable position, justifying their laziness and unwillingness to engage themselves and their health. Hit our grandfather somewhere on aeroboks or Zumba somewhere in Tel Aviv, he would not only be surprised to find that the septuagenarian the old lady jump out there, how much in vain, and did not die (!), but he would have surprised her developing endurance, which would be greater with each successive occupation.
Fortunately lazy old and unfortunately their children and grandchildren, in the countries of post-Soviet 'sporting retirement "comes much earlier employment retirement. So we have developed, that if after 40 you go to the gym, you are unique and radical, maybe even with you that something is wrong. "Why are you swinging, buddy? You've already got a wife. Who are going to attract "," Myocardial earn are not afraid? "- would be questioning look dumb-nevertsy peers. But do not they know that even doing the usual jogging or yoga - a noble occupation for all age groups, a person is not doing enough for your body. What to say about bezdvizhentsah?
An occasion to reflect not only the elderly
Study Australian specialists, geriatricians, based on a careful analysis and continuous monitoring of the condition of thousands of participants in the program, from youngsters and ending with the elderly, not only confirmed the known fact that a person who at least once a week passes a couple of kilometers on foot, turns on order healthier than his peers who do not, but also opened up a clear relationship between human health and the amount of muscle tissue in his body. Roughly speaking, all things being equal:
A person who has more muscle, healthier than the person who has muscles like a cat laugh.
It appears, with the coming of age "fragile old age," the man for a successful fight against arthritis, osteoporosis and degrading motor functions, just the same you need to include in your diet strength training and build muscle. And this is especially true of the female sex, which is particularly vulnerable to age-related loss in muscle mass and bone. Yes, dear girl! Jogging and yoga, it turns out, is not enough. Will have to include in its list of mandatory exercises work with barbell or dumbbells (if you have not already).
But apart from the obvious advantages of exercises with weights (dumbbells, barbells, and so on), which are useful for both sexes at any age, in the classroom with the extra weight, there are other delights that you should be know.
Power exercises are shown in the following diseases
- Arthritis. It takes a load level, which would allow to deal with obesity.
- Chronic insomnia. For maximum effect should be engaged in the afternoon.
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Train better in the effect of the peak time of bronchodilators (agents that relax the bronchial wall).
- Chronic renal failure. Strength training compensate for myopathy in patients with renal insufficiency.
- Congestive heart failure. Weight Training will help with cardiac cachexia.
- Coronary insufficiency. Power loading can be tolerated at low threshold ischemia.
- Depression. With a small depression will help to manage a variety of strength training.
- Hypertension. The fight against obesity and indirectly help in the fight against hypertension.
- Obesity. When stored power loads more muscle and bone than in aerobic exercise.
- Osteoporosis. Preference should be given to impact and intensive training (if health permits).
- Peripheral vascular disease. Strength training, although it is not the main panacea, but it can also help with lameness.
- Venous stasis. To combat this ailment suitable exercises to lift the legs.
Not a bad list, is not it? Of course, it would be limited to power exercises wrong, because the inclusion in its program of exercise on cardio, flexibility and the balance will give a greater effect for both physical and mental health.
That's what they say about it Geriatrician experts who made up an impressive list of activities for the elderly, which, of course, always present and power loads.
Recommended exercises for seniors
force | Cardio | Flexibility | Balance | |
Frequency | 2-3 days a week | 3-7 days a week | 1-7 days a week | 1-7 days a week |
The volume of training | 1-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions for 8-10 major muscles groups | 20-60 minutes per workout | 20 seconds of continuous extensions on each major muscle | 1-2 sets of 4-10 on dynamic exercises |
Now do not envy our seniors! We lived in peace, thinking that all their ailments of old age and the state, and it turns out that by some need at least something to do for themselves.
Of course, there are many lawyers senile sloth, who would say that a pension is not something that you can not buy sports nutrition, and hardly at all svedosh ends meet. And this, of course, will be an essential element of truth. Just do not think that the elderly, the elderly and grandmother so much busy making money that They can not be given at least half an hour a day, or 5% of the time on their free to practice eight hours sports.
Younger followers motionless lifestyle, which recently exceeded 40, too, can say that they say family and work eats all his spare time and do not have time even to sleep. Here, I wash my hands, because I am sure that only extremely brave (or foolish) man is able to put on the map your health and life for the sake of ephemeral career and family well-being, which is hardly so need your sacrifice.
The good news is that with proper persistence, begun in the age classes allow power sports even in the case of large mass loss of muscle and bone tissue, almost fully restore muscle and bone, Thus completely restoring muscle strength.
Another question: whether to wait for old age is necessary if it is possible to be healthy from today?
The results of research