As a way of life helps younger at the cellular level?
Health / / December 19, 2019
The five-year study found that lifestyle change: thoughtful nutrition, physical activity and stress-fighting can start the process of rejuvenation at the cellular level. Too early to talk about the vaccine eternal youth, but the prospects are bright.
All people age at different rates, which depend on the lifestyle and genetic predisposition. The aging process can be traced not only in appearance and well-being - it is reflected at the cellular level, such as the length of telomeres.
Telomeres - is the end portions of the chromosomes that can not communicate with other chromosomes and perform a protective function.
What happens to telomeres, when a man grows old?
With telomeres shorten over time, so that they can determine the length of a person's age. In addition, the truncated end portions may indicate the beginning of some diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, obesity, stroke, or diabetes.
Prior to the study, scientists did not know that telomeres may become longer. It was this discovery suggests that reverse the aging process at the cellular level still possible.
How to change a way of life?
The five-year study, Dean Ornish and Elizabeth Blekberi involved 35 men suffering from prostate cancer. For the then 10 volunteers have established a special way of life, and 25 left as a control group. Men in the control group were a normal life, while 10 volunteers adhere to strict rules:
- A diet with a high content of vegetable protein, fruits, vegetables, grains crude and low in fat.
- Moderate aerobic exercise for half an hour a day, six days a week.
- stress management, yoga, meditation and stretching.
- Weekly group sessions for social support.
Five years later, scientists tested the telomere length of all the participants of the experiment.
Ten men telomere length has increased by 10%, and the volunteers in the control group decreased by 3%.
Not a panacea, but it's worth it
These results were surprising. It turns out that due to lifestyle changes, you can not only improve health, but also slow down the aging process.
Of course, the length of telomeres - that's not all, depending on what aging. However, the opportunity to look younger at the cellular level is encouraging, but a way of life, as described above, just do not hurt anyone.