Like caffeine, alcohol and exercise affect sleep
Health / / December 19, 2019
After a sleepless night, you - the worst version of yourself, not thinking, all the time distracted and bogged down in public. It is enough to just not have enough sleep 1.5 hours to care has decreasedEffects of caffeine on sleep quality and daytime functioning a third. But stay in bed for 7-8 hours - not to sleep. Due to downed phases of sleep, frequent awakenings, snoring, or you may feel overwhelmed, even if there was enough time.
In these disorders are often accused of caffeine, alcohol and exercise shortly before bedtime. We found out that scientists think about it.
Is it true coffee can disrupt sleep
Typically, for a good holiday are advised to eliminate the coffee in the afternoon. And this advice did not come out of nowhere. In one experiment,Caffeine effects on sleep taken 0, 3 or 6 hours before going to bed, Dose-related sleep disturbances induced by coffee and caffeine[ 400 mg of caffeine (approximately four circles coffee) Reduced the total duration of sleep, although the participants took it as much for 6 hours before going to bed. In another study
Caffeine intake (200 mg) in the morning affects human sleep and EEG power spectra at night 200 mg of caffeine at 7am so cheered subjects that even after 16 hours they slept less worse than usual.But it is not so simple. Effect of caffeine on sleep depends on many factors, among which:
- Genetic background. Sensitivity to caffeine define different variationsEffects of caffeine on sleep and cognition gene adenosine A2A receptors. A person with one modification is enough latte mugs so as not to sleep at midnight, coffee lover on the other allele will yawn within half an hour after a double espresso.
- Features of the environment. A study in a remote village in Ecuador has shownCaffeine intake has no effect on sleep quality in community dwellers living in a rural Ecuadorian village (The Atahualpa Project)That coffee does not affect sleep. Scientists have suggested that caffeine interferes with sleep only with secondary triggers insomnia: Light and noise at night. And indeed, a bright light for 3 hours twice spoils a dream than a cup of refreshing beverage.
- Reaction to stress. Coffee longer interfereEffects of caffeine on sleep and cognitionpeople whose sleep is strongly dependent on stress. The more sensitive a person is, the more careful he should handle the caffeine, especially in the stressful period of life.
- The presence of bad habits. A recent studyEvening intake of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine: night-to-night associations with sleep duration and continuity among African Americans in the Jackson Heart Sleep Study It showed that coffee within 4 hours before bedtime generally has no effect on the quantity and quality, but the cigarettes were taken about 40 minutes. Because coffee and cigarettes often come in pairs, perhaps, the reason lies in the very nicotine.
AnalysisPrevalence of sleep disturbances among young adults in three European countries more than 2000 randomly selected people showed that, given the gender, age, smoking, seasonal fluctuations, consumption of coffee has no effect on sleep problems. And what of this we can draw conclusions.
- If you are looking for the cause of sleep problems, first eliminate smoke and bright light (including gadgets from) at least one hour before bedtime, and then analyze the effect of coffee.
- If stress is often deprived of sleep for you, try to do without caffeine. You may be more sensitive to its effects, than other people.
- If you are for a few years they drank a lot of coffee, including before going to bed, and then you suddenly started having problems, look for the reason in something else.
Can exercise reduce the quality of sleep
In general, trainingExercise can improve sleep quality: a systematic review and meta-analysis help quickly fall asleepSleep longer and better. Physical activity protects against insomnia: the more exercise, the less it happens.
Positive influence anyInterrelationship between Sleep and Exercise: A Systematic Review, Comparing the effects of aerobic and anaerobic exercise on sleep quality among male nonathlete students exercise: aerobic, strength, frequent and infrequent, intense and not very much. After an active sleep better people of all agesResistance Training Improves Sleep Quality in Older Adults a Pilot Study, The Effects of Physical Activity on Sleep among Adolescents and Adults: A Narrative Review: Teenagers, adults, the elderly.
While elite athletes sleep betterA Comparative Study of Sleep and Mood Between Young Elite Athletes and Age-Matched Controls, Effectively restores and less awake than the average person after sport.
training time also does not matter. OverviewPhysical activity in the evening does not cause sleep problems 23 scientific papers on the subject showed that the evening classes does not interfere with your night's rest. Quite the contrary - after the activity, people spend in deep sleep reducing a little more time than without physical exercise.
Medium-intensive exercise, even 30 minutes before bedtime will not prevent you good night's sleep.
The only exception - high-intensity exercise. Exhausting daily workouts at maximum speed reducedEvidence of disturbed sleep and mood state in well-trained athletes during short-term intensified training with and without a high carbohydrate nutritional intervention sleep quality and physical capabilities of the body. But to drive themselves in such a state can perhaps that professional athletes or beginners who do not listen to your body.
If you build the intensity and experience for the quality of sleep, follow these tipsSleep in elite athletes and nutritional interventions to enhance sleep:
- Stick high protein diet.
- Trim the fat.
- Do not reduce calories.
- Add more turkey and pumpkin seeds are richPhytosterol, squalene, tocopherol content and fatty acid profile of selected seeds, grains and legumes tryptophan. From this amino acid is produced melatonin - the hormone responsible for a good night's sleep.
If you have just started practicing and experiencing problems with vacation - wait a bit, the body adapts. When I moved to CrossFit workout, A few nights after unusual stress suffered no sleep. But enough to adapt one week.
Now my workout routine goes to 21:00 and ends by high-complex, after which the lazy move. In these days it is filled particularly quickly. Sometimes you want to do it right on the way home.
- Train as you want and when you want. This will only improve the quality of your sleep.
- Worse may be only due to overtraining condition or because of unusually intensive exercise in the evenings. The first requires rest, the second - the adaptation of the organism.
- If the fear of sleep during periods of high intensity, eat less fat and more protein foods rich in tryptophan.
How alcohol affects sleep
The impact of alcohol depends on how much you drink. One dose - about 340 ml of beer, wine of 140 ml or 40 ml of distilled spirits. Moderate amounts recognizedDrinking Levels Defined one dose for women and two for men, great - four women and five for men.
Alcohol may have calming effect and speed of falling asleep, but sleep quality is rapidly declining for several reasons.
- REM sleep is inhibited. It is called rapid eye movement phase or REM phase. It allows us to dream, affects memory and cognitive ability. First REM phase occursDisturbed Sleep and Its Relationship to Alcohol Use 90 minutes after falling asleep, lasts 10 minutes and then alternate with slow during the night, becoming longer towards the end. Mean volumes of alcohol, starting with two or three doses (0.4-0.8 mg of ethanol per 1 kg of weight), postponeAlcohol and sleep I: effects on normal sleep, Disturbed Sleep and Its Relationship to Alcohol Use onset REM phase and generally reduceAlcohol and caffeine: effect on inferred visual dreaming its duration. This disorder can cause daytime sleepiness and reduced concentrationA negative impact on memory. As for the smaller doses, their effect is not so pronounced, but still exists. Alcohol can change theLate-afternoon ethanol intake affects nocturnal sleep and the sleep EEG in middle-aged men phase and disrupt sleep continuity, even if at the moment of falling asleep it is almost gone in the body.
- Reduces the overall duration of the holiday. You need more time to fall asleep, it lasts less in the second half of the night becomesAlcohol and the Sleeping Brain intermittent and hectic. Small doses of alcohol not cutEvening intake of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine: night-to-night associations with sleep duration and continuity among African Americans in the Jackson Heart Sleep Study sleep time and may even increase it, but the quality is still suffering.
- Increases the load on the heart. blood alcohol causesAcute Effect of Alcohol Intake on Cardiovascular Autonomic Regulation During the First Hours of Sleep in a Large Real-World Sample of Finnish Employees: Observational Study your a heart in a dream to beat faster as under stress. This increases the burden on the cardiovascular system, not allowing it to rest position. Besides, it does not matter how old you are and how active you are, - the effect is retained in any case. Even small doses reduce the restorative sleep capacity by 9.3%, while medium and large - by 24 and 39%, respectively.
- Oppressed breathing during sleep. alcohol relaxesDisturbed Sleep and Its Relationship to Alcohol Use muscles of the upper airways and reduces their permeability, increases resistance to the nasopharynx. As a result, you do not have enough oxygen, and in the morning pursue headaches and fatigue, reduced concentration and attention.
- Reduced production of growth hormone. It is an anabolic hormone that promotes protein synthesis and fat burning. Admission 0.8 g of ethanol per 1 kg (two to five doses) reducesEffect of alcohol on sleep and nighttime plasma growth hormone and cortisol concentrations. the level of growth hormone in the blood plasma by 70-75%. Therefore, athletes and those who want to get fit, is particularly important give up alcohol before bedtime.
- Insomnia continues. Initially sleep easier after a couple of glasses, because moderate doses have a sedative effect. However, a week later producedDisturbed Sleep and Its Relationship to Alcohol Use tolerance and a negative impact on sleep persists. You have to drink more and more to fall asleep, but the quality of recreation will be reduced, providing headaches and fatigue.
- If you can not drink at all - do not drink.
- If you can not eat no more than one or two doses of alcohol, and preferably well before bedtime.
- Do not try to treat insomnia alcohol. First, it helps, then develop into tolerance, and quality of sleep decreases.
With the result that
Coffee may prevent you to sleep if you are sensitive to caffeine, prone to stress and bedtime are exposed to bright light (even from their gadgets). If something of this - about you, drink the last cup no later than 5:00 pm.
training will provide you with only the benefit, even if you do 30 minutes before bedtime. Exception - load at maximum intensity, unusual or persistent, leading to overtraining. If you need to engage in this way, stick to protein diet and eat foods rich in tryptophan, to reduce the negative effects.
Alcohol bad for a dream in any amountBut moderate consumption (one or two doses per day) less harm. Avoid alcohol at all or try to minimize.
see also😴🌙
- 7 common myths about alcohol and their scientific refutation
- 7 secrets of people who get enough sleep
- Everything you wanted to know about coffee: the benefits and harms of the popular drink
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