How to make a shot in the buttocks: very detailed instructions
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
It happens that a shot is necessary, but not near medic. And you have to contact their relatives and those who are close. There are craftsmen who can make shots themselves, but it's not a good idea, though, because it's uncomfortable. It is better to give instructions to the person who is willing to help with the procedure.
Step 1. Prepare everything you need
Soap. Not necessarily antibacterial.
Towel. It should be clean, but better - disposable.
Plate. On it will need to add up all the tools. Houses disinfect hard surface of the table, for example, so it is necessary to work with the dish. It is necessary to wash with soap and wipe antiseptic - with an alcohol swab or cotton wool with alcohol or chlorhexidine.
gloves. Houses often neglected gloves, but in vain. Since then about any sterility of speech does not go, the gloves are needed especially hard to protect both the patient and the person who makes the shot, the transmission of infections.
Syringes. The volume of the syringe should correspond to the volume of medication. If the medicine is necessary to plant, keep in mind that it is better to take a syringe more.
Needles. They will be needed if the drug be diluted. For example, if the dry preparation sold in a vial with a rubber cap, then it is diluted as follows:
- The syringe gaining solvent.
- Needle pierce the rubber cap, releasing the solvent into the vial.
- Shake the vial without removing the needle to dissolve the drug.
- Gaining solution back into the syringe.
Thereafter, the needle should be changed because the one that has pierced the rubber cap, is not suitable for the injection: acute enough.
An antiseptic or alcohol wipes. Needed 70% alcohol, an antiseptic based on it or chlorhexidine. Home is best disposable alcohol wipes, which are sold in any drugstore.
Place garbage. Somewhere will have to put the waste material: packaging, lids, napkins. Better just to dump them in a separate box, basket, or where you are comfortable, so it's not got to the plate to clean instruments.
Step 2. Learn how to wash their hands
Wash hands have three times: before you assemble the tools before injection and after the procedure. If it seems like a lot, it seems to you.
Layfhaker wrote about how to properly wash their hands. In this infographics It has all the basic movements, but add to them a couple more: Detached soap every finger on both hands and wrists.
Step 3. Prepare the
Choose a convenient place so that you can put the dish with the tools and easy to reach it. Another mandatory attribute - good lighting.
No matter how is a person who makes a shot. It can stand or lie as it is more convenient. But the one who stabs, too, should be convenient to hands were shaking and did not have to pull the needle during injection. So, choose a position that is suitable to all.
If you are afraid to stab the wrong place, where it is necessary, before the procedure to draw directly on the buttock huge cross.
First, draw a vertical line in the middle of the buttocks, then horizontal. The upper outer corner - a place where you can prick. If you are still afraid, draw a circle in the corner. For the art of painting is suitable even old lipstick or cosmetic pencil, just make sure that the particles of these funds were not included in the injection site.
While the patient lies and fears start procedure.
Step 4. Do everything in order
- Wash your hands and dish.
- Treat your hands and a plate of antiseptic. Wadding or tissue dispose immediately after treatment.
- Open five alcohol wipes or make the same amount of cotton balls with antiseptic. Put them on a plate.
- Remove the vial with the medicine and a syringe, but it is not open them.
- Wash your hands.
- Wear gloves and treat them with antiseptic.
- Take the vial with the medicine, treat it with an antiseptic and open. The vial was put on a plate.
- Open the package with the syringe.
- Open the needle and dial the drug in the syringe.
- Turn the syringe needle up and bleed.
- Treat the patient buttock cloth with alcohol or antiseptic. First - a great site. Then take another cloth and wipe the place where will prick. Movement to process - from the center to the periphery or from the bottom up in one direction.
- Hold the pen as you are comfortable. The needle should be perpendicular to the skin. One motion insert the needle. It is not necessary to drive it all the way not to break: 0.5-1 cm should remain outside.
- Enter the drug. Take your time, make sure that the syringe and needle dangled and twitched. You can hold the syringe in one hand, and the other to push the piston.
- Take the last alcohol wipes or cotton wool, apply it near the site of injection and in one motion pull the needle out, to quickly press the wound.
- Do not rub the towel anything, simply press and hold.
- Discard the used instruments.
- Wash your hands.
Tips, comments, life hacking
If an injection painful to administer the drug slowly. It seems that the faster the sooner otmuchalis people, but really slow introduction comfortable. Average rate - 1 ml per 10 seconds.
Do not be afraid to once again handle the vial, hands or skin antiseptic. Here it is better to recycle than underdeveloped.
If you need to change the needle after dialing the medication, do not remove the cap from the new as long as it does not set on the syringe. Otherwise, you can prick. For the same reason, never attempt to close the needle cap, if you have already removed.
If you do not know how hard to stick a needle, work out at least a chicken fillet. Just to make it clear that it is not scary.
When making a shot is impossible without specialists
- If the drug is not appointed doctor. In general, self-treatment is not necessary to deal with, and especially injection, even if you want to for some reason, "vitaminchiki beat." The drug, its dosage, than to plant it - it's all set doctor, and only him.
- If the patient had never taken the drug. Many drugs have side effects and may cause unwanted reaction. Medications that are introduced by injections, quickly enter the bloodstream, so the reaction to them appear quickly and strongly. Therefore, the first prick is better to do in a medical facility and do not rush to run away from there, and wait for 5-10 minutes, so that was all right. If something goes wrong, the clinic will help, but you can not cope at home.
- When there is an opportunity to take advantage of medical services, but do not want to. Intramuscular injection - a long and expensive, and amateur home can badly end, so do not get to save any money or time.
- When a person who needs a shot, sick with HIV, hepatitis or other infections transmitted through the blood, or if it is unknown whether a person has these infections (no valid certificate). In this case it is better to entrust the business professionals to eliminate the risk of infection: from doctors and more experience, and tools they then disposed of as necessary.
- If you are very scared and shaking hands so that you do not fall into the patient.