When you can and can not drink a sleeping pill
Health / / December 19, 2019
Sleep problems occur every once in your life. It is possible that you wonder whether it is worth something to drink that helps to relax. Layfhaker understands when to go to all-night drugstore, and when to do without tablets.
Any sedative - this medicine, therefore doubt whether to drink tablets, naturally. Someone grabs chamomile tea and lavender to sleep, someone needs prescription drugs.
We did not touch upon the cases where drugs prescribed by doctors, because here everything is clear and reception circuit, and then, why and how to drink preparations.
We will understand how to deal with drugs, which are sold without a prescription and are accessible to all.
When you can not drink a sleeping pill
In many sleeping pills side effects, even those that are made on renewable raw materials. Therefore, the quest for a tablet should be set aside in case of emergency. Similarly, you should not indulge in drugs to sleep, if you have not spent training.
You have not studied the drug
First of all you can not drink a sleeping pill if you have not read the instructions, especially the section "Contraindications". Or read, but do not understand anything. Or understood, but are not sure that this is not about you.
First make sure that you do, you can use this medicine. It is desirable to do so even at the pharmacy or to hike into it (instructions are on the Internet), because any drug has side effectsMedicines for sleep..
You already drank something else to relax
If you need to sleep here and now, you can not relax and have already tried using a glass of wine or other alcohol, the pill can not drink.
Hypnotics affect the nervous system, alcohol does the same. What will happen to you if you mix these ingredients? Perhaps nothing, perhaps nothing good, and this option is more likely.
By the way, sleeping too, is not always combined with other medications. If you regularly take any medicine for chronic diseases, any supplements should be discussed with your doctor.
You are at the wheel
Some sleeping pills can impair concentration, inhibit the reaction, with effect persists after you wake up. Get behind the wheel sleepy is as dangerous as sleepy. If you sleep poorly, losing to the driver's seat to someone else or use public transport.
You were not trying to build a dream
Hypnotics - it is always a last resort. Rest is vital. If sleep does not work fully, it is necessary to grasp for drugs.
But the dream still under the pills is different from the healthy sleep. The regular use of sleeping pills - this is an exceptional measure necessary until recover normal sleep cycleTreatments for insomnia..
Therefore, you first need to arrange all the conditions for a good sleep. We wrote how to beat insomnia, use these tips. Short:
- Install mode, go to the same time.
- An hour before bedtime - no gadgets and no work.
- Walk before going to sleep on the street.
- Make the bedroom comfortable for sleep: dark, cool, quiet. Buy a comfortable mattress and pillow.
- Exercise to get tired physically.
- Do not use stimulants such as coffee.
You did not try to relax
Wait in my heart and sing a song, read a nice (or boring) book, ask relatives to make you a massage or take a few simple asanas of yoga, listen to the rustling of the channel about ASMR. Remember that the world is chamomile tea with Melissa, and even cookies.
First find other ways to shut down.
When can I take a sleeping pill
Without sleep people can not live more than a few days, do not wait for an emergency. Sometimes hypnotics are needed.
You just have to survive the night
Usually you sleep without any problems, but tomorrow this important day that you are not able to close my eyes. Or the last day was so intense that you can not calm down and relax.
Why torture yourself now, suffer from lack of sleep tomorrow, when you can take a pill and go to sleep? Of course, such cases happen every day or even every week.
Are you struggling with jet lag
It is not necessary to drink sleeping pills before the flight, so as not to sleep too deeply into the sky. And when you have landed and are suffering from jet lagYou can use a tabletJet lag disorder..
You no longer have anything helps
If you have arranged the perfect bedroom, we forgot about the existence of coffee, take a warm bath with lavender after an evening run and perfectly mastered shavasana, but can not sleep, you have to help yourself medications.
But it is a signal that sleep problems are hidden deep, to go to the doctor.
Just as the dream is not lost, perhaps, the body signals the disease. Refer to a neurologist or therapist who will treat the cause, then the insomnia will go by itself.