medicine Achievements
1. Endoprosthesis was better
Joint replacement is no longer a rarity, including due to the fact that older people though as long as possible to lead an active lifestyle. Research of the University of Iowa foundTotal knee replacements: Effective, costly and boomingThat over the past 20 years, the total amount of knee replacement operations has more than doubled. In Russia, according to data for 2013, it held 0.4Endoprosthesis of large joints in the Russian Federation surgery to replace large joints to 1000 people.
2. rejuvenation of cells
Studies of cells can be a source of youth for older people in the future. Experiments show that the aging of mammalian tissues can be reversedYoung blood does not reverse aging in old mice due to changes in blood flow in his youth. In addition, scientists are looking for waysDrug perks up old muscles and aging brains calibrate key cell signaling network for the restoration of old fabrics.
3. More information on inflammation
Scientists have received more data on the role of
inflammation in the occurrence of various diseases. They bindControlling the triggers of age-related inflammation could extend 'healthspan' Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's, decreased metabolism, cancer. This is because the inflammation blocks the regenerative response of stem cells.4. Higher safety of medical data
Computerization leads to the fact that one day in the hospital will no longer lose information on your vaccinations, allergies, previous diagnosis and drugs. This facilitates the work of the doctor in the appointment of the treatment and makes the therapy more effective.
5. 3D-press
Another technological innovation that may become available in the near future - 3D-printed parts of the body. Researchers at Wake Forest University grownA 3D bioprinting system to produce human-scale tissue constructs with structural integrity ears, bones and muscles that have been successfully implanted in animals.
6. tissue engineering
Scientists are learning to turnTissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine stem cells into other cell types in the future will create replacement organs affected by the disease, which will not be rejected by the recipient's body.
7. HPV vaccines
Human papillomavirus - the primary cause of cervical cancer. After oral sex, it can be moved in the oral cavity and cause swelling of the neck and head tissue. Vaccine HPV - effectivePrevalence of HPV After Introduction of the Vaccination Program in the United States way to deal with it.
8. Vaccines against cancer
HPV vaccine - this is not the only vaccine that can prevent cancer. Advances in immunotherapy give rise to preparations which are taught organism to fight the tumor cells. For example, Cuban scientists have developed a vaccine against lung cancerCIMAvax Lung Cancer VaccineAmerican - against prostate cancerVaccine Treatment for Prostate Cancer.
9. The sequencing of the human genome
Scientists are trying to obtain complete informationAll About The Human Genome Project about which genes may be responsible for a variety of diseases. This creates great opportunities for the prevention and treatment of diseases.
10. genetic screening
The more information about the genesProvoking those or other diseases, we get, the more can be useful screening. For instance, one family member information may be used for the prevention of disease in his family. For example, if someone in the family fell ill with breast cancer, it will be possible to find out the risk to others and do, such as prophylactic mastectomy.
11. Targeted Cancer Therapy
In place of destroying the body of chemotherapy agents comeTargeted Cancer TherapiesWhich can detect the modified cells and only fight with them. This is especially important for older people who are highly susceptible to the side effects of traditional treatment.
12. new antibiotic
Older people are particularly vulnerable to infection, and the emergence of bacteria that are difficult to fight conventional drugs, it becomes disturbing. However, researchers from Northeastern University recently openedA new antibiotic kills pathogens without detectable resistance first new antibiotic for 30 years. The drug could be available for use in the next five years.
13. New ways of prevention and treatment of stroke
A new tool for removing blood clots that cause stroke. It is injected into a blood vessel through a small catheter, and then took them to a blood clot. studies showSolitaire flow restoration device versus the Merci Retriever in patients with acute ischaemic stroke (SWIFT): a randomised, parallel-group, non-inferiority trialThat patients, which was tested a new device, recovered after a stroke faster and with fewer complications than those who were treated traditionally.
14. Sharper ultrasound readings
Ultrasound examination helps to detect a variety of diseases, observe what happens to the body in real time. Earlier ultrasound devices were bulky, so they are not always used, when necessary. However, now there are portable scanners that can display an image on a smartphone or tablet. And, of course, improved image quality and qualification of specialists responsible for the study.
15. Minimally invasive surgery
For many operations, no longer need to make large painful incisions that prolong the recovery period. Laparoscopic surgery allows to get to the place of intervention through small openings. This reduces the risk of complications after surgery and can have a positive impact on the quality of life of the patient in the long run.
16. Surgery orifices
Better than minimal incisions, can only be their absence. To perform such operations doctors penetrate into the human body through the passages already created nature. While this method is still technically challenging, but it provides a more rapid recovery, reduces pain and causes fewer complications.
17. More studies of intestinal bacteria
intestinal bacteria studies reveal their connection with various vital processes: from appetite control to mood swings. The dependence even between bacteria and disease ParkinsonGut Microbiota Regulate Motor Deficits and Neuroinflammation in a Model of Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer'sGut bacteria may play a role in Alzheimer's disease. In the future, this knowledge can be used to combat ailments.
Healthy eating
18. Most plant foods in the diet
In the current generation of more knowledge about proper nutrition, and one of its postulates - more plant foods rich in fiber. StudyThe Association Between Dietary Patterns at Midlife and Health in Aging: An Observational StudySpent at Harvard, found that women who are aged 50-60 years, ate a lot of plant foods, whole grains and fish and less red and processed meat, 40% less likely to have chronic diseases after 70 years old.
19. A better understanding of what products are harmful to us
As soon as the science moves forward, we are better aware of how products actually affect your body. For example, fats, more recently were in disgrace, fully justified. Studies show that one egg in the daily diet of 12% reducedMeta-analysis of Egg Consumption and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke the risk of stroke. But consumption SaharaWhich used to be beyond suspicion, indeed better cut.
20. Detailed labeling on foods
In many countries, manufacturers are required to indicate on the label the content of trans fat in products of plant animal fat substitutes, potential allergens, hidden sugars and other components, which would like to know consumer. It helps people more control over their diet.
21. Digital detection of pathologies
In the case of cancer, early diagnosis is crucial. Modern methods allow the biomaterial to digitize and send experts located anywhere in the world. This approach reducesDigital Pathology Could Improve Accuracy, Timeliness of Cancer Diagnosis time to diagnosis in complex cases from weeks to hours.
22. robotic surgery
Among the advantages of robotic surgery - high maneuverability and the ability to work in tight areas of the human body. Yet it remains a controversial topic, but found that the use of robotic systems in some cases, allowsRobot Performs First-Ever Surgery Inside Human Eye a more accurate technique of surgical intervention compared with the actions of human hands.
23. Telesurgery
Another possible innovation in surgery - to perform manipulations remotely. This will help patients get better and more professional assistance in difficult cases, particularly if they are located in rural areas. In America, already carried out experimentsFlorida Hospital Nicholson Center Changes How Robotic Surgery Is LearnedAs a result of which such operations are considered to be safe and effective.
24. telehealth
Telemedicine allows doctors to remotely monitor the health of people on a regular basis, which is important for those who live in remote areas. In severe cases, video allows you to attract highly skilled professionals, get advice which would be impossible without technological progress.
25. Apps for smartphones
The mobile phone can collect multiple applications to help monitor health. This puzzle improves brain activity, and pedometers, and fitness devices, and services for counting caloriesAnd applications for conducting pressure charts, blood sugar and so on. All of this greatly simplifies the monitoring of important indicators of life.
26. Fitness Trackers
For many Fitness Trackers become a motivator to lead a more active lifestyle. A study at the University of Wisconsin foundFitbit May Help Boost Activity in Older WomenThat women between the ages of 50 and 60 years who were given trackers, increased their physical activity by 62 minutes per week and an additional 789 steps per day.
27. Wearable health sensors
Among the innovations in the field of public health including T-shirts with a built-in heart rate meter, Headphones measuring body temperature, glucose sensor for diabetics, ECG monitor, that transmits data on the smartphone. These and other sensors to help people to be more mobile, not to depend on cumbersome devices and quickly learn about the negative changes in the body.
28. Chatting in Internet
Social networks help elderly people communicate more than ever. Thanks to technology, they remain in touch with family members who live far away, find old friends.
social change
29. Changing attitudes to aging
Saying "Age - it's just numbers" has ceased to be just words, is now more accepted to focus on the possibilities rather than the number of years. Optimistic attitude towards retirement beneficial effect on health. Scientists at Yale University found that older people with a positive attitude in relation to the age live 7.5Longevity increased by positive self-perceptions of aging. years longer.
30. Exercises for the brain
Brain-training can help him stay young and to work not less active. According to studies, people who are not loaded with the brain in old age, cognitive activity was reduced by 50%Life-span cognitive activity, neuropathologic burden, and cognitive aging stronger than those who are moderately trained brain. Harvard Medical School recommends loading the mind reading, puzzles, chess.
31. To give up smoking
Smoking remains one of the most common bad habits, but in recent years in many countries the number of cigarettes decreased lovers. In Russia, this process goes not so fast: in 2016 the number of smokers in Russia fell to seven-year low and amounted to 31% of the country's population, and in 2017 figure was 32%Press release № 3385.
32. Raise awareness about the environmental factors
studies showCumulative Lead Exposure and Prospective Change in Cognition among Elderly Men: The VA Normative Aging StudyThat age the brain may be particularly susceptible to environmental influences. It stimulates the brain to support the youth in many ways, as well as to minimize its contribution to the pollution.
33. good hygiene
Basic knowledge of hygiene allow us to stay longer healthy. For example, children are no longer taught to cover your mouth palm when coughing or sneezing (it is better to hide behind the bend of the elbow), because it leads to the spread of bacteria.
In addition, there are prerequisites establishing communication between the oral hygiene and the aging rate. The scientists found that among 5500 women, those who neglected oral hygiene, were 65%Dental health linked to dementia risk more likely to develop dementia.
34. More communication in adulthood
People aged now conduct a more active social life than before. It was foundSocial Networks Linked to Better Health for Older Adults, Studies FindThat regular meetings with family and friends associated with better health in later years.
35. A better understanding of the role of stress
Awareness of the destructive role of stress has led to an understanding of the importance of a balance between work and the rest of life. High loads can lead to cell damage, heart disease and other ailments. Therefore the vector objectives of any price changes on the ability to enjoy "Slow" life.