Cheat meal (chitmil): How to eat anything and stay in shape?
Health / / December 19, 2019
We all want to be slim, healthy and beautiful. And our beauty, body and health are always dependent on what we eat. And now you've made the right diet without sweet, fatty, calorie. So, what is next? And then you have to go with a sad face on supermarket shelves by with all that stands between you and your ideal body: muffins, scones, chocolates, well, you understand. Here it is healthy Eating.
To be honest, I chose a provocative title of the article specifically to her wanted to read each but believe me: what will be discussed in this article will allow you a little break his diet without compromising its forms.
So, I want to talk about practice, which is called «cheat meal». Russian analogue of this phrase is not, so I will continue to write simply "chitmil". So, chitmil - it is deceptive food intake. This technique practiced by many professional athletes, bodybuilders, but who said that it is not suitable for people engaged in other sports? Let's delve into the essence.
Chitmil involves a violation of your diet routine. A represents a strictly one meal per week (for people with low% fat) or every 2-3 weeks (for people with a big% fat). At this meal, you can eat anything. That what you're delirious, dreaming and dreaming you can afford, and, in almost unlimited quantities, but of course within reason. Razozhratsya to outrage and ruin all what you wanted, in principle, is also possible.
On the Internet, there are many opinions about chitmila, he has a lot of supporters, but also many and opponents. It should be understood, if you need it. I am inclined to think that without these meals to eat right will not work. But I have often convinced that any opinion can be challenged, so there are those people who quietly eat only what their bodies need and are perfectly happy.
It should also be noted that chitmil involves a complete rejection of all kinds of "interception" of candy, cookies and all of this. Believe me, even from such small things add up very high, and it becomes an obstacle in your way. Just watch how often you do it without thinking, and try to give up this as much as possible.
The main advantage is chitmila, as though it may sound absurd, help in maintaining your diet. You agree that if you give yourself a legitimate meal, in which you can have everything, then you will be less willing to break your diet for a week. Also one of the advantages of acceleration feel thyroid function: after chitmila you for a few hours more sweat, that is, increase thermogenesis.
But chitmila one major drawback - it is a psychological dependence. And then you have you need to decide whether you really need it, as if for a few months you will "Chitmilit" stop then it will be difficult, but given the fact that chitmil does more good than harm, maybe it is not so and bad?
Therefore, following a few basic rules, you can send chitmil your favor. I try to bring the most basic:
- Try not to "chitmilit" in front of TV or computer. Your goal - to satisfy their need for «junk food», and as you know, eating at the same time prokrastiniruya with the help of some serialchik, you eat 2 times more.
- Do not eat together, eat together. It is not necessary in this day to abandon your usual diet, eat the same way as in ordinary days and just add one more meal in the form of chitmil.
- Try to use your chitmil not later than 4-5 pm, leave the body time to process all the fast carbohydrates and fats before bedtime.
- Do not get carried away. Do not make more than one chitmila a week. In the end, it is a violation of your diet, but not a panacea.
- Eat after your workout. After an intense workout your metabolism is dispersed, and thus the food is processed more intensively.
- Avoid drinking alcohol. Chitmil does not include the reception of alcoholic beverages. I think not even need to explain why.
- Is repelled by his lifestyle. The more intense your workouts and strict diet, the less you can limit yourself to chitmilny day
- And the last rule - do not reproach yourself. This is your chance to relax and have a little bit away from the usual diet. So do not oppress yourself after chitmila. It is planned that the violation will not give you a negative effect.
There is another opinion on chitmila who also can not be ignored. If your goal is to keep the proportions of the body, you can every day for a week to create a small deficit calories, such as 150 calories a day and at the end of the week you will have 900 calories you can spend "a benefit" for themselves.
So in the end, perhaps, is to tell a bit of personal experience. Chitmilyu 1 times a week, not much in the area of 1500 calories in addition to the basic ration, has for about 2 months. Any negative developments have not found any scale or in the mirror. Naturally, all this is very subjective, and someone probably will not work, but in spite of it all, I think you should at least try and test this technique on yourself.