I do not know about you guys, but I always feel easy lafyhakersky shock every time I have to brush my teeth. Despite the fact that now toothbrushes can twirl their zeschitkami, mouth watering aroma streams fluid and perform other functions unthinkable, mouthwash ritual remains unaddressed today science.
We have a very lean towards Crane terribly uncomfortable position to try to fill your mouth with water, or to use for this cup. In the case of the Persian back pain (and generally look like a schoolboy trying to drink from the tap in the dining room), and in the second case we have to constantly wash the glass.
The guys from Dreamfarm invented and created a simpler alternative, the nozzle on the Tapi crane that prevrashaet tap in at the drinking fountain:
Packing of flexible plastic is attached to the valve and does not manifest itself as long as you do not it will clamp outlet. In this case, the water begins to rise vertically from the second hole - in your home is going to beat a small drinking fountain.
The creators have sell its products for five dollars apiece.
Generally speaking, from the guys DreamFarm designers are still layfhakery - look some comfortable pieces they create - each of their invention facilitates this or that familiar to us a vital function in a few times!