Your daily life is like over the chaos. You sleep an average of three hours a day, and sometimes do not sleep. Go to bed well after midnight and wake up late. As a result, you are constantly late and did not have time to do. And all your efforts to go on a diet and start to eat healthy end up snacking at night. Obviously, you just need to change your lifestyle!
Try it for 21 days to develop in a number of habits such as, for example ,:
1. Cover up no later than 12 am.
2. Get up early.
3. Read books at least once a day.
4. Meditate.
5. Do not be late.
6. Dieting etc.
Most likely, it will not be easy, but worth a try. Your life will become more organized and even may change dramatically. You will wake up early, stop being late and will be able to finish all his work on time.
If you think that only very persistent and disciplined people are able to change your life, then you are wrong. Develop certain habits - not such a tricky business. Simply highlight the basic principles that you are sure to stick to, and that will help you in achieving the goal.
We offer 6 simple ways to clean up their lives and to develop the necessary habits.
1. Find out why your previous attempts to develop the habit were unsuccessful
Find the cause of the problem, and do not waste time impact analysis. A desperate struggle with them every morning to wake up at 5:30 in the morning - this is a consequence. Understanding why you are not able to wake up at 5:30 am, and there is a reason.
For example, you can not wake up early in the morning, you want to change it, but fail every day. So can last months and, in the end, you come to the conclusion that you have nothing. Try to analyze the situation and understand why you can not wake up early. Ask yourself, why is this happening, and answer me:
Why can not I wake up early?
Because I'm tired.
Why am I tired?
Because I slept little.
Why I did not sleep?
Because later lay down.
Why I went to late?
Because I had too much to do.
Why I had very much to do?
Because I could not finish them.
Why I could not finish them?
Because I plan to do during the day more than I can.
Search reasons can lead you to an understanding that:
1. All our habits related (sleep time, rise time, the timeliness of execution).
2. We underestimate the time required to complete all the cases (respectively, overestimate how quickly we can implement them). Often it turns out that we plan to complete many things in one day, that, in fact, is simply not possible.
To wake up early:
1. It is necessary to change the habits that influence the early rise.
2. Be more realistic in their planning. It is not necessary to put a lot of problems during the day and does not fulfill them, make a realistic to-do list and do them on time.
Once you get to the real cause of the problem, will be able to immediately solve the problem itself.
2. Group your habits
Our habits are linked. Some habits more connected to each other, while others - less. For example, it is obvious that going to bed early and waking up early interconnected more than early sleep and reading books. If you want to develop the habit, find other habits that are associated with it, and can have a significant impact on it. They will reinforce each other and simplify the process of developing the habit.
For example, such habits like: wake up early in the morning until 12 at night to sleep, do not be late, meditate, eat healthy food - can be linked.
- Early awakening means that will have more time to do everything and, respectively, before going to bed. This, in turn, will help to wake up early the next day.
- The habit helps not to be late to adhere to the planned routine. And this means going to bed and wake up, you will be able to in time.
- Meditation clears mental confusion and reduces the duration of sleep that we need. Usually we sleep 6-10 hours, but if you meditate in the evening, then sleep time may be reduced to 5-6 hours.
- Go on a diet increases mental activity, and you no longer need as much sleep as before. This does not mean that you need to sit on a strict diet only to developed a habit to wake up early. Simply, you can easily fall asleep at night and wake up early in the morning, changing other habits.
3. Plan your day (with the time)
Schedule will help you to know exactly whether you are on your way to the development of habits or lost from it. The first thing to plan the first day of a new life style to adhere to such schedules in the next few days.
Passengers must make a list of things you need to perform per day. You can use, for example Gcal.
Divide them into categories: major projects, medium priority task and small business.
Write them in the daytime schedule. For the execution of major projects need to allocate more time. For example, we use the following principle to allocate 60-30-10% of the time to perform tasks categories 1-2-3 respectively.
You need to know how long it took the execution of a particular case. In most cases, we allocate less time to complete tasks than necessary. Try to be realistic about their capabilities. It is also necessary to leave a small break (5-10 minutes) between the chores necessary to switch from one task to another.
5. Specify the exact start and end time for the task. For example, 9.00-10.30 - A project, 12.30-13.30 - lunch 18.30-19.30 - the road.
If you have accumulated more things than you can do according to your schedule, you can not really move things to the next day.
When all laid out, and there comes a new day, the only thing to do is to relentlessly follow the schedule. You need to keep track of time in time to perform the task. 5 minutes before the time allocated for execution of a job expires, it is possible to slowly move to the next task on the list.
The beauty of the exact schedule that it lets you know when you take more time than we would like, and allows you to work more efficiently. Some time limits can not be violated in any case, for example, sleep / wake-up time, so the time allocated for the execution of tasks, must be fixed. This means that you need to work more efficiently.
At first glance, this may seem very complicated, but in fact it is not. To draw up a daily schedule will take no more than 10 minutes. while it should also highlight the schedule in the drafting of the schedule (for example, 23.00-23.10). Just create a template once and then use it to schedule on other days. For example, items such as waking / breakfast / road / work / lunch / sleep will always be present in your schedule.
If you do not plan the exact time of completion of the work and just tell yourself that you must do today, then it is likely that you do not do the job. Therefore, most of the habits of a person is not saved permanently. Suddenly appear and other things you do without realizing it, will deal with them and threw the schedule. Therefore, everything will be as before, and you have never developed the habit.
4. Ahead of its schedule
Doing things ahead of time is a motivating factor. Getting up at 5 am, you find yourself in front of the whole world (and himself, of the former, who lived according to the old schedule), and it motivates to work faster and stay ahead. Shutting down ahead of time and starting to perform a new task to the set scheduled time, you get an extra boost. Knowing that you are doing scheduled earlier than indicated in your schedule, you will be naturally motivated to complete all the planned case, including the habit.
If the execution of a task takes longer than you need to make a choice:
Hurry up and get it all.
Defer not really important things or
Use time allocated to perform the following tasks and to continue the current. This also means that you have to run faster than the rest of the day.
Such a decision-making process is important, as otherwise you will spend the rest of the day trying to catch up, which will affect the scheduled tasks / habits. Subsequently, it will also affect your desire to save habits. Follow all ahead of time and understand that it's easier to stay motivated.
5. Keep under control
When you control the process, you are consistent and binding. Hang in the room a piece of paper or board, which draw a large table, broken down by day (for example, 21 days to develop a new habit) and habits. It somehow mark those days when you held the habit and days when there is no. You can also track the process with the help of special web services, such as:
HabitForge - will help you control the process of forming habits for 21 days. If you miss one day, the count starts over again.
Rootein - unlike Habit Forge is an ongoing tracker if missed days becomes too much, it warns you about it. You can also take advantage of its mobile version.
Joe's Goals - similar to Rootein. You can set the option repeatedly checking the same task for sverproduktivnyh days.
6. Involve the people around them
There are several ways - active participation, when you tell your friends that want to develop the same habit, and running on this together or passive participation, when you tell others about your plans, and they support you in your moral aspirations.
For example, share your desire to develop certain habits in your blog and describe in detail his program to change yourself, and you are likely to find a lot of followers. Describe in detail the feasibility of your program, its benefits, list the habits that are going to work out, and what you want to achieve the desired.
Your friends and relatives may also want to help you in achieving the objectives. For example, in your quest to eat healthy food and want to fill your fridge of fruits and vegetables, and the cafe will try to order dishes from the vegetables.
The main thing to remember that you are not alone at this moment, all around you there are always people who will support you and cheer.
If you successfully cope with the task, you will not notice you start to adhere to the necessary habits automatically, and they will become an integral part of your life. The proposed methods may seem too simple, but do not underestimate them. Try it yourself and see that they work!