Laser Vision Correction "for" and "against" on the basis of personal experience
Health / / December 19, 2019
Six months ago, I decided to laser vision correction. And now I want to tell you what it did, what were the alternatives, and that with my eyes happening now. Perhaps someone this experience might be useful.
For those who for whatever reason I do not know.
WikipediaLaser vision correction is - photochemical ablation layers of the cornea exposed to the beam of an excimer laser, which has the consequence of the change of curvature the outer surface of the cornea and, as a consequence, its refraction, which leads to focus the light rays on the retina, i.e. a good recovery view.
In simple words: you through the laser will change the curvature of the cornea, and due to this vision will be good. On myself I experienced laser keratomileusis (LASIK) - modern high-tech method of laser correction, which is considered the most secure and accurate.
Many people with low vision are thinking about laser correction. But not all do. For some, there is an insurmountable obstacle - medical contraindications. Others simply are afraid. Someone is easier to go to the lenses or glasses. There is a unique category of people (they separate bow) - the ones who corrects vision with the help of special exercises. If you are in this category, and have made some progress, be sure to get in touch via the comments, we are interested in your experience!
I was also scared, but from the very good lenses hurt my eyes, I wore them only on some significant events, and it was a one-off solution. Points also be fed since childhood, and in the winter in them quite uncomfortable. Someone added that the one-time charge for the correction (for me it was about 30 000 rubles for both eyes) more economical than the constant purchase of lenses or glasses, especially if the problem you have with the child.
Vision before: -3, -3.5 (to understand, it's not very bad eyesight, but the numbers of minibuses seen bad, so that will not have time to pull the plug). However, I was to compare especially there is nothing. It was only later I found out how the world looks in detail.
As long as I wear glasses only situationally, vision almost fell. But after they finally settled on my nose, eyesight began to deteriorate, and glasses became visible as well as before it was without them. Optometrists, to whom I addressed, argued for a permanent vision correction. And I did not like the prospect of once every six months or a year to change the points, gradually increasing the power of the lens and observe how the vision deteriorates gradually. And I was finally confirmed in the desire to do the surgery.
A huge plus for choosing laser vision correction has been no hospitalization and the ability to quickly return to work.
Of course, there were also concerns.
Fears and questions:
- Do not drop my vision soon after the operation time?
- Were the failures that led to blindness or severe damage to the eyes, and if I do not get in the number of these accidents?
- What if I have a low zazhivlyaemost remain defect in his eye, or an infection gets there?
- How not to miss with a choice of clinic?
The answers I received:
If you work a lot or just a long sitting at the computer, then you are in the risk zone. While maintaining the passive sedentary lifestyle vision gradually starts to fall. The fact is that if constantly sit at the computer screen, the eyes overstrained. At some point it can be removed perenaparyazhenie eye drops. But if we leave everything as it is, then at some point they have will not be enough: will begin to develop myopia.
From the outset, the doctor warned me about the need to perform basic exercises for vision. In this case ought to focus on the exercise with the focus transfer from the nose tip to the far object and back. It allows you to keep your eyes in good shape and avoid the damaging surge that occurs when long continuous focusing on a near object (for example, on a laptop, which is facing you).
The second and third issues, I do not worry dug, and in the end everything was ok. Bruising after surgery were, of course, but successfully healed, and now the eyes look normal.
The choice of the clinic was held solely on the basis of reviews of people who have done similar operations in our city, I personally know.
As held operation
First I passed a medical examination at the clinic, and the doctor told about the operation, and then passed all the necessary tests. After this has been confirmed that the operation can be done.
On the day of the operation I was given pain medication dripped into the eyes of an anesthetic and after a short amount of time we were asked to lie down on the operating table. The eye lid speculum inserted in order to prevent spontaneous blinking (at this stage the main relax and not fight, then will not hurt). Then I was asked to look at the red and green lights of the installation. Then eye (operate alternately) lowered vacuum ring which is "pressed" until complete blackout, then cut and otodvinu flap. This is the only time during the operation, when for a few seconds, the patient may experience discomfort. Then the laser directly correction, after which the flap is returned in place and accepted for the second eye. The whole operation takes no more than 10-15 minutes.
On rehabilitation of sick time, give the official (though you can get back to work, and on the second day after the operation). The hospital makes sense to take those whose activity is related to the long-term presence in front of the monitor screen (in avoid eye overvoltage), and those who will not be able to dig into the eyes of six times a day, while at work. Since my work is directly connected with the computer, I used the hospital.
After the surgery, the doctor conducts regular eye check-ups and monitor their condition.
feelings after
After the operation, I felt a slight sense of euphoria and a desire to be seen literally everything. World opened up to me in detail. In addition, live with 100% vision I felt much more comfortable.
It took about six months from the time of the operation. The vision does not fall. But I was what the doctor had warned: in the first stage, I did not do the exercises and sit more than 10 hours a day at the computer with minimal interruption. As a result, the eye spasm and had to drip month special drops. Now the situation has returned to normal, I try to make small breaks at work and at least once a day to do exercises for the eyes.
Dear readers, we are interested in your experience. Share in the comments, how to change your life laser vision correction, preserved Do you have a 100 per cent after the vision?
P.S.: You may be useful information that laser vision correction relates to items for which you can get a tax deduction of 13% of the amount spent. Keep receipts!