How to relax at work
Health / / December 19, 2019
Research Service portal HeadHunter showed that only 7% of workers are not faced with stress in the workplace. The remaining 93% experience anyway. The top five most nerve areas - accounting, management, insurance, purchasing and marketing. You can not just get up from the table and go for a walk to calm my nerves.
To be able to quickly settle down anywhere, anytime, you need to work in two directions: to train the nervous systemanxiety problem as a complex psycho-physiological phenomena and learn to control the emotions here and now.
How to become a calmer
For peace of mind at work need a nervous system that can cope with any stress or at least recover quickly.
sleep more
You can explore hundreds of relaxation techniques. But if you do not sleep, they will not help:
- Lack of sleep affects the level of the stress hormone - cortisol. The less you sleep, so you have more of the hormone.
- When the brain does not have time to rest, you are slow on the uptake. So, you make mistakes and provoking even greater stress.
- Constant voltage - the cause of insomnia. Postponing a retreat, you are driving themselves into a vicious circle: worried, because I do not sleep, do not sleep, because I worried.
Do anything but normal sleep. Discard podrabotok. Set the alarm for the evening: let the bell for an hour before it's time to sleep. Turn off the gadgets, take a walk, play with a pet. It's hard to be just at the beginning, then you calm down and become a vacation.
Come up with a backup plan
For any stress should fear. What are we afraid when the things go wrong? Dismissal, loss of business, fine. As a result, the most terrible, what is connected with work - is the lack of money.
There is only one way to eliminate this fear - to create the airbag. That is, you should see the account, which will be based on the amount that is sufficient to hold out until you find a new job or a new project. Ideally, the money should be enough for six months. Not the fact that you can make them quickly and set aside. But if you have not started, do it now. When you have stock, will and confidence.
How to remove the tension on the job
Stress at work is necessary to overcome the job. Sitting at a table surrounded by colleagues or clients, to calm down so that no one noticed that you're worried.
breathe deeply
Count to 10 mentally and take a deep breath, then a slow exhalation. Repeat 12 times in a row. Problems of this disappears and psychological stress will not go away, but you will calm frantic heartbeat and body give the command: "All is well, there is no danger, you can stop and take a breath." Deep breathing - a preparatory stage for coping with stress.
Take notes
A good way to calm down when you are in a meeting or presentation. Write in a notebook all my thoughts, all that comes to mind. On paper it would be a stream of consciousness. For example, in a notebook are the lines: "Aaaaaa, all is lost, plaster removed, The client leaves, how terrible, I still mix up! "But you see what's going on in your head, and you will realize that fear does not look scary and ridiculous. In addition, the record - is an analogue of the conversation, not only with the other and with themselves. It turns express psychotherapy.
And no one will be surprised if the meeting you write something down. On the contrary, everyone will think you are a good fellow.
Take care of small things
Sometimes anxiety is so strong that no forces to do the work. The main thing - not to dwell on negative thoughts. Start doing something that is not work-related. Disassemble the paper on the table. Wipe off the dust. Water the flowers on the windowsill. Wash the lunchbox. Clean the keyboard. Do something that will bring visible results and cause you to shift the focus.
Use pharmacology solutions
If you do not believe in that record and wiping the table will help to calm down, do not torment the body and take a sedative. Not necessarily to run a recipe and buy powerful tranquilizers, with work stress excellent job glycine and valerian extract.
- Valerian - one of the most well-studied means for dealing with stress, it was used in ancient GreecePharmacological characterization sedatives.
- Aminoacetic acid (more commonly known as glycine) - it must have all the more nervous. An amino acid that improves brain functionWarning glycine stress-induced disorders of erythropoiesis and anemia and reduces nervous tension, normalizes sleep, improves memory and attentionGlycine metabolism of the drug.
Both of these components are contained in the preparation 'meditation"(Not a drug, a food supplement). It lozenges with mint flavor and composition. Individually, glycine, and valerian are represented in many preparations, and together - only "meditation". The peculiarity of this cocktail is that during resorption tablets in oral active substances rapidly enter the bloodstream, and begin to operate (this is called a high bioavailability).
Pills that need to be taken orally, must first dissolve in the stomach, get into the intestine, enter the bloodstream and go through the liver, where some of the active substances destroyed. As a result, the amount of active ingredients is reduced and the time of onset of effect increases.
FROM "meditation"It is going wrong. You just put the sublingual mints for fresh breath and calm down. The tablet is not eaten until the end, but it works: you can breathe calmly and concentrate on work.
The action of "meditation" on the body due to two of its components, has long been used in medicine. Glycine is used as nootropic therapeutic agent. He is able to stimulate mental activity, to enhance cognitive function, improve memory and increase the ability to learn. The extract of Valeriana has a calming effect, it helps insomnia.
But with all the beneficial properties should not expect a miracle drug: one pill will not help once and for all. Beneficial effects appear only after constant use several times a day. Be sure to read the instructions.
Nikita V. Gritsenko
Cumulative effect does not mean that you will sit down to "Meditation" and get into the addiction. Glycine is not addictive, but it, like valerian, it is better to use the courses, in order to fully experience the beneficial effectsUse of glycine as a food additive for food products and school adolescents.
Many people in Badam viewed with suspicion, but supplement differs from drugs that it can advise almost everyone. Nutritional supplements - are goods for health, rather than to eliminate the disease. Stress at work has a negative impact on the body, but that's not a disease in which the need to consult a doctor. So, if you are not hypersensitive to the components, you can buy a "meditation" in the pharmacy without a prescription and take it as instructed.
Comfort emotions - comfort in life!
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