5 breathing techniques to help you get rid of stress
Health / / December 19, 2019
Breathing exercises, which will be discussed further, helping not only to restore the concentration, but also relieve tension and fatigue in the body. We are not talking about yoga breathing techniques or complicated: it will take only 10-15 minutes to complete this a simple set of exercises - but the performance will be restored, and a feeling of tiredness and "zagnannosti" disappear.
If the work pushes you into a corner, and the feeling that you do not have time to accumulate - so quietly you are a victim of chronic stress of the office. You need get rid of stress. Not necessarily talking about the need to open a window or go for a walk (although it is also important and should be done). It is important to properly and restore the balance of power and remove the negative factors through proper breathing.
Breathing exercises throughout the day is necessary to alternate and use them as a way to quickly jump of intense stress in the "operation" to a state of peace and a time of detachment from the problems and stress.
1.Utrenny type of breathing: To start the timer, set your alarm 10 minutes earlier than you need to wake up in the morning. After waking up in a bed sit back and close your eyes. Open your mouth. Loud exhale and inhale three times, so as to feel the contraction of the abdominal muscles (breathing manner similar to the one that happens to you when you breathe on a mirror to it misted).
From the sound from the outside it will look like Darth Vader breathing :) Then close your mouth and continue to breathe in and out rhythmically nose for several minutes. Then open your eyes and breathe without the sound in the usual manner for you.
2. Breath at the time of concentration: When you long for somewhere to go or traveling, when you work at home at your desk, pay attention to how you breathe in this moment. When maneuvering in city traffic and when you are late for the children to school / kindergarten, again pay attention to your breathing.
It becomes shallow and intermittent. To overcome stress, breathe in at the expense of "three" through the nose for a few seconds, hold your breath, and then at the expense of "three" breathe again. In the process of respiration can repeat to yourself, "Breathing in, I am in harmony with each other, exhaling, I am also in harmony with itself."
3. Anchor breath: Before the start of the working day does not hurt to ask the right working mood and condition. Sit back at Crécy so that the back was straight and toes, shoulders relaxed and your head was straight and his chin was parallel to the floor.
Breathe in deeply, to the abdomen, diaphragm breathing and feel how the inhaled air fills your stomach (that you were like a Buddha statue). Inhale and exhale so that the breath of "walking" your hips and back.
4. Breath to restore balance in the middle of the day: By mid-afternoon the body somewhat "stagnant." In order to "wake" it needs some breathing exercises. Sit up straight in a chair, back straight. Open your mouth and inhale with the sound, the sound should go and when inhaling and when exhaling, the sound is more "barking."
Next, close your mouth and continue to breathe in spurts so that the air passed through the back of your throat and freely output / input through the nose. Breathing exercises should be done for 10 seconds, then pause and repeat again. If you feel that you dizzy, it is necessary to immediately stop the exercise.
5. Breathing exercise at the end of the working day: At the end of the day sit up straight in a chair, back straight again. Close your eyes and focus on the base of the spine. Imagine that you are - in a pool of hot, very warm material, like volcanic lava.
Inhale and exhale ritimichno, breathe stomach and diaphragm. With each full breath and imagined "lava" rises higher, just imagine it. Imagine how the heat spreads through the body, around the abdomen, then rises along the stomach, along the lungs to the throat, to face between the eyebrows, the head, and finally forms a sort of "crown" over your head - and then retreats back down. Repeat several cycles.