Renowned psychologist Veysinger Hendry spent over ten years of research, which proved that psychological stress adversely affects the performance.
In his book "Under pressure"He described the 22 emergency techniques to combat stress, as well as developed the" Crest ", consisting of the four qualities. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the five techniques and start using them right now.
Equipment №1. Use positive navigation
Unknown author- Captain, what to do? We're surrounded!
- Well. Now we can attack from all sides.
Everyone knows that it is important to adjust itself to the good, but few people use this recommendation every day. Try to keep a positive attitude before and during stressful situations. Tune in to positive your inner compass. Excitement will leave itself.
To do this, talk in a positive way. Do not use phrases such as: "If I can get this post", "When we got this client, then ...". Saying, "When I get the job, then ...", "Once we got the customer ...". Get used so expressed. This technique helps, even if you are not prepared for a tense event.
Favor a positive navigation can be seen in the evolution. Of our prehistoric ancestors survive only those who are able to experience at least worry when solving problems. Panic could cost lives. As people, positive-minded, often survive and pass on their genes to future generations, today this way of thinking has become an important success factor.
Technique №2. Imagine that the situation is not so important
There is a psychological law: the more value we attach to the situation, the more nervous and often spoils. Such is the nature of man. Excitement strong influence on our behavior. We performed poorly even basic steps.
Imagine a surgeon who is doing open-heart surgery, I did not cope with his anxiety, because his patient was a mayor of the city. And... I killed him. The operation ended unsuccessfully because the doctor could not well do the usual things to him. Awful, is not it? This is a fictional example, but in every area there are similar situations where our inability to cope with it leads to disaster.
Therefore it is necessary to go by contradiction.
Presentation, discussion, examination, the game is very important to you? And you imagine that there is no! Say to yourself: "This is just another presentation." And see how the disturbance wave begins to fade.
Technique №3. Expect everything you want
On the eve of the big day, imagine the most unexpected scenarios. Suppose you tomorrow prezentuete project, the work of a whole year. What can go wrong and how do you do? Let's fantasize.
Ask yourself any, even the seemingly most incredible questions: "What if, instead of half an hour on it I would be taken for five minutes?", "What if I forget USB flash drive with the presentation? "," What if the laptop or projector to break down? "," What if in the morning will be terrible traffic jams? ". This is useful because it prepares you for the real situation.
The fact that most of us are sensitive to unexpected events. "He simply lost his nerve and did not cope" - say the fans of football player, who can not recover from a failed goal early in the match and zaparyval entire game.
To you like it happened just swipe mental rehearsal. Do not forget that training without a plan - is preparing to fail.
Technique №4. Like voltage
The simplest thing you can do - to make friends with stress. Just think: you had the chance to reach unprecedented heights. It is fortunate that the fate of a challenge for you. You can show the world their talents. Veysinger recommends thinking about stress as something pleasant and good.
What do you stress? Fear and anxiety or pleasure and intrigue? Agree, this is two different things.
As it is known, is important, not the situation itself, but rather the way we treat it. In your power to change it.
Try to remember more often that psychological stress - it's great. Think, visualize and repeat it to yourself often.
If you forget to do it regularly, you will be insured by instant subconscious reactions. Your subconscious mind will be ready for any stress. Of course, when everything is about to happen, repeat it like a mantra, that the effect was stronger.
Technology №5. Focus on your mission
Everything that you do, is subject to some goal or a long-standing dream. People who work 12 hours a day, do not do it because they love to sit in the office late. They want to make money on their own home, to ensure parents comfortable old age, and give children an excellent education.
Tense situation - the perfect moment to remember for what you all started. The clearer your main goal in life, the easier it is to cope with the psychological pressure.
In addition, when you are focused on their mission, the distracting thoughts and external influences will create less interference. It is impossible to think about all at once.
Get your hands on these techniques and be able to get rid of stress attacks at a time when you need to show the best that you can. You will learn how to reduce the level of concern and anxiety, be more focused and better control their behavior.