15 errors that prevent attenders trenazhorok achieve results
Health / / December 19, 2019
Thousands of girls regularly visit GYM'sBut did not achieve the desired. Consider the most common mistakes women: some just get a productive workout while others spoil the shape.
Wrong attitude to employment
1. fear pumped
The first and one of the biggest mistakes women - do get a gym party, fearing build huge muscles for men. This fear is completely unfounded: siphon without special high-calorie diet and exercise program, which is used by professional athletes, it is impossible. However, only through resistance training you will have beautiful hands, tight stomach, sexual buttocks and shapely legs.
2. Fear look ridiculous
Tense face, sweaty clothes, still imperfect body or not the level of training... These and many other fears can interfere with productive training. Forget about the opinions of outsiders, stop thinking, what you look like from the outside, and just start working on them. There is not important your image is important result of your labors!
Excessive concern about appearance
3. Improper clothing
You've come to the gym to improve your body. Fascinate guys stunning appearance and cause envy among friends fashionable dress better elsewhere, for example in a restaurant or club. In trenazhorke you have to think first of all about comfort: breathable tissues, Comfortable shoes and clean the hair.
Of course, the fair sex tend to choose the sexy outfits. However, after hours of shopping trips you can find: clothes bought uncomfortable or out of place in the gym.
4. Makeup
Why bother to paint the gym? It's not a date. In addition, the result will be the reverse: smeared cosmetics and skin spoiled. Foundations are the most dangerous, since the output inhibit sweat through the pores.
5. ornamentation
You can often see the girls in the gym, studded with rings, hung with chains, so if more than a little. Did they will not interfere to do? Are not you afraid to spoil your favorite piece of jewelry? Or lose? Because the ring can easily slide off knob sweaty.
6. Fear of sweat
Many girls appalling wet spots on the shirt. And in vain. Do not be afraid to sweat: this is a normal physiological process, which only confirms that you did a good job on them.
7. perfume
And yes, the perfume is also no place in the gym.
Approach to training
8. exceptionally kardionagruzki
Typical female misconception reinforced classes in cardio will help you quickly lose weight. Of course it is, but do not forget, that you burn not only fat but also muscle. If too much pedaling or running around the track, cortisol levels will be continuously increased. This means that the body will store fat rather than get rid of it. If you still want to give himself only aerobic exercise, use 15-20 minutes a variety of fitness machines: exercise bike, treadmill, an ellipsoid, and so on.
Girls who want to build up a delicious form, should be engaged in the cardio just to warm up.
9. Concentration on lower body
Most often, women think this way: "I want to pull only the assAnd the rest for me and so beautiful. " After that, begin enhanced training on the glutes. If you neglect to exercise your upper body, you can soon buy unattractive and disproportionate forms.
10. Love for Trainers on mixing and dilution of the feet
One of the major problem areas the girls - the inner and outer sides of the thighs. That is why the majority of the fair sex just do not detach from trainers on mixing and dilution of the feet. I hasten to disappoint you: these exercises are not able to make the hips slim, as they strengthen the adductor muscles and not burn fat. Furthermore, remember that you can not reduce the amount in one particular area.
11. Exercises on the obliques
You want to make the waist thinner? Forget about the side slopes with dumbbells! This not only reduces the waist, but also make it wider. Any muscle tends to grow after a workout with weights. Why did obliques have to make an exception for you?
12. The lack of rest days
Rest between trips to the gym is as important as the training itself. You need time to recover. The pain is caused by micro-cracks, which are formed due to the growth of muscles. Daily workouts greatly harassed by the body, the result - the muscles stop growing.
13. monotonous workout
Constant training on the same muscle group does not allow you to recover. Exception - the press: he should pay attention every time you visit the hall. In all other cases it is necessary to take a break between the loads on one group of muscles at least a day (and preferably more).
Power and water balance
14. Refusal to eat
If you starve before training or after it, on the productive work do not count. Catabolism begins to eat primarily the muscles, which greatly slow down the recovery and growth of tissues.
15. Refusal of water
Many girls do not pay enough attention to the water balance. And for good reason. Not getting the right amount of water, the body gets tired easily, stop process of losing weight and muscle growth, metabolism slows.
And finally: to devote all his spare time in the gym, grocery is just as bad as not doing sports at all. Of course, working with more weight will help you create a beautiful body, but the girl everything must be in harmony. Do not forget the grace, graceful gait, and acute mind. ;)