Bad breath: why it comes and how to fight it
Health / / December 19, 2019
We continue a series of articles about the health of your teeth and mouth. At this time it will be about a very sensitive issue - bad breath or halitosis. Julia Cloade, the head of the popular resource of Dentistry, Will talk about the reasons that cause halitosis, and, of course, on how to regain a fresh breath.
doctors call bad breath a variety of terms. Stomatodizodiya, ozostomiya, halitosis, fetor oris - all names for one and the same phenomenon, which turns into a real problem. And if we are talking about an important meeting, the situation can become even catastrophic.
Many are trying to find ways to deal with this scourge. However, chewing gum and the spray does not always look appropriate and decent, besides, they do not solve the problem. For odor control necessary to find out the reason.
In the first place in the list of reasons - lack of hydration of the mouth. If you drink enough fluids, your body can not produce normal amounts of saliva. Because of this, there is language extinction of cells that become food bacteria. As a result, there is a disgusting smell.
In general, halitosis can cause any rotting processes that occur in the mouth.
So, if you get stuck between the teeth pieces of food, they will be a treat for bacteria, which are not less to be happy and what you paid hygiene not enough time.
It is common knowledge that smoking also in the list of major causes of unpleasant odors, like eating garlic and onions. But the reason for such a stench can become diet. Thus, compliance with rigid diets bordering on hunger strike, could lead to the fact that your body will begin to consume pripasonny them on such a case the fat. As a result of this process, ketones are produced, the presence of which is not pleasing to the sense of smell. Many diseases, with different types, can cause halitosis. For example, lesions of the lungs, liver, kidney, and diabetes. In the latter indicates odor of acetone.
By the way, the smell can be determined which are the disease. Thus, if the mouth smell like rotten eggs - a smell of hydrogen sulfide, indicating decomposition of proteins. If along with it there are pains in the stomach, belching and nausea, it may indicate an ulcer or gastritis. Metallic smell suggests periodontitis in which gums may bleed. iodine smell indicates that his body was too much, and you should immediately consult with an endocrinologist.
In the presence of putrid odor should think about the possible diseases of the stomach with low acidity. In the case of dysbiosis, dyskinesia bowel obstruction and there the smell of feces. Bitter smell hints at trouble with the kidneys. Sour indicates acidity gastritis or ulcer.
Caries, tartar, periodontal disease, gingivitis, pulpitis leads to an unpleasant odor. On the fresh breath can affect even dentures, because without proper care they become a springboard for the growth of bacteria that produce waste products - sulfur compounds. Hence the disgusting smell.
The bacteria are also very comfortable in the language, in the areas between the teeth and along the gum line. In the presence of diseases can occur in the transition cavities in the teeth gums, so called periodontal pockets, where happy live and breed anaerobic bacteria. Clear them can only be a specialist dentist.
Diseases of the mucosa of the nasopharynx - is also a common cause of odor, as well as all associated with upper respiratory tract disease, resulting in the formation of pus. In diseases such people are often forced to breathe through the mouth, which leads to increased dryness in it.
Often, bad breath occurs in the morning. The reason is simple: in a dream produces less saliva, resulting in dry mouth occurs. The less saliva, the more mouth bacteria, the unpleasant smell. In some people, a phenomenon that became known as xerostomia, is becoming chronic.
How do you know about the smell
Learn that from your mouth unpleasant smell, it can be different. The worst option would be a message about it from someone else. However, there are ways to determine this yourself, but not so simple. After all, people usually own smell does not perceive. The problem lies in the features of the human body structure. When a person does not want to feel something unpleasant in the air around him, he usually begins to breathe through the mouth that does not give the smell of it. However, there are proven alternatives.
Cover your mouth with his hands and breathe in them will not help you feel any smell. It is better to look in the mirror on my tongue. He must not have white bloom. You can lick his own wrist and sniff it. Spend a spoon on the tongue so that it remained in the saliva, wait until it dries, and find out if the smell remains.
Remember, there is no way to completely and permanently eliminate bad breath. Take care of yourself and take appropriate measures have to constantly.
Here are some recommendations:
- Consume sufficient liquid.
- Buy a tongue scraper. Given that language is the habitat of a large number of bacteria and the most common cause of bad smell, it is recommended to use the scraper regularly.
- Use dental floss. Considerable amount of bacteria collected between teeth on the jammed pieces of food.
- Eat the right foods. Apples, berries, cinnamon, orange, green tea and celery in first place in the list of products that will help to eliminate bad breath. Bacteria are very fond of the protein and that after its use especially emit a foul odor. Therefore, vegetarians are almost no problems with breath.
- Use mouthwash. Rinse your mouth every day for 30 seconds, and then half an hour should not smoke or eat.
- Nothing is more senseless than chew gum at the bad breath. If there is a need to chew on something, then you can opt for this fennel, cardamom, parsley, cinnamon stick and star anise. This is a significant help to produce saliva.
- Use herbal infusions. Since ancient times, people used natural remedies to not exude an unpleasant smell. For example, in Iraq, to this end, using cloves, in the East - the seeds of anise, Brazil - cinnamon. If we talk about our country, it is St. John's wort, wormwood, fennel, chamomile.
- To reduce the stench, you can drink a cup strong tea, Rinse the mouth with water, and taste diminish if chew a coffee bean.
- Eat breakfast cereal herculean which promotes salivation, because saliva - a natural remedy of cleaning and disinfection of the mouth.
- If the hand is not a toothbrush, at least wipe the teeth and gums with your finger. In this case, you not only reduce the unpleasant smell, but also pomassiruete gums.
- Wipe the gums walnut. From this acquire your breath nutty flavor, mouth and get the vitamins contained in the nut.
At least twice a year, you need to visit the dentist for prevention and diagnosis. As is the case with other diseases, diseases of the teeth and oral cavity better to prevent or begin treatment in the early stage, when they are almost invisible and requires an experienced expert eye to recognize them and take timely action.
But the main thing - to follow closely teeth condition and oral cavity. Dentists say that as a man watches his teeth and mouth, we can talk about how closely it relates to their own health.