What to do if bitten by a dog
Educational Program Health / / December 19, 2019
People rarely die from dog bites. However, serious injury or spread of infection may damage health permanently.
How to stop the bleeding
Pinch bleed some bandages, clean towel or any cloth. If after 15 minutes the bleeding does not stop, callCat and Dog Bites an ambulance.
If the blood stopped, thoroughly wash the wound with soap under running water and cover with a clean bandage.
The bitten arm or leg hold above heart level. So you reduce the swelling around the wound and the likelihood of the spread of infection.
What to discuss with the owner of a dog
that figure
Name and phone numberPreventing Dog Bites. It will take you to find out whether the dog is sick with rabies.
Also find out when and what immunizations animals do. If vaccination is and they are fresh, then you will be safer, and the dog's owner will not look for epidemiologists and veterinary service.
What can I offer
Have a dog owner to check for rabies by a veterinarian and watch it for 10 days. If the animal will be all right, you will make fewer shots.
What alert
If the owner of the dog refuses to cooperate, explain that the trauma center of the information automatically goes Epidemiology Center, the veterinary service and the police.
The owner can be held liable for violation of rules of domestic animals and fined 5000 rubles.
When you need to go to the emergency room
Always. And as soon as possible. Even if you are bitten by your pet. Even if a dog attacks you, but do not bite, but only smeared saliva.
If you do not know where the nearest emergency room, call an ambulance. The operator will explain everything.
In the emergency room vaccinations against rabies and tetanus. These deadly diseases can be transmitted through the wound, scratch and even the mucous membranes, if they will get the saliva of the animal.
In addition, the dog may damage the internal organs, tendons, muscles or joints. Her teeth are left lacerations, which then turn into severe scarring. stitchesDog and Cat Bites applied on such wounds in the first 12 hours. If the damaged person, the period is increased to 24 hours.
What will they do in the emergency room
The doctor assessed and treated wounds, examine the bones and joints, if necessary, make an X-ray and ultrasound. And, of course, will be engaged in the prevention of rabies and tetanus.
In other medical institutions such amount of aid can not be obtained.
When and how do vaccinations against rabies
Rabies vaccination do all bitten. Always. Just in case. Several shots - nothing compared to the death against rabies.
The first injection is done immediately. Next - on schedule in the 3rd, 7th, 14th, 30th and 90th day after the injury. Full course includes six vaccinations. But if within 10 days after the attack, the dog does not get sick, you will be limited to three injections.
Forget about 40 injections in the stomach. They do not have 20 years.
Now using new vaccines, which have no contraindications. The vaccine is administered by one and the same scheme and the children, and pregnant women, and other adults. Adult - in the shoulder, and children - in the thigh.
Vaccinated against rabies free. They are made and on the weekends, and holidays.
When and how do vaccinations against tetanus
The causative agents of tetanus fall into the wound along with the dirt. 80% of the patients die. Therefore, all of us in childhood vaccinations against tetanus, and then repeat every 10 years. At the very least, they should.
In the emergency room, it is desirable to bring their medical records or recall when and how many grafts you have done. The doctor's decision on vaccination will depend on the severity of the injuries, their pollution, the number of previous vaccinations.
What to do next
Take medicine and go on vaccinations
Wounds after dog bites do not heal and require additional treatment. Most likely, a doctor from the first day appoint antibiotics for the prevention of infection. It is important to immediately begin their appointment and to continue, following the recommendations precisely.
Do not miss the vaccination. Otherwise they will not work.
Watch wounds
You do not need to touch the wound. Just watch out for signs of inflammation. The clinic, which will still have to go make the dressing and all handled properly.
Notable features of the victimPractice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: 2014 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America infections occur in the first days after the treatment of wounds and stitches.
Warning signs:
- marked redness around the wound;
- appearance of pus;
- increase body temperature;
- limitation of joint movement, next to which is a wound.
Special care should be people with impaired immune systems. That is, those who diabetes, Liver disease, cancer, HIV, and those who are taking medications that suppress the immune system. In diseases such wounds rapidly abscess.
seem surgeon
As soon as you notice the above symptoms, go to a clinic in the community.
Even if it seems that everything is in order, be sure to seem surgeon 48-72 hours after the bite. The specialist will examine you, will treat wounds and tells what to do next.
Keep an eye on the dog's condition
After 10 days, veterinarians concluded that if a dog is sick with rabies. If all goes well, bitten cease to be vaccinated.
How to prevent a dog attack
Any dog can attackDog Bite Prevention breed and any age. home and strolling. Most of the attacks can be prevented if you follow the simple rules:
- Do not tease dogs. Do not fight with them.
- Do not attempt to separate the fighters.
- Do not run with animals and from them. So you can trigger a chase and attack.
- Do not bother dogs, who are busy with the puppies, sleeping or eating.
- Do not attempt to break into the animal area. The dog will defend it and may attack.
- Do not approach the dog unless there its owner.
- Do not chase the dog, if she tries to hide somewhere.
- If the dog is going to sniff you, stay calm. In most cases the animal to make sure that you are not dangerous, and will depart.
- If the dog growls, baring his teeth and she raised the hair on the back of the neck, do not shout. Do not look in the eye.
What if the dog still attacked
What you can do
- Dissociate itself from the dog bag, jacket, or any other object.
- If you fall to the ground, curl up, bend down his head, close his ears and neck.
- Do not try to escape. Dogs are adapted to tear off pieces of meat. So that you will inflict more injuries himself.
- Do not hit the dog. This only angered her.
see also
- It is proved that dogs can distinguish between our emotions →
- Why can not you let the dog lick your face →
- 25 myths about injuries that curious to know only in theory →